Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Waiting For the Storm to Pass 24 Jul 2009 6:15 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, thank you for updating so quickly and not leaving us hanging. As usual, it was a brilliant chapter, and I love how you portray Severus. You've done an excellent job of keeping him in character.

    I hope that he warms up to Harry a bit eventually, but it's good that you're not doing it too fast.

    Can't wait to see Harry get some relief. Poor kid. He never gets a break, does he?

    Author's Response:

    My pleasure! What fun would it be for us Harry-torturers if he gets a break? nah, that would be boring :P I'm glad that Severus managed to stay in character, I'm really nervous about not giving him the credit he deserves.


    Thanks for reviewing!

Title: Waiting For the Storm to Pass 24 Jul 2009 4:50 am
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    o.o still don't know what was coming XD
    dumbledore has gone to search >_> oh boy...
    poor severus he really need a drink.

    "How anyone could eat something made of pure sugar, he’d never understand."
    I don't get it either my little sister loves lemon heads T_T way to much sugar i think.

    Author's Response:

    haha, I remember lemon heads from when i was in elementary school :) And I have to admit, i just bought myself a pez candy yesterday :P guess I don't have an aversion to pure sugar either...lol


    Thanks for reviewing!!

Title: Acta Est Fabula 23 Jul 2009 11:10 pm
Reviewer: pkrosche (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, I’m proud of myself that I read this whole thing today! Granted it’s only thirteen chapters long and they’re relatively short…which I prefer to the ones where you keep scrolling and scrolling…

    And wow, I really, really, really love this!! It’s so different from every other fic I’ve read. I think it’s mostly because we don’t know what happened when Harry was with the Dark Lord for those two weeks, and have just recently found out! That uncertainty is uncanny, especially since even Dumbledore and Severus didn’t know what went on, granted, they’ve had their suspicions, ha ha! It’s just a little upsetting that Ole Dumbles didn’t confide in Sevvie that he was being taken seriously. Jerk. But to me, the Headmaster usually is!

    As to this little cliff you’ve left us with…hmm…I do hope that Lailie will be able to get out, or at least to where Sev is headed (as he doesn’t know how to get out of a person’s soul) and that it was Harry who sent him through the floor, to protect him from ‘Voldiemist’ as he would be pretty pissed that someone has intruded in on his little Horcrux Takeover Party. And it seems like the obvious thing for Harry to do, being the squishy-warm-hearted kid he is…but then again…it could have been Snake Face, sending Sev to a very nasty place, I’m sure. Hmm…a hint maybe?...or could you just please update soon!!!

    That’s the good (and certainly bad) thing about starting in on fics that are into the double-digits. But then reality hits and you have to wait for an update just like everyone else. It’s always a sad moment when I realize there’s no “Next” button at the bottom of the page…

    Anywho, there’s my input, my begging of a new chapter, and my congratulating of a great chapter! Oh, wait, I don’t think I’ve actually done that!

    The whole fic is amazing, the plot is steady but not boring in the least, everyone is in character with breathtaking accuracy (minus Horcrux-Harry, for obvious reasons, but even him too, as Anti-Horcrux-Harry is reacting how he should to Horcrux-Harry and vice versa), and the climax is upon us!! HOORAY!!

    So, please update soon and I’ll see you around next chapter!


    Author's Response:

    Wow! That was a terrific review! Thanks so much! Most people don't take the time and effort to say quite that much and I really appreciate it :)

     I was nervous about the fact that I didn't really explain what happened to Harry when he was with Voldemort; I thought it might bother most people but I wanted to keep it out of the story since it wasn't the main idea. AlthoughI wanted to keep the option open for a prequel. 

    I jump back and forth with Albus. I can't decide if he's just a huge manipulator or just an old man who knows things no one else does. He bugs me most of the time, but there are moments when I love him too.

    If you noticed, I had Lailie chanting when she reached the door. She was saying the spell to send them back so have no fear! Severus gets out as does Lailie. (Oh, and I love "Voldiemist"-such a great term!) So that's a hint for you, but the next chapter is up already :)

     Really, thank you very  much for the awesome input. I'm very glad you enjoyed what I've posted so far, and hope you continue to enjoy the upcoming chapters. Thank you soooo much!!



Title: Acta Est Fabula 22 Jul 2009 6:54 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    what a great time to be a klutz sev lol >_> Ahhh well he'd kill me if i said that to his face lol. T_T when he went through after falling is harry still with him i wonder...arrrgg i can't wait for more :) awesome chapter!

    Author's Response:

    Lol. Well we can't all run all gracefully away from Voldiemist, now can we? (credit goes to pkrosche for that term) 

    Thanks for reviewing! and there's another chapter waiting for you already!


Title: Ab Intra 22 Jul 2009 6:53 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw harry was relived then scared...wait 0.o what's coming??

    Author's Response: Guess you'll just have to wait and find out :)
Title: Curiouser and Curiouser 22 Jul 2009 6:53 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    0.o WELL! She could have told him that BEFORE she just let her wand go!
    Also erg...0.0 my poor ears? lol i'm kidding.
    T__T I hope Harry's ok.

    Author's Response:

    Where would the fun be in that?? lol

    thanks for reviewing!

Title: Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark 22 Jul 2009 6:52 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    >_> I'd be hesitant to...into the unknown.

    Author's Response:

    me too


    thanks for the review!

Title: Acta Est Fabula 22 Jul 2009 4:08 pm
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed) [Report This]
    Whoa! Very creepy and very cool!

    Author's Response:

    Hope that's a good thing!

    Thanks for reviewing!!

Title: Acta Est Fabula 22 Jul 2009 10:08 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Argggh...A cliffie!

    Exciting chappie though, and I'm really anxiou for the next one.

    Author's Response:

    oops...I didn't realize that it ended like that. oh well! guess you're stuck till the next update :P


    Thanks for reviewing!!

Title: Ab Intra 22 Jul 2009 9:59 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh poor Harry.

    I'm so curious as to what is going on with Harry. Could this have something to do with Dementors?

    |Great chapter, and I can't believe that you wrote two of them. Well, I'm off to read the next one! :)

    Author's Response:

    Nope, no Dementors. something worse :) mwahaha!! lol



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