Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Tempus Fugit 29 Jul 2009 10:56 pm
Reviewer: pkrosche (Signed) [Report This]

    Well, “YES!!” because this chapter was so amazing, and when I read your response I seriously freaked out…erm…so much so that I think my parents are a little afraid of me…and that was before I saw your dedication! :) Thanks so much!! I must say I do enjoy this very much, especially since I get the same excitement out of seeing a chapter update or a review response as I did when I was actually updating my own fic…hmm…I should probably work on that some more…

    But how can you leave this chapter where it is?! NOOOOO!!! (That’s what that was originally for!)


    So, besides being really really giddy right now, and a little upset that we don’t get to see what exactly goes down with Harry (granted his fever might just kill him, thus saving them all the trouble of figuring out how to get that bit of Voldie out) with the Horcrux. But I do see what you mean about keeping some things cannon, which brings me to a question: How far into the summer will this fic take us all?

    Also, I’m a tad bit confused with that very last bit between Dumbles and Sev--the Headmaster seemed all set that “Harry must die”, but then suggests that they could wait until the Horcrux has almost taken over Harry’s soul, and transfer it to another vessel to await vanquishing. So…are they just going to wait and see which way they have to go?...a.k.a., try to remove the Horcrux and if they can’t, AK Harry again?

    I must tell you, I’m still hesitant to trust Lailie fully…but I think they’d need her help again, if they’re about to go through the first part of that plan, unless Severus gets a little wand happy and decides to just AK him right away. :) Or perhaps even Dumbledore…cuz I have a very strong feeling that he’s not through being a Gryffindor. The silly old man is going to take that Horcrux into himself, isn’t he?...oye…

    Anywho, thanks so much for the dedication!! I do really enjoy this fic and I truly think your writing style is magnificent, and as much as I hope I make your day, you totally make mine!! Thanks so much for updating right away!! (I don’t know what I’d do if I had to wait at all for the next chapter after reading your response!) And until next chapter!!

    Ta ta!
Title: Tempus Fugit 29 Jul 2009 9:18 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    0.o ooohh i can't wait for more >_< really want to see what happens!
Title: Tempus Fugit 29 Jul 2009 7:37 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my God! Poor Harry!

    Aw, it's so sad that Dumbledore has to die. I really don't like this idea of Harry's soul having to live side by side with old Voldie!

    Great chapter. Update soon please.
Title: Tempus Fugit 29 Jul 2009 4:10 pm
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed) [Report This]
    ooooh, interesting implications....
Title: Tempus Fugit 29 Jul 2009 1:25 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh wow. So whee is the soul going? Into Dumbledore? Great development.
Title: Vir Sapit Qui Pauca Loquitur 28 Jul 2009 7:50 pm
Reviewer: halfblood (Signed) [Report This]
    oooh this is so good and the bits about what Severus is thinking cracks me up
    e.g. No, not chaos. Children. etc
    Gonna stop reading for tonight but defo gonna read more soon :)

    Author's Response:

    I'm glad :) I hope you enjoy the rest!


    Thanks for reviewing!

Title: The Beginning 28 Jul 2009 7:41 pm
Reviewer: halfblood (Signed) [Report This]
    oooh that sent a shiver down my spine... I'm a bit creeped out but gonna read more asap!!

    Author's Response: That's a good thing! Thanks for your review!
Title: Waiting For the Storm to Pass 24 Jul 2009 5:16 pm
Reviewer: pkrosche (Signed) [Report This]
    LOVE IT!! And thanks so much for your awesome reply to my previous review! I love nice long replies, and it’s not too much work, considering how much it takes to actually write a chapter! And I really think I review as a sort of therapy, to prevent depression and panic from setting in because there’s no new chapter and just write about it myself, speculating about what’s going to happen next…but I honestly don’t know what to expect from you!

    I really thought at first that Lailie would be a bad guy, but she hasn’t done anything bad…but her “I have to leave too to go do stuff” was a little fishy to me…perhaps I’m just looking for more angst! (But secretly hope I’m wrong! Especially since that’s a pretty big plot point and you yourself said you’re almost done with this fic. And it’s not like Voldie would be able to do anything about the potion anyway…and he wouldn’t just give in…)

    Ah, Dumbles, how we love you. I don’t remember what fic it was in, but there was one where he had laced the lemon drops with a calming draught, and I just crack up at that!! It certainly explains why he’s always trying to pass them out, and even why he indulges in them himself! I mean, come on, who wants to be constantly dolling out bad news to snarky Potions Professors and teenage kids!? Have a lemon drop!! :)

    And about that potion…I seriously hope there aren’t any ‘side affects’ to horcruxes, because that would suck majorly. I am fairly certain, though, that it’s just going to be Ole Slit-Nose attempting to prevent it’s take over… Or, you know, something like that. I’m seriously at a loss, but I do like Harry’s POV here, it does add a lot to the story, to show what’s going on in his head/soul place.

    But it is strange that Dumbledore decided to go retrieve Gaunt’s Ring at that particular point in time, and not very smart of him, as I’m sure he’s going to be too tempted by the idea of seeing his sister and perhaps even his parents to not put it on…and then there’ll be hell to pay once he meets up with that awesomely Snarky Potions God! Ha ha! Dumles’ll have wished he had liquor in his office because Sevvie won’t be too happy. (Suck on *that* lemon drop!)

    Wow, so I hope that you’ll be able to get something useful out of this, as you can see, I’m extremely giddy right now. But this chapter was amazingly brilliant, and I’m glad us reviewers can influence you to update faster! :) And I don’t think I told you this before, but I really enjoy your writing style too. There’s something about how you write in general that’s just more advanced than most of what’s up here, add that to the absence of grammar and spelling errors, and you make me one very happy reader! I’m seriously no guru of the English Language, but I can’t stand it when I pick out mistakes! None of that here!

    So, keep up the awesome work and I hope this inspires you to KEEP WRITING!!! Till next chapter!!


    P.S.--I think a prequel is a great idea! I’m quite curious to what really happened wile Harry was in the clutches of Snake Face, as well as how he got there in the first place (a mistake of the fickle Headmaster’s? (Come on, show us how much you (sometimes) hate him!!)). And to see what the Order was up to during that time, with Sev hanging around, not spying per say…OH!! When’s he going to be called by Old Vold? I hope soon…but it probably won’t be until after Harry’s better or dead, huh? Shucks!

    (Ha ha, Voldiemist :)…I surprise myself sometimes!)

    Author's Response:

    Another amazingly long review. Wow!!!

     I'm still trying to decide if it's a good thing or not that you don't know what to expect from me. I think I'll take it as a good thing, ya? Hmm...thinking Lailie's a bad guy... ;P Ha! I read that fic too! where the lemon drops were filled with calming draught. That was great :)I don't think anything can get worse than being a Horcrux. I mean, having someone elses soul inside you seems pretty horriblealready, especially this freaks...

     About Dumbie going to retrieve Gaunt's ring now, this next chapter or the next two might explain more. I can tell you now, but i'd rather you figure it out on your own. I can tell you though that there are some things that are going according to canon...hint hint.

    I love your reviews :) That's what we like to call 'detailed'! and how I love detailed! I'm really flattered you like my writing style. I can never tell if I actually sound sophisticated or just another wanna-be. There are so many of them that I aspire to and I hope someday, people see me on their level. As for the absence of grammar and spelling errors, you have my amazing betas to thank for that :) (not that I'm horrible) but they catch everything I don't. 


    Anyways, thank you so much for reviewing! I'm putting up another chapter right now, and definitely expecting to hear from you again ;) so get crackin'!!

Title: Waiting For the Storm to Pass 24 Jul 2009 10:55 am
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed) [Report This]
    Another quite interesting (although disorienting--poor Harry!) chapter...

    Author's Response: Thanks! (I think...:)...)
Title: Waiting For the Storm to Pass 24 Jul 2009 7:07 am
Reviewer: guignou (Signed) [Report This]
    thanks for these 2 awesome chapters !
    can't wait for next chapters !

    Author's Response:

    You're welcome! It was my pleasure :)


    Thanks for reviewing!

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