Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
And Hedwig can't be too mad, since she told him it wasn't that bad, hehehe Great chapter!!! Author's Response: Yes, it will and he'll help him as much as he can, but it'll be hard to deal with that out in the open. Thanks for the idea and Hedwig might be mad, since she didn;t expect Harry to act on her words.
Author's Response: He does and he will have learned better by the end of this book and the chapter . . .hopefully!
Hmmm, ideas for punishment? I'd say go through with Sev's earlier threat! Make the poor sap sit in a corner and write an essay. AND… not allow Harry out of his sight for a few days, the horror! *avoids looking Harry in the eye* What? A girl can't be creatively devious every once in a while? Author's Response: Yeah now that WOULD be horrible! Thanks for the ideas! harry isn't going to be very happy with either of us, I'm afraid! I'll be posting the next chappie soon so look for it. And don;t forget to check out the awesome banner for this one!
This is just as great as Broken Wings and I'm so glad that you are writing this sequel. I'm looking forward to the next chapter and the one after that and the one after and... well, you get the idea. Bravo! Dancingkatz Author's Response: ha, that's pretty funny! That's true, Hedwig will have plenty to say once she finds out. Harry's going to regret this ine way or another. I'm so glad you're enjoying this as much as the previous one. I posted this on ff.net and got a review from someone who said they didn;t think this one was as good as the other one because Severus was scolding and punishing Harry too much and it was becoming predictable.
1 scrub the whole house from top to bottom with a bucket of water and a tooth brush 2 not talk to anyone for three hours 3 make harry write assignments about every potion he has ever made, use the textbooks harry found in the attic 4 reviewer runs away very fast from harry can't review anymore as harry is trying to kill reviewer Author's Response: Wow those are some punishments.
Run away really fast, because I don't think Harry is in a forgiving mood.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! You're awesome for saying so!
Author's Response: Okay, he won't. And Harry could catch a cold by flying in the rain.
Author's Response: oo now that's a wicked punishment. But I think Sev left the jesses at home. Still he could always conjure up a set . .. thanks!
Harry, Harry what WERE you thinking? Or NOT thinking, rather. Now look what trouble you've gotten into. Severus and he need to have a long discussion about this and maybe Sev should ground him once the quest is done. Author's Response: Good ideas and yes, that Potter gene sure is strong!
i hope sev can solve the book before harry goes completely insane Author's Response: Yes that's for sure. Gotta watch him, he's a wicked thing and always looking for ways to destroy Harry's supporters. I'll tell Sev to charm your computer so he can't blow it up. :) He put one on mine after the first story in this series. |
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