Reviews For 3 Slytherin Marauders
Good chapter. I'm glad Molly is dealing with the Neville situation.
I can't wait to find out what happens to all of them!
Great chapter!
Loved the shirt.
I'm curious as to who Tom will get to help with the Neville problem. Hugo Savage, maybe? Author's Response: Molly and Arthur seem the best choices, though Hugo might get thrown in their, as well.
I hope that Neville can get some help. His story is so sad and his uncle is a real nasty figure. Great chapter! Author's Response: Hopefully no one will think Caffeine is too much of a crutch. Glad you're enjoying the story.
Thanks a lot ^_^ Author's Response: Glad you're enjoying it.
So, will the information that Tom found help matters with/for Neville in the long run? I hope so. Thanks for updating. V. Author's Response: We'll see - haven't decided Neville's fate completely. |
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