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Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: A Pair of Familiar Emerald Eyes 29 Oct 2013 1:57 am
Reviewer: brianna (Anonymous) [Report This]
    keep going with it I what to see a sequel I love your stories can you do a 3 of prince manor I read it like a lot I what to see if harry,s stepmother have a boy then were is she going to have the baby boy
Title: A Pair of Familiar Emerald Eyes 17 Feb 2011 8:06 pm
Reviewer: JulyhaLuna (Signed) [Report This]
    can't way. for the sequel!!
Title: Morning of the 4th 15 Mar 2010 2:11 am
Reviewer: RangeMan007 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I still cringe at the word soccer. Only people in the civilised world call the sport football, you barbarian, you! *mock pulling my hair out* And the World Cup is not just another world game. Gah!! ;D

    Author's Response: My father is  a fanatic and every time he has the games on I cringe. He watches them in Italian, I can't understand a word except for the person screaming Goal! And I laways wonder how the guy doesn't lose his voice.  I am not a sports fan, not of any sport, even show jumping. So you won't find me singing the praise of any sport magical or otherwise. Sorry. I put them in there so I can snicker at obsessed people, like those in my family.
Title: A Pair of Familiar Emerald Eyes 09 Oct 2009 12:27 am
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]

    I love it. The prank on Tobias was great and the way he pulled Severus in the pool too. LOL.

    I can't wait to read the sequel to this. You have an amazing series and I can't wait to read more, but at the same time I don't want it to end.

    Excellent as always!

    Author's Response:


    There will be more Tobias in the next big novel and maybe even a woman for him too. Someone suggested that Tobias should get married again, so maybe I'll consider it. The kids need a grandma who lives nearby, don't they?

    I loved that prank and I think Tobias has more up his sleeve, his grandkids will certainly keep him on his toes. Especially his namesake.

Title: A Pair of Familiar Emerald Eyes 11 Jul 2009 3:08 am
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Really nice ending! Just let me know when the sequel's up so I can read more :)

    The prank last chapter was fun! Loved how the kids were all mischievous and Tobias dragged in Severus too :D They really did all have a great holiday, and had quite the surprise.

    I really like the scene where Firefly's appearance is revealed. It’s both ‘magical’ (excuse the pun!) and had a slight spiritual feeling. The transformation reminded me of a fav childhood movie of mine: Swan Princess. It's wonderful that Elaine now has a familiar, and a very special one at that!

    Author's Response:

    I will! Though that won't be for sometime yet.

    yeah they had some fun! Even Sev had fun, since I'll bet Tobias never joked around with him like that when he was a kid.

    Good, because that's what it was meant to show.  I love that movie! And she's going to need Firefly.

    BTW, I've updated both RPM and 2HH, if you want to check them out!

Title: A Pair of Familiar Emerald Eyes 09 Jul 2009 10:57 pm
Reviewer: Zarathustra (Signed) [Report This]
    Kudos, well done! Will look forward to the sequel when it comes out.

    Author's Response: Thank you! I'll drop you a line when I post it.  Right now I posted the next chapter of Hawks Hunting.
Title: A Pair of Familiar Emerald Eyes 09 Jul 2009 7:35 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, that was so sweet, and there had better be a sequel because that cryptic message made me nervrous!

    Love this little family. I'm looking forward to reading more about them. Will the kids go to Hogwarts in the future. Hold old is Harry in this?

    Author's Response:

    There will be one, and that message's meaning will be revealed in the next book. 

    Harry and Lexy go to Hogwarts already, they're both Slytherins, and so will Eileen and Toby.  Harry is 13 in this story, so is Lexy, and Eileen is four. So happy you're looking forward to the sequel! :)

Title: A Pair of Familiar Emerald Eyes 09 Jul 2009 5:30 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    How wonderful! Loved Lily returning and how Eileen got to keep the white deer. Please write the sequel, it sounds awesome!

    Author's Response: Okay and thank you!
Title: A Pair of Familiar Emerald Eyes 09 Jul 2009 4:11 pm
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Love that Lily came back and love your other 2 stories! looking forward to new chapters of both stories.

    Author's Response: great1 I just posted a new chapter of 2 hawks Hunting! So check it out!
Title: A Pair of Familiar Emerald Eyes 09 Jul 2009 1:18 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    What a wonderful 4th of July! I loved when Lily came back to speak to them. Made me cry a little.

    Can't wait for the sequel or for the updates to your other stories!

    Author's Response: Aww me too! I have just updated 2 Hawks and will be posting a new chapter of RPM soon!

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