Ah, poor Neville! I never liked Augusta, so I am glad how you pictured her. Mila
Author's Response: I never understood how Neville's family could be considered good when he was treated so badly.
Title: Nevilles Not A Squib
| 04 Oct 2009 12:21 am
Reviewer: mworth1019 (Anonymous)
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Wow, Harry to have Ron and Neville as enemies, The Malfoys being nice and a non evil Tom Riddle. This was one great read, once I started , I couldnt stop@!!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON.
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. I like making different twists than are always seen.
Poor Neville. I didn't see him as capable of hatred lol
Author's Response: I never understood how he could turn out so nice when he'd been treated so badly - same as Harry.
Yay for giving the old Auror a bigger role. I guess be will piece the truth about Tom together eventually, but be will be OK with it... Mila
Author's Response: Yes, he most likely will, haven't decided exactly when or where or why, though.
Fascinating plot! This is really very good so far. I devoured the five chapters I had time to read tonight, and wish I had time to continue.
Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed it!
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I would not wait a minute it I were Tom :•)
wow...that was nice... please post faster...
Poor Tom, it must be strange to have people around who care if he gets ill lol
Thank you
lol... that was damn nice...