Title: Chapter 4: The Great Prince
| 22 Jun 2010 11:03 am
Reviewer: Sevvy (Anonymous)
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Your story is awesome!I cried when Lily/doe met Harry in the Forest... If you make it a sevitus you'll have my eternal devotion... You are truly gifted. please update soon!
Title: Chapter 4: The Great Prince
| 21 Jun 2010 10:41 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed)
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Aw, how cute! I love Harry as a fawn, and it's just too funny how he interacts with Severus.
Poor Sev...I can imagine that it is frustrating for him. Kind of hard to be all ferocious and intimidating when a baby fawn is curled at your feet, lol.
Harry's dream was sad, but hopefully will provide some comfort too.
Great job!
This is a great story & I can't wait for more!
Title: Chapter 3: Until Spring
| 01 Feb 2010 1:04 pm
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed)
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Heh, this is too cute. Last chapter I embarrased myself by snorting with laughter at Snape's discription of Harry's sneeze. Please update soon.
Title: Chapter 3: Until Spring
| 26 Jul 2009 8:00 pm
Reviewer: DS (Anonymous)
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Hi, I hope you are going to upload the next chapter soon. I really like this idea.
Title: Chapter 3: Until Spring
| 14 Jul 2009 6:23 pm
Reviewer: Selchie (Anonymous)
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I absolutely adore this fic: it's sweet but not saccharine: the characters, in personality, are true to cannon and the plot device is believable. Please update soon
The story is cute! I am looking forward reading more. Mila
Wonderful!!! I like muchly. Poor Snape. He's so doomed. Doomed, doomed, doomed. And Harry's adorable!! Thanks also for the chapter end note: my mum used to work in a nature center and every year they'd get in 'abandoned' fawns that people had found and taken from their mothers. So good work! (And even if white-tailed deer are not native to GB, Harry could still be one. Dogs and cats are hardly native to Great Britain, after all.)
Title: Chapter 3: Until Spring
| 07 Jul 2009 9:47 pm
Reviewer: BasiliskPrince (Anonymous)
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Okay, so this chapter was definitely amusing because Snape is experiencing a real issue with Harry-fawn. I'm surprised Harry didn't start bleating out for him when Dumbledore and Snape left the room...but anyways...Definitely a lot of fun to read. You have a very descriptive style going for you. A certain amount of believability as well...I'm curious to see what Snape will cook up for a bedding...and if he'll be able to get away with the fawn not sleeping in his bed or if Harry will triumph and win a spot on Snape's bed! XD If that even occurs, I'll be laughing my butt off. Hopefully that area can't really be detached or I'll sure to lose it reading this story...it really has been amusing! Please update soon!
lol. I loved your end note. And I loved tis chapter. Very well done. I hope to read more soon. Severus is such a git.....*sigh*