This chapter was very intense and highly emotional. You captured the after effects of Harry's nightmare well. I felt tense while reading it. Nice writing.
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Title: Chapter 42 – Before School
| 14 Aug 2010 2:52 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous)
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I hope Draco decides to go back. I can't wait to Sev teach here, great chapter.
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Title: Chapter 41 – Letting out some Steam
| 03 Aug 2010 5:30 pm
Reviewer: rosina (Signed)
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Maybe Black Hawk didn't go by the book, but it certainly seems to have worked for Harry. Hopefully he'll continue to make progress.
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Aww that was lovely at the end there :D I love the relationship that they have with each other, it must be awesome to realise so many people care about you :)
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Good chapter!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
While I don't really approve of his methods, I do understand what Black Hawk is doing. Harry needs to understand that suicide is an incredibly selfish act that that could very well destroy those he loves and whom love him. I just hope that this will turn out alright in the end.
Poor Harry! He lost so much to those sick bastards and now he discovers that he is no longer a parselmouth, one of the few special gifts he actually liked. It is no surprise that he is feeling especially down right now...
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review! :hug:
Title: Chapter 40 – Hard Decision
| 27 Jul 2010 6:21 pm
Reviewer: April (Anonymous)
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Interesting! I hope that Black Hawk knows what he's doing!
Happy Birthday!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review and the birthday wishes! :hug:
Title: Chapter 40 – Hard Decision
| 27 Jul 2010 6:03 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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OMG! that was shocking to say the least. Keep up the good work! And Happy birthday! :)
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review and the birthday wishes! :hug:
Title: Chapter 40 – Hard Decision
| 27 Jul 2010 2:08 am
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed)
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OMG, this chapter was so hard for me to take--my cousin just took his own life last Wednesday. He was 41 or 42 and left behind two lovely teenaged daughters and their mom. I can't imagine the guilt those poor girls are going through right now--them and my aunt, at the very least. Too bad Kelly didn't read your fic, eh? Trying not to be angry at him, but seriously, what else should I feel, right? Another excellent chapter, and I hope your birthday was awesome!
Author's Response: I'm sorry for your loss. It must be hard to read something like this after an experience like that. I hope you are okay. Thank you very much for your review and the birthday wishes! :hug:
Title: Chapter 40 – Hard Decision
| 27 Jul 2010 1:47 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous)
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Wow, what a powerful chapter, please post more soon, what a place to cut off. Happy Birthday, hope it was great!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review and the birthday wishes!