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Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
Title: A Riddle Wrapped In A Conundrum 30 May 2009 11:46 am
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww, I am sorry for the hellhound. Poor thing. And the four Muggle kids. This was a really sad chapter. Mila

    Author's Response:

    You're sorry for the HELLHOUND! Uh . . it's really NOT a nice creature . . it's a demon in dog form and if it could have, it would have cheerfully eaten Sev and Harry.

    And the four kids, oh yes, I felt soo bad for them too, they deserved none of that. 

Title: A Riddle Wrapped In A Conundrum 30 May 2009 10:33 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh wow! That was really really scary. The fire just about freaked me out. I thought that our boys were toast (get it?) Hee hee

    That was I think the best chapter yet, and I said that about the last one! Scary hound, demon thingy! Yikes!

    Oh and I loved Harry's comment "Thingamagingy" Funny!

    Phew, you amaze me girl. I'm just scratching my head, trying to figure out how you write so fast and come up with these amazing actions scenes.

    Do you EVER suffer from writer's block, or are you just immune?

    Okay speedy, so I'm really looking forward to the next update, which I know with you will be in lightening speed! :)

    Author's Response:

    The fire freaked me out too, I'm actually very scared of fire, since my sister nearly had her house burn down one time from one.  And I was in it.

    hellhounds are always scary, LOL!

    Harry does have some funny lines in this. 

    So, what kind of scene do you think I write best--action, drama, romance, angst, I'm curious because I don;t know myself. It's kind of hard to analyze yourself.

    Oh sometimes I do, but for some reason I am chock full of ideas for these stories. 

    Great I should have it up soon and just so you know . . .Harry is going to do something stupid.

Title: A Riddle Wrapped In A Conundrum 30 May 2009 2:05 am
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed) [Report This]
    Something makes me think that Harry's dreams aren't over. Wonderful beginning, btw.

    Author's Response: Thank you.  You could be right! Dreams are tricky things!
Title: Restless Spirits and Retribution 30 May 2009 1:35 am
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed) [Report This]
    Well well well, for once Albus has given in to his urges to use magic. Purrrrrfect ^.^

    Author's Response: Yes, he has, finally! And look at the good he did! Thanks for reading!
Title: Foreboding 30 May 2009 12:44 am
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed) [Report This]
    prrrrr....I know the feeling. Poor Harry, must he constantly be plagued by dreams?

    Author's Response: Yes, poor Harry, he never gets over having nightmares.  Well, eventually he will, once this whole quest is over with and he's safe at home with Sev.
Title: A Riddle Wrapped In A Conundrum 29 May 2009 10:37 pm
Reviewer: Mervoparkite (Signed) [Report This]
    Ooo! Fire! Hell-hound! A coded book! My you have had a creative bit of inspiration haven't you! I really enjoyed this chapter! Can't wait for "what's next?" Should I have a bad feeling about them sleeping in the Gaunt place?


    Author's Response: Thanks, I wanted them to have to really work to find where the Horcruxes were that they didn;t know about and to have to fight to get to some of them.  No . . .the place isn't haunted, just old and smelly.  And boring!
Title: Restless Spirits and Retribution 28 May 2009 9:13 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    cheers dumbles for his ingenious spell, he has sort of redeemed himself. well done sev, harry and the riddles for dealing with the horcrux, i hope when the horcruxes are destroyed they will find some peace somewhere

    Author's Response: Yes, even Albus has his moments.  That is what everyone is aiming for, but whether or not it will happen . . .
Title: Restless Spirits and Retribution 28 May 2009 8:49 pm
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OK, I like the creativity that dumbledore played on the dursleys, remembering, but they still need to suffer MORE.... please, can they truely suffer, if not for 3 years, 33 years, or till the day they die. Maybe the dreams can cause vernon and petunia to kill themselves. Dudley can live, he is a child. Really glad they are one horcrux down.. Can't wait for next post.

    Author's Response: You never know what may happen as a result of that spell.  They could end up totally bonkers or die of heart failure.  One horcrux down and four to go, but they won't all be that easy to vanquish.
Title: Restless Spirits and Retribution 26 May 2009 4:06 pm
Reviewer: Quynce (Signed) [Report This]
    I liked this chapter-- a little bit of reflection, humor, and retribution. The punishment wasn't unique, but I'm glad that the author stayed within humane parameters (especially since D. is doing the hexing). Some authors get quite gruesome with the revenge scenarios-- this story has a bit more realism than melodrama, so the simpler punishments fit better.

    Author's Response: Thanks! Dumbledore isn't the type to go in for gruesome anything, he's a moderate type of guy, who likes to go for rehabilitation rather than revenge.  In this case he wishes for the Dursleys to learn from their mistakes and hopefully repent of them.  So he won't do anything truly harmful to them. 
Title: Foreboding 26 May 2009 4:00 pm
Reviewer: Quynce (Signed) [Report This]
    I liked this chapter, but I hope that there is more to this story than just a quest. Don't get me wrong, it's good to have a strong plot element, I just hope that the adventure doesn't sweep away all the character development.

    Author's Response: No, that won;t be happening.  The quest is the major goal, of course, but while they are on it, Harry and Severus will bond more with each other and there will be some scenes with Remus and Sirius and other characters too, like Crabbe, Jace, Albus, and Hermione, to name a few. 

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