Reviews For 3 Slytherin Marauders
Wonderful^^ The mental picture of Minerva sitting for houres on on Albus desk with The Philosoper's Stone, wand at ready was incredibly amusing. So was the image of Albus sitting on his bed in the last chamber behind all the nasty little traps to guard the stone... All alone but perfectly able to catch up on sleep^^ And I somehow like Heather. :) Great chapter^^ Greetings, Baltaine Author's Response: Thank you for the review, I enjoyed the idea of Minerva being quite anxious at having the fabled Sorcerers Stone in her keeping.
Author's Response: Yes, I imagine Voldemort has alot of doubts and fears - or he would have been contend with one or two Horcruxes - (three is a powerful number as well). Uncertainty makes people like him angry and unstable. Dumbledore even in scenes where he was supposed to look vulnerable or human, still managed to seem omniscient. I have to think that he really had to be a little uncertain and torn - having to send Harry to his death. HEre he gets to know Harry even more than in canon, and has to be even more unsure (I would think). Thanks for the review.
A wonderfully written chapter, as always. I really enjoyed the part written from Voldemorts pov. |
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