For some reason, this reading of the first two paragraphs triggered a memory of being inside the Great Pyramid, with all those tons of stone overhead... The illumination was adequate, but I wish I'd had Severus with me, reassuring me, instead of my no-nonsense mother... Well, I survived, and the Great Pyramid is still standing! Then, another flashback to the lengthy, deep tunnels leading to the tombs in the Valley of the Kings. Poor Harry! I never suffered claustrophobia or fear of the dark, but Egypt could really set someone off! Now, back to the underside of Hogwarts... 🤫
I loved this chapter. I've never imagined Albus as a Muggle, but you did it perfectly! So funny!
Wow. This is really good, and really tense.
Why?????? Just why???? Help! I'm calling emergency for Sev! Come on! Please!
(In other words, very tense and angsty, and enjoyable.)
I like this story so far. I really want Meadowsweet and Harry to get together!
I know that you may have written this a while ago, but I saw the comment at the end of the chapter and felt horrible. My condolences, and this is a great series.
My kids hated it when I made them choose their and punishments. Lol.
Work on his wandless with the first year books... puts him to work and he learns something of importance.
Title: A Riddle Wrapped In A Conundrum
| 22 Jul 2015 7:38 am
Reviewer: hisnhers (Signed)
| [Report This]
One misstep, literally, can kill you and others... Come-on Harry, think! lol.
Sorry it's been a hectic stressful couple of months since I last read this. 3 Heart surgeries, 5 deaths and lots of everyday normal stress... -sigh- I can only pray that we are done with that for a while. lol.