Go Hermione! :D Thanks for still continuing this story, can't wait to see where it goes!
Holy moly, what is Ron going to do? :O Awesome writing, love how you wrote Ron, :D
Cool beans! ^_^ Like Snape getting all defensive for Harry, wonder what he'll do to the toad?
Wow!That was a truly brilliant story about House-traits, thank you for posting it!
Aw!!! I want more!!! You left us hanging! I want to see what kind of revenge Snape exacted on the toad. I would love to see Snape take Harry away from the Dursleys and exact revenge on them too.
Great story! Hope you write more of this universe.
Author's Response: Never fear, there will, at some point, be a final chapter with Snape and Harry and happy endings and revenge against the Dursleys...!
I am really loving this story! I love how you show each of their perspective's of Harry's situation. Great job.
Oh please continue!! I'd love a longer story and perhaps see Snape take care of Harry.
Very nice Cici! I am so impressed. Very well written, and no need to worry about not having a Beta, the spelling and grammar are good.
I am so glad that Dolores is going to get some punishment from Snape. At least I hope that Snape is going to do what I think that he is going to do!!
Title: A Touch of Ravenclaw
| 07 Nov 2013 4:41 am
Reviewer: DS (Anonymous)
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Oh please continue! This is such a refreshingly new approach! I would love to read more!
Title: A Touch of Ravenclaw
| 05 Nov 2013 1:03 am
Reviewer: heartstar (Anonymous)
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oooo please continue this I think it would be great it is great now but I would love to see where you can take it.
Title: A Touch of Ravenclaw
| 03 Nov 2013 11:26 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Please continue I want to see Mrs Weasly and Snape having a go at Umbridge. Thank you for a great story