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Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
Title: A Long Way Away 17 Jun 2009 11:00 am
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    that was great, there was a little mistake, the french use the euro now not the franc, i think only people who live in europe will only catch on to that. i have had snails and they are lovely.

    sev was great when harry was ill, i had the flu in my teens and i felt bloomin awful for a week, so i did feel for harry.

    i want some of that soup they had, its sounds really nice

    Author's Response:

    Yes they do now, but not back in 1995, when this takes place.  Me too, I really like them. 

    Oh yes, and now there's an even more dangerous flu going around, the swine flu, I heard on the radio that a kid died from it in NJ, where I come from.  Horrible!

    That chicken and wild rice soup is based upon a real soup they serve at B&N cafe where I work, it tastes heavenly and I wish they sold it to us, I'd buy ten pouches of it.

    Now I'm starving, LOL!

Title: Hawks At Play 17 Jun 2009 10:12 am
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    that was a great chapter, not much excitement but sev and harry in bird form made me smile at their silly antics. harry i must congratulate for his teriffic owl scores and if the toad wasn't dead i would kill her for giving harry a D

    Author's Response: Yes, it was needed after all the angst and action of the previous ones.  Harry did wonderful and I'd kill her all over again just for you, kreacher! :D
Title: A Long Way Away 17 Jun 2009 9:28 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw that was so sweet. I loved how Severus took care of Harry. Just like a parent. Poor Harry has never known what it's like to have someone care for him. How sad. Those pathetic Muggles. They ought to be strung up!!

    I loved the part where Hedwig cleaned Harry and then sung a lullaby to him. Too too cute. And Severus' looking shocked that Hedwig wanted to do it to him too!!! I would have loved to see that!

    Oh, RPM next. Goodie. Can't wait!!

    Author's Response:

    It is really sad and the Dursleys are so wicked for not even giving him care when he was sick . . .believe it or not there really are people like that in the world, horrible people, I encountered some of them when I worked at an abuse center for a few months and read some more case files.  Those made me sick, because they were actually true and not made up.  A lot of how I write the dastardly Dursleys are based on them . . .shivers.

    Yeah, Hedwig is very motherly towards her fledgling wizard, smiles.  Yeah, maybe Hedwig will get up the nerve to groom him someday.  Wouldn't that be hilarious???

    Coming soon, so stay tuned!

Title: A Long Way Away 17 Jun 2009 12:44 am
Reviewer: Fernsfairie (Signed) [Report This]
    Uh-oh. NOT good. I sense a rather large amount of danger headed directly at Snape and Harry... *gulp*

    Author's Response: No, there will be a great deal of danger coming, from unecpected directions.  Thanks for reading, as always.
Title: A Long Way Away 16 Jun 2009 10:41 pm
Reviewer: RhiannanT (Signed) [Report This]
    Much fun. I like how Harry's bratty when he's sick. :-)

    Author's Response: Yeah, he's a trip when he's not feeling well. 
Title: Hawks At Play 15 Jun 2009 8:30 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Great and again my sympathies.

    I loved the reference to William Blake's poem "Tyger, tyger!" it shows that Voldy was at least educated enough to manipulate classic literature for his own use. Brilliant!

    I loved how Harry and Sev played, Sev is really getting into being a good role model and guardian.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! I appreciate it!

    You recognized the poem refrence!! Wow! I was sure nobodu except another English teacher or major would get that.  Great job!! You get 50 House Points!!

    He is learning and doing well at it.

Title: Hawks At Play 15 Jun 2009 8:01 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    This was a great chapter. Severus took just the right tone with Harry regarding his grades and I loved how they flew together and it was beautifully described. I wish I had wings now!

    Hedwig was great too!

    Author's Response: Me too! I liked that part and am glad you do as well! Love Hedwig!
Title: Hawks At Play 15 Jun 2009 11:56 am
Reviewer: Lady Julie Snape (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Why do you DO that?

    Why do you make me fall in love with your stories, Kathy?

    Warrior and Freedom were amazing together. I truly love it when the two of them can play together as hawks and, for a while, at least, be free of a heavy burden. As always, Hedwig is simply a dream to read; I never would have thought of giving her her own personality. A unique but welcome twist!

    I am so terribly sorry about your cousin! You must miss her terribly. I love my cousins deeply and I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to them. You poor dear, you've had to deal with so much pain and sorrow! I hope you truly believe that, although she may be gone, she will always be in your heart.

    Keep smiling even through your tears. Know that you are loved and cherished and your cousin will always a remain a part of you.

    Hugs and kisses,

    Author's Response:

    Umm . . .because I'm supposed to? At least I think I am!

    yes, that was why I wrote this chapter, because they both needed to let off some steam.  I love writing her and you'll get more of her in the next chapter. 


    Thanks for that, Julie.  I know she is watching from up there and probably reading too!


    And I've updated again! 




Title: Hawks At Play 14 Jun 2009 2:31 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    *likes flying!*

    Author's Response: So do I! I've updated again and you can have more flying!
Title: On Edge 14 Jun 2009 1:48 pm
Reviewer: Ginny Potter (Signed) [Report This]
    Ahhh... Now way! Well good luck for daisy in the afterlife. But I love this! See positive from me! i love this series!

    Author's Response: Yes, she should be a good candidate for the heavenly choir or whatever.  Thanks, it really helps and I've updated again!

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