Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
Great start! -P.G. Author's Response: They are, especially when they have to figure out where the other Horcruxes are. Severus can be a grouchy curmudgeon all right. I'm glad you liked the magic parts I figured why not use magic if you've got it to make life easier. I certainly would! Riddle Manor has now been posted.
I'm looking forward to your version of the Horcrux-hunt - I enjoyed the first part greatly! Thank you for sharing! Author's Response: It can as I've been on many a camping trip when i was a child and half the fun was scaring yourself silly with what might be out there. Yes, harry;s situation is different and he did have a problem falling asleep again. Not just becaus eof the nightmares but because he was embarrassed too. You're welocme and the next part's up now!
Author's Response: Thank you! *blushes* the next chapter's up so see what Dumbledore does to them. |
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