Title: Non Semper Erit Aestas
| 24 Jul 2010 5:22 pm
Reviewer: Morgana (Signed)
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Curiouser and curiouser. I really like your writing style, your characters are very well portrayed and this plot is both original and captivating
Title: O Villain, Villain, Smiling, Damned Villain!
| 24 Jul 2010 5:19 pm
Reviewer: Morgana (Signed)
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Very interesting developments. Harry is highly unlikely to refuse to see his friends and he would never call Hermione a mudblood so it's quite clear that something is seriously wrong. Great chapter.
Fascinating start. Is Voldemort possessing Harry or has Harry joined Voldemort? I'm really interested to see where you're going with this. Very well written, with believable character interaction. I really liked the last line- I expect Dumbledore isn't anywhere near as blase as he pretends to be.
pshhh Dumbledore always gets his way. I hope Harry wakes up soon!
Title: Bohemian Rhapsody
| 15 Jul 2010 5:00 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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Congrats on the upcoming wedding!
Title: Double, Double Toil and Trouble
| 26 Aug 2009 12:53 am
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed)
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Seriously intense chapter. Great as always! :-)
Title: Double, Double Toil and Trouble
| 26 Aug 2009 12:27 am
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed)
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Title: Double, Double Toil and Trouble
| 25 Aug 2009 4:15 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed)
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Omg! My heart is racing here!
That was an amazing chapter. Yes it was worth it,but please hurry with the next one. I want to know if Harry is going to be okay.
Oh My, poor poor Harry.
Dumbledore seems so cold here. All anyone cares about is using Harry as a weapon. So sad that no one cares about Harry for himself. :(
Great chapter, looking for to more.
Title: Tempus Fugit
| 30 Jul 2009 8:46 pm
Reviewer: Buchling (Anonymous)
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Right, now I'm on tenterhooks. What is Dumbledore implying here with the last sentence? Does he want to combine his own soul with the horcrux, because he will die either way?
Overall an innovative story. I haven't read anything like it before. Only thing is I'm almost sure the British use degree Celsius and not Fahrenheit.