Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
Author's Response: Thanks! You make me smile! :) Yes, I have been to Italy, spent two weeks there as a matter of fact, back in 2000. I had the best time and hope to go back someday. Hope you like this next part I've posted!
Author's Response: Aww! You're sweet! I have written more, so I hope you'll enjoy it!
Well, I hope you make the wolfen friends to Harry and Warrior, they need someone to handle those werewolves! Author's Response: Thanks, always glad to see someone reading more of my work. They do indeed and the wolfen would make great allies . . .once they trust Harry and Severus.
And I'm really curious to learn more about the wolfen. I hope they help Sev and Harry with their werewolf problem. Please update soon! Author's Response: Okay a coin has been thrown! *virtually, of course* So you've been there too? Viva Italia! You'll be learning more right now, since I've just updated.
Author's Response: Wow, I'm glad to see that some of my reviewers have been to Italy too. I was there a long time ago, but I still have so many great memories and I loved it! Glad you like the wolfen and now you can see what happens next. Viva Roma!
Author's Response: he does and Sev knows it. You're right and only time will tell. Thanks for reviewing!
Ah, reminds me my own short visit to Roma. Nice! Mila Author's Response: You're almost right on the money there, Mila. Cool! I've been to Italy too, I spent two weeks there back in 2000, before the events of 9/11. I loved it! Someday I need to go back there, like Harry says.
Thanks for the chapter ^_^ Author's Response: Yup they definitely need to talk with Darkmoon and his buddies in order to make sure the wolfen don't attack them. Or Hedwig. They really detest werewolves though, you'll see why. You're welcome!
Author's Response: Of course! Thanks for requesting and please review some more! Love to hear from you!
Author's Response: Yes that's one way of putting it. |
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