Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Cherokee Camp
Title: Chapter 29 - Inseparable 06 May 2010 3:58 am
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Hi! Don't let it bother you, please, slow beta-readers mean just slower updated. It is not worth getting upset. Enjoy the beautiful spring! Or better yet, come to us to Prague to enjoy it :) Mila

    Author's Response: I wish it would be so easy for me. Slow betaing means, no feedback on the current developement in my story and that means I start to doubt if it is good. But the problem isn't the slow pace of my betas but the unsureness if they stop betaing at all. Thank you very much for your review!
Title: Chapter 29 - Inseparable 06 May 2010 1:30 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Really enjoyed this chapter, harry had a right to be upset, maya was being annoying. Can't wait to read more.

    Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Title: Chapter 29 - Inseparable 06 May 2010 12:23 am
Reviewer: alifromnm (Signed) [Report This]
    Nice chapter. It was good to see the "boys" having fun for a change. Thank you for the update and I look forward to your next.

    Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Title: Chapter 29 - Inseparable 05 May 2010 6:18 pm
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    So good to see an update :) im sorry to hear of your beta trouble, it must be annoying to have chapters ready but not be able to post! if I knew exactly what a beta did I would readily offer to do it for you (besdies reading through and correcting mistakes im unsure if they do anything else lol) I work nights and am often bored senseless in between people needing me, hope you can continue despite the betas wandering off :)

    Author's Response: The beta problems is been solved, but thanks for offering.
Title: Chapter 29 - Inseparable 05 May 2010 5:04 pm
Reviewer: JLAJ (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Please keep writing! This is a very interesting and unique story, I am very interested to see how it ends!

    Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Title: Chapter 28 - Severus 03 May 2010 5:31 pm
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my gawd. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love this story. Its like you took my favourite characters and put them in an awesome situation, seriously, I love it. The original characters are just fantastic and I enjoy reading about them and their past. The relationship that Light Arrow has with Severus is brilliant, I love to see Severus allowing himself to be vulnerable with someone (even if it is OOC I love it!) I literally cannot wait to read more, I started this story last night and had a dream about it, that only happens when a fic really strikes me as brilliant! im already feeling the need to beg for a sequel, I never want it to end lol I hope your health allows you to update soon, thanks so much for sharing your awesome story :)

    Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Title: Chapter 28 - Severus 01 May 2010 10:03 pm
Reviewer: silverstargirl (Signed) [Report This]
    I understand Severus' frustration; he needs to feel in control and not having it makes him feel even more off-balance. He is afraid for his children, as well, and it doesn't help him to find his own center. I hope that Severus will find some measure of peace during his ride.

    Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Title: Chapter 28 - Severus 30 Apr 2010 10:42 pm
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay! a chapter w/ just Sev, Harry, and Draco. I'm looking forward to it!

    Excellent chapter I enjoyed the talk between Light Arrow and Severus.

    Great story and please update again soon!

    Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Title: Chapter 28 - Severus 30 Apr 2010 10:42 pm
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay! a chapter w/ just Sev, Harry, and Draco. I'm looking forward to it!

    Excellent chapter I enjoyed the talk between Light Arrow and Severus.

    Great story and please update again soon!

    Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Title: Chapter 28 - Severus 30 Apr 2010 8:07 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, that was cute. I hope that someday, Draco, Harry and Sev can be a family.

    Anxious for next chapter.

    Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!

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