Title: Chapter 6
| 17 Sep 2014 9:14 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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Its nice that for a change its Draco whose not the nasty bully, but Ron Weasley. Though I do hope that Draco doesn't get it from Lucius about being sorted into Gryffindor - its the hat's fault not his! Severus is very protective of his children. Like he needs to have protection charms on them, or a safety portkey or simply something that will alert him if anything happens to them. Wonder if they might became friends with either Draco or Neville?
Everyone seems to really hate Severus but its wrong for everyone (like Molly & Ollivansder) to think his children would be like him. Especially seeing as only one of the children is biological his - also would they not have also been influenced by Sirius, Remus and their own biological mother as well.
I just love the totally unique twist of this story of young Draco being sorted into Gryffindor with Ron Weasley into Slytherin...but also being the "bully" instead of the canon-Draco! Also the fact that Severus, seems to have become friends with both Sirius and Remus, over the years of raising both Harry & Hermione.
Though I can hardly wait to find out just how Malfoy Sr., will take the news that his son & heir was sorted into Gryffindor..but then again if he learns of Ron Weasley being sorted there he just might be glad of it! But how will Weasley, Crabbe & Goyle families react to there son's being set home after being suspended because they attacked a 1st Yr Ravenclaw Hermione Snape? Hmm...will Harry be making friends with any of his canon-friends, or even as Neville (just what house was Neville sorted into?)or Draco? Will Draco get to meet his cousin/Uncle Sirius, whose Harry Snape's godfather? How far will Dumbledore try to push either Harry, Severus or his family before something breaks? Will the bullying escalate once the Slytheri bullies (Weasley, Crabbe & Goyle) do return to Hogwarts?
Title: Chapter 1
| 25 Jul 2010 10:16 pm
Reviewer: Fred (Anonymous)
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I had a idea like this except that Hermione would be Hermione Granger and it would be a harry/harmione.. I also was going to include Remus but I was going to have Sirius living w/ them.... I just wanted to let you know so you that you didn't think that I was copying. I hope to have an account in a few days but I'm so busy w/ college at Oxford that I don't have the chance. Look for Silver Raven on this site and on fan fiction.net and harry potter fan fiction. Cheers, Fred
I'm really enjoying this story so far and hope to see more really soon.
Great chapter!
Title: Chapter 6
| 20 Mar 2010 2:17 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous)
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Glad you finally posted it, it was great. Dumbledore needs to see harry as a person, not a symbol. Great chapter. please post soon
so yeah, what I said a couple minutes earlier... it's gotten a little better. again, I would strongly encourage you to lengthen conversations and develop your characters a little bit. other than that, I have to say that I'm looking forward to your next chapter. ~shige
hmmm... I like the general idea of this story. but it's still a bit choppy (as compared to the other two chapters)...hopefully this'll improve as I continue reading. As well, you should try to develop character (by creating longer descriptions and conversations). I think there's a lot of potential here. g'luck! ~shige