Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Hexing Draco 29 Nov 2009 8:17 pm
Reviewer: N_Forest (Signed) [Report This]
    I feel so bad for Neville. His life really isn't going that well, it's nice to see him try to do something about it, even if it could have been done less violently.

    It was very amusing to read about the dragon who ate McNair and her 'stomach alinment.'

    I hope that Tom, Lucius, Snape and Harry can all find happiness this Christmas and enjoy the festival with their newfound friends and family.

    Awesome chapter!
Title: Hazelette strkes back 22 Nov 2009 11:52 am
Reviewer: oregonbird (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Excellent writing... a few tense problems, but snappy storyline, IC or well-explained charactors, I wish I could *see* Rosmerta, she's vague.

    See, I like evil!Dumbledore -- or at least dismissive!Dumbledore. This one's a bit wishy-washy. But then, I like vegemite, and my husband throws up.

    It goes without saying: Please don't stop here.
Title: Hazelette strkes back 15 Nov 2009 4:59 pm
Reviewer: justjoanjm (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm still loving this story--I like how you handled Remus and even Dumbledore this time. :) And GOOOO Neville! (Go Hazelette, too *grin*)

    Author's Response: Yes, I like my more assertive Neville. Hazelette is a bit batty, but I like her.
Title: Meeting with Remus 15 Nov 2009 3:41 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Your Remus is much more interesting that ordinary Remus. His feelings are complex and the swirl of memories, protectiveness, and anger and distrust is confusing for him... Nicely done, if I may say that. Mila
Title: Hazelette strkes back 15 Nov 2009 2:40 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    WooHoo, I am so glad I checked here for an update.

    Great going, Hazette. Nice touch that McNair, who wanted to kill magical animals got eaten by a dragon.

    It makes sense that the Marauders would also pick on the Dursleys as well as Snape.

    Tom would be a very good assistant, as well as Percy.

    Author's Response: Interesting to see you over here. I check here for good stories as well. Glad you liked the chapter.
Title: Meeting with Remus 10 Nov 2009 1:13 pm
Reviewer: huntresss (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ohhhh Remus is the bastard... he needs a good sock (and i do mean fist here) in the face for how he hurt Harry.
    Severus needs to work more on making harry his son and less his ward. Wards are temporary son's are forever.
Title: Safehouses and Caves 07 Nov 2009 4:22 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    I am glad your villain is not stupid. Villains should be clever, because it is more fun when they are overpowered.
    I am curious if Neville and Harry meet in the Diagon Alley when (if) Severus takes Harry shopping.
    Maybe Algie attacks Neville and Neville in self-defence uses the good wand against him? I wonder if Augusta would be thrilled how much magic Nev has or if she would be angry for him attacking Algie...
    Aw, such a long review, sorry. Update soon,

    Author's Response: I plan for alot of meetings on that shopping trip - wait and see.
Title: Halloween Bonfire 07 Nov 2009 3:47 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    What a wonderful chapter! I loved the remark about dental hygiene, heehee. Lucius and Pety - do I smell romance? Mila

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Not sure whether to have a romance or not - it seems a bit of a stretch.
Title: Chapter 35 31 Oct 2009 1:27 am
Reviewer: shadowienne (Signed) [Report This]
    I've been thoroughly enjoying your story, particularly the unique twists and turns in the approach to the characters themselves! I did wonder about the reference to "Briarfrost" (in the paragraph where Harry is eating strawberry shortcake)-- Did I miss something earlier that would explain the name, or was that your original name for Dragonsrest? Just curious! Thanks!

    Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the story, I posted that particular chapter at 2 AM and didn't realize that I hadn't noticed the slip up on Dragonsrests' name - Briarfrost is a name in my other story on fanfiction, and I had confused the two. (Thanks for pointing it out.)
Title: Infirmary Meetings 25 Oct 2009 10:38 am
Reviewer: Chelle (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm feeling really sorry for Neville and the "hell" his life is becoming because of his Uncle Algie and Grandmother. It seems as if Harry's nemeses will be Ron and Neville; I don't care about Ron but I like Neville.

    Author's Response: I've always felt that Neville and his story were largely ignored until the last book and then suddenly he's a leader and go-to guy (how did he become that?) He was most on the periphery and then shoved to the front. I know the JKR had so many wonderful characters that she couldn't backstory or focus much on all of them, but Neaville came out of nowhere and we never really saw where he pulled all that courage and cunning from.

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