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Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
Title: Stormy Weather 11 Jun 2009 5:17 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    lol more dumb ideas harry =)
    and severus is a genius!
    next part? erg harry gets to write whole paragraph of lines and an essay of why birds don't fly in stormy weather?
    i guess i'll find out soon enough.

    Author's Response:

    Yeah, Harry just wasn;t thinking here.

    Severus is a genius of course!

    Hmm . . .you'll see soon enough! Thanks for the ideas!

Title: A Riddle Wrapped In A Conundrum 11 Jun 2009 11:46 am
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    The strangest thing after reading the last chapter, someone in a game i was playing said toodles to me....

    this chapter was a rush when i read it =) i thought it was a person or something living in hear when i read the word match, never thought of a hellhound. that was a big surprise!

    Author's Response:

    That's really funny!

    Yeah, that hellhound was scary, wasn't it?

    It surprised Harry and Severus too!

Title: Restless Spirits and Retribution 11 Jun 2009 2:24 am
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    LOL Dumbledore and his "Toodles!" XD I can imagine it! and he does that hand finger wave thing while saying it.

    Author's Response: Oh yes, that's exactly right.  Craxy old man, LOL!
Title: Foreboding 10 Jun 2009 6:25 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    cool banner :3

    "fruity?! i say mr. potter you've out done yourself. i truly believed you would have preferred chocolate flavored."

    LOL i'm kidding =)

    Author's Response:

    Thanks1 I really love it!

    yeah, isn;t it great?

Title: Slytherin's Treasure 04 Jun 2009 2:31 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    That was a very clever thing for Sev to do! And it seems to have worked really well on Harry. I'm glad he has started to learn to look before he leaps.

    I'm happy the second Horcrux is destroyed and I loved the part with Harry looking at Severus and imagining all the girls going after him. LOL!

    Update soon, I want to see about Sirius and Remus.

    Author's Response:

    Yeah and I'd be one of those girls, LOL!

    Severus can be very clever and yes, Harry can be taught you know.

    I will try, don;t worry!

Title: Slytherin's Treasure 04 Jun 2009 2:28 pm
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed) [Report This]
    *snorts quietly* Poor Sev if that thought of Harry's ever comes true. *shudders* I could see old Tom doing that for a trap idea!

    Author's Response:

    yeah and it would work too, maybe!

    Thanks for reading I need to catch up on my reading!

Title: Slytherin's Treasure 04 Jun 2009 11:40 am
Reviewer: Lady Julie Snape (Anonymous) [Report This]
    You have five chapters for Two Hawks Hunting but only two for Prince Manor.

    Are you ever planning on updating that one?

    I loved Severus and Harry's interaction in this chapter; forcing Harry to choose his punishment really added depth and thought to what he did. My parents make me do that sometimes - actually, it was our decision that if we drive while we drink it's four months without the car. It'll be a long four months... Harry truly acted like an adult nearing the center of the chapter because he was forced to think about his actions and I enjoyed that more mature side of him you so rarely portray.

    I would have burst out laughing at the girls tripping over their feet for Severus if I wasn't in school. (I'm on spare, no big deal) I was just about ready to shout, Oh me, pick me, ME! ::shakes::

    I greatly enjoyed Harry's punishment and I think it holds more merit because he decided his own punishment. I know that the crime weighs more heavily on the mind if you decide your own punishment and you did that beautifully. Severus is still an intimidating man but you can tell that he deeply loves Harry and I'm happy that the boy realizes that.

    I hope you continue to update and to write your stories. You know that I will continue to read them.


    Author's Response:

    I'm working on the third chapter of PM, but was having trouble deciding where to put an event, before or after the students from other schools arrive for the tournament.  But I've finally figured it out.  I'll put the event before since the other schools don't arrive till the end of October early November and there has to be SOMETHING happening between that time so . . .now that's settled, I can finish the chapter.  Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it!

    Yeah, it's a good idea to make kids do that sometimes and harry had matured more than he did in the books here because of his relationship with Severus and learning what he did about Sev's past in the first book.  Now that doesn't mean he'll act like that ALL the time, but he'll come pretty close and he really stop and think, most times, before he does something. 

    Sev does indeed love Harry, though he hasn't come right out and said it, he shows it, enough so even Hedwig sees it.  And here in this fic as in PM Harry is very intuitive and knows that Severus loves him and only wants what's best for him. 

    You going to update Moon Called soon?

Title: Slytherin's Treasure 04 Jun 2009 11:21 am
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Great idea to have make up his own punishment and I think because of that he'll learn from it better than if Severus had made one up for him. I really loved what Hedwig said too! She was priceless!

    Author's Response: And you'd be right.  Lessons always stick better when you punish yourself.  As for Hedwig . . .she's a riot!
Title: Slytherin's Treasure 04 Jun 2009 10:55 am
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed) [Report This]
    This was a fantastic chapter! It's all coming along so nicely, as usual. :-)

    Author's Response: Thanks I'm so glad you like it!
Title: Slytherin's Treasure 04 Jun 2009 5:13 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, by the way. Amazing banner, and I can't get over how the hawk next to Severus really looks like him. I mean the hook nose and everything. Too perfect!

    Oh, and I thought that having Harry think up his own punishment was a great idea. Imagine Severus allowing Harry that control though. He's come a long way to relinquish that control and take a chance of teaching Harry a valuable lesson.

    Author's Response:

    Wow, you know, you're right.  I never looked closely at it that way before and now I can see the goshawk really does fit him.

    Yes, Severus is slowly truating Harry to take responsibility for himself, which is a good thing, because Harry needs someone to trust him that way.  And it paid off as you can see.

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