Reviews For 3 Slytherin Marauders
It was wonderful to see that Tom was able to get rid of at least one nightmare of his childhood. I wonder though how they'll react upon finding the Horcrux in the cave to be fake... :D I can almost imagine Severus having a fit of rage and Lucius staring at the fake locked in an offended kind of way. Hihi^^ Also I think Lucius should try to find out somehow how Tuney feels about him... Perhaps Rosmerta could be of assistence? ;) I'm sure she'd be thrilled about some "girl-time"... Also I must say it is good to see Petunia settling in so well in her new life. I hope she'll have lots of fun in this new world she so suddenly stumbled into (after being denied entry for so long). And I hope she'll realize there's someone nearby with whom she could start over, someone to love and cherish her - and someone she can return those feelings to and make him realize that love really exists and that not every woman only sees money and protection instead of the man behind the fortune.... ^.^- Sooo... I hope to hear of you really soon, Greetings, Baltaine
I guess Harry will have a ... nice time with Hagrid. I hope there won't be rock-cakes - they'd never return to Hagrid to have tea. Especially not Draco. Great chapter, as always Greetings, Bataine
The potions-scene was cute:) Sev's new little monkeys :D Though I must admitt... they certainly behave like monkeys...^^ I hope to hear of you soon, greetings, Baltaine
Greetings, Baltaine
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