Reviews For 3 Slytherin Marauders
It's to bad that Ted Tonks is worried about Dora and Tom's relationship. I thought it was rather cute. Although I am looking forward to finding out what Lucius plans to do with Petunia. Maybe he will corner her under the mistletoe? Great chapter, I look forward to more. :)
I vow to really read this story, from top to bottom, when work is not so crazy. Great chapter, and I particularly loved the last line. "his first Christmas as Harry's dad." Too cute.
I am curious what Tom desides to tell Harry about the letters and how Harry will react. Aaron, the ex-financee? I wonder why he came? To rub in it? Poor Rosemerta. Or maybe he came because he wants her back as a lover? Eh, no, he would not bring the family in that case, would he? Albus is pretty lucky (in comparison to canon) with the ring! Happy New Year 2010! Mila Author's Response: Thank You for the review, I can't imagine how Peter possibly survived the Weasley's as a pet with his sanity intact - maybe he didn't.
And Albus will never get the ring. How many horcruxes are left? Author's Response: The diary, cup and ring are gone, that leaves nagini, the tiara and the necklace.
Author's Response: THank You.
Great chapter!
The line about the dropping the letter into Dora's cleavage was so funny! And I love Tom's idea about being the Librarian for the Dragon Reserve and modernizing things. That is an ambition to be cherished and grown. Merry Christmas! Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the review. |
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