Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
Poor Harry, between Severus and Hedwig, he gets no fun. Mila Author's Response: Yes, he's gone . . .unless his loyal followers try and ressurect him. Yeah, Harry has it so tough, LOL!
Author's Response: Whoo hoo! Thanks so much! You're the best!
Author's Response: Yes, he has learned something . . .finally! See, he can be taught!
That Snape is sly though, making Harry think up his own punishment. Yes, Harry will be one skilled parent one day, with a guardian like him to follow! Harry’s decision sounded appropriate and thought out, and actually helped find the next horcrux too. Cant wait to read the next chappy and see how Sirius and Remus are doing! *squee* And BTW; lovely banner ^_^ So pretty! Author's Response: Exactly. Severus's concern tends to express itself in that fashion, like most men that I've known. First they get angry and yell and then they hug you and apologize. Or forgive you or whatever. The Dursleys really messed up Harry and someday Sev is going to have to deal with that and so will Harry. Of course Sev is sly, he's a Slytherin! And that seemes to have been more effective than Snape choosing one. Harry will be a skilled parent someday, very good at discipline and love. Padfoot and Moony . .. it's like the Odd Couple. You'll see what I mean. And I think the banner is so awesome!
I also enjoyed the affection between Severus and Harry, both when Harry realizes that Severus thinks of him like a son and when Severus runs his hand through Harry's hair at the end. I'm excited to read more! -P.G. Author's Response: No, Severus was angry but he also knows that Harry was really trying to make amends for his disobedience and sneering at him wouldn;t help. That affection will continue to grow during the story. I also loved that last part. Severus stroking Harry's hair must be so soothing. Wish he'd come stroke MY hair! More should be posted soon!
When he's awake, that's a different story. Poor Harry. I guess that he'll think twice before acting so impulsively and foolishly in the future. Author's Response: Yeah, he sure is! All kids are. Oh he will, or at leats try to! And just wait till you see what goes on with Sirius and Remus. It'll be a blast!
I think you have a typo, toward the end you have the word "rooftree" - should be "rooftop", perhaps? glad to see more snape/harry mentoring in the last couple chappies! Author's Response: he could do that, but I doubt Sev would buy it. Actually the word rooftree is correct, since I'm referring to the beam that runs along the top of the peak of the roof, which is called a rooftree. I'm a contractor's daughter and occasionally remember what my dad used to say about building houses. You'll be getting a lot more mentoring in the next chapter so please read on!
I look forward to reading more! -P.G. Author's Response: Yes, that's Harry's bane. Like Sev and his temper, it's going to take awhile for him to get it under wraps. Cleanign the house is good . .. I should be posting the next chapter tonight so you can see what happens. Thanks for all your reviews and everything! :D
I did really enjoy the wards going off though. Your writing was very fast-paced and the image of the two birds flying down the chimney was really cool! Poor Severus got burnt though--something tells me this is only the first of many injuries for our heroes. Great job! -P.G. Author's Response: No the bathroom's pretty safe and Severus is kind of afraid to leave because if he does he might have to take down all those blasted concealment charms again. So they'll stay. I wasn't intending to write that, but as I was writing the scene about the fire, that image just popped into my head and I was like . . .yeah that'll work really well . . . Yes, it is, there will be plenty more injuries for both of them, poor things. Thanks and hope you enjoy the next part!
Well, I know that I already reviewed over at ffnet, but I wanted to reiterate that how can you not have a story about Harry, without him getting into trouble!! That would be like a pig not oinking, a cat not meowing, Snape not scowling!! I hate a too perfect Harry, and I love a scowling Snape, so bring it on! Punishment, well, I'd say an essay or lines, or something to make Harry think about the consequences of his actions, and not to be so reckless. Author's Response: Yay! Thanks Pandora, for giving me encouragement and I was wondering the same thing myself after I got that review. Harry is fun because he's not perfect and he does get into trouble. Otherwise nothing interesting would ever happen to him and Sev would be bored without anything to lecture him about. And we don't want that, do we? Thanks for the ideas, I should be posting the new chapter tonight! |
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