Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
What should Severus do? Perhaps give him a stern talking to and maybe have him scrub the floor of the house, top and bottom? Or clean out the fireplace? Great job and I hope you come up with something! Author's Response: Yes he sure is! Thanks for your ideas, and I should come up with something soon.
SQUEE! Thank you for the update:] Author's Response: No, patience is not one of Harry's virtues. Especially not when stuck inside a two by four shack. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
~Frosty Author's Response: Well, you'll find out what happened after the spells were put on. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the rest! You can bookmark this if you want to get the alerts when I post a new chapter.
Te amo! Poor Severus and his spying experinces. *huggles Sev'rus plushie* Author's Response: Isn't that so sad? Sev's experiences as a spy really suck. He thanks you for the hug. And I've a new update for you too! Be the first to review it! :)
~Frosty Author's Response: Coolness! Yes, they still have some issues to work out, which is to be expected. Hedwig will be in here a lot, just so you know. Thanks for reading!
Author's Response: Thanks, the hellhound was quite an evil critter, and I figured it would make sense about it's spit burning holes in the floor, since it's really a demon in dog shape.
Poor Sev, his memory was absolutely horrifying. I could never recover from witnessing what Voldemort did to those children.. It’s unspeakable! Glad Harry was there for him to talk to, it’s good to share your grief so others can help you heal :) Author's Response: Yay! I'm very happy you were! Yes, and it's just going to get worse. Voldy was a nasty piece of work. It was and that's part of why Sev is such a mess emotionally. All those awful things he saw and was forced to endure as Voldemort's follower. yes, harry will be there for him just like Sev was for Harry. And that's good for both of them.
Author's Response: Thanks! Glad you're enjoying!
Can't wait for the next post! Author's Response: Wow! Thanks, but I;d have to get JKR's permission first! But ti would be really cool.
Poor Sev, though. I hate Voldemort! Author's Response: Yeah, that part was really scary! Severus has a lot of nightmares to work through as his legacy of being a spy. I hate Voldy too! |
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