Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Sacrifices
Title: Chapter 21 - Strengthened Bonds 09 Nov 2009 2:30 am
Reviewer: Rosa (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Nice chapter! It's good to see the boys having fun, thought that was indeed very dangerous, Lucius was right to get that angry at them. Thanks for the update, looking forward to the next.

    Author's Response: Thank you, Rosa!  They need to learn how to have fun in a safe setting, don't they?  But, they're little brats (especially Draco) and will tend to get into trouble.  And I agree with you about Lucius.  I'll try to post again soon.  Thank you for reading the story and leaving a review!  Makes my day!  ~ RK
Title: Chapter 21 - Strengthened Bonds 09 Nov 2009 1:49 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG! That was so cute! When I first started reading, I was like, "how does a baby Draco know all these spells?" But now they're five and they're so cute!! XD And they play fight with wands and act it out! I love when little kids do that! They're always so adorable! But then Draco thought it would be a good idea to fly mommy's broom...that's NEVER a good idea Draco! He's such a little brat but I love him anyway! XD And poor little Tevin.

    I LOVED Lucius here. He's all growlly and mean but it's just because he was scared. That's totally believeable as far as I'm concerned. And Sev sounds like such a good dad! He and Tevin are so cute together! I just wanna hug them both! XD

    Very very good Raven! You perfectly ended a good day! So thanks for that and I can't wait for you next up date! *give a hug to Raven*

    Author's Response:

    Thank you, Ivy-Green!  I didn't want to flat out say "four years later," but have readers figure out they were five by dropping the hints around the chapter.  It's not usually my style to do time jumps clearly indicated.  And to be honest, I have no idea why!  (Does that make me mean?)  They have to act out what the spells do, since they can't actually jinx/hex each other.  And leave it to Draco to pull a stunt like that.  Little brat indeed.  I'm portraying Draco as the rebellious one in this friendship because he wants to see just how much he can get away with with Lucius and Narcissa, while Tevin is the well-behaved (for the most part) boy, because he doesn't like making Severus angry or disappointed.  Glad that you liked Lucius.  I was hoping he wasn't too...exaggerated, but when fear motivates you, you aren't really yourself anymore.  Yes, Severus has had a whole staff at Hogwarts and a few friends (*cough* Lily & James's memories, Ophelia, Remus, Mrs. Figg, the Malfoys) to help him too.  Lucky for him.  Glad I could end your good day well.  I'll catch up on your story as soon as I can!  It's been a rough week.  *hugs back* ~ RK

Title: Chapter 21 - Strengthened Bonds 09 Nov 2009 1:07 am
Reviewer: Min (Anonymous) [Report This]
    That was very good. The broom scene was very well done. A very enjoyable read.

    Author's Response: Thank you!  The broom scene was planned a little differently before I started writing it, and then this happened.  So, despite it not going to plan, I'm glad it still works.  Thanks for your review!  Glad you are enjoying it!  ~ RK
Title: Chapter 13 - Seeking Anonymity 06 Nov 2009 6:35 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Signed) [Report This]
    "...the ashes of its assassination"!!! I was laughing SO hard! POOR Fawkes!!! Two flameouts in one day! But SUPERB action with dear Flitwick! He's the most seriously underused character in canon, so I'm glad you gave him a larger role! Am GREATLY enjoying your story, and I can't wait to see what happens next!

    Author's Response: Thank you!  Poor Fawkes indeed, but it had to happen.  Flitwick disappears for a while after this but he'll be back eventually in his squeaky self, but maybe not as the action star like he was in this chapter.  I'm glad you are enjoying the story so far, and hope to hear from you again.  Thank you for the review!  Thanks for reading!  ~ RK
Title: Chapter 20 - Christmas Curiosities 04 Nov 2009 12:27 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    "Remus smiled and took the present. "Thank you, Tevin."-
    "Kay..." Tevin walked back to his father, who was smiling at his son."/
    ""Wear it." the little boy insisted.-
    "Now? It's a little warm right now for it, Tevin." Severus glanced at the roaring fire nearby.-"Wear it!" he shrieked."

    "Big and scary and hairy!"

    HAHAHAHA!!!Oh my Raven! You just saved my day!! Oh! I've had such a terrible day, but when I read this, those line in particular, they just made me laugh!

    I'm sorry my review's shamefully late, but I've had a time these past few weeks! But this really did brighten a terrible day! This was super cute! I love the Christmas presents! XD Now little Tevin's got a wand and a pen and a pet- OH the trouble he'll get into! XD How's Sev EVER going to survive? XD

    But Remus gave Severus Lily's wand? UBER CUTE!! I literally went "AWWWWW!!!" out loud. (good thing room mate went out of the room! ;D )And Tevin was so cute through out that scene! :D He's just such a spunky little guy!

    Oh, I do hope Draco and Tevin will be good friends. They seem to really like each other now, but I hope that will continue. And the descriptions of the wands was interesting. Hmmm...you got me thinking. Will Draco be a seer kinda like his mommy? Hmm... You'll have to keep writing so I find out! ;D

    Another wonderful chapter Raven! I can't wait for more!

    Author's Response: I'm sorry you had a bad day, Ivy-Green, but on the other side, I'm glad I could improve it with my story for you.  Yes, Tevin is armed and dangerous with a wand, pen/pencil, pet AND a snitch!  Poor Severus.  He'll certainly have his hands full now, along with the teaching and potion-making on top of it.  Yes, Remus is the king of sentimentality here.  Yes, Tevin and Draco do like each other a lot, and their bond will be a major factor of importance in the sequel story to this, eventually.  And we'll see about what those wand meanings indicate, won't we?  I'm writing as fast as possible with trying to still catch up on coursework, and attending classes...which I should go do now!  Thanks for reading, and reviewing again.  And don't worry about it being "shamefully late."  I'd keep writing anyways!  ~ RK
Title: Chapter 20 - Christmas Curiosities 30 Oct 2009 2:22 am
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    aww so cute! loved the gift from hagrid! funny to see tevin's attitude too with the scarf :D

    Author's Response: Thank you!  Glad you liked Hagrid's present.  Can you just picture a little furball living in the same residence as Snape!  And Tevin was proud of his present to his father.  Hope you enjoy the next chapter, coming...hopefully really soon if all goes well.  ~ RK
Title: Prologue & Chapter 1 - Of Unknown Locations 28 Oct 2009 7:48 am
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Hm, it is a bit odd - why leave Harry there in the middle of night if Dumble went there first thing in the morning? Otherwise I liked this first chapter *went to read on* Mila

    Author's Response: Well!  That is a stumper of a question isn't it?  Having known about the whole Petunia/Lily and their strained relationship due to magic thing, I'm sure that Dumbledore would have left Harry on the doorstep so that magic-hating Petunia and Vernon would take him in, without coming face to face with a full-grown witch/wizard.  If he were there, it would almost be like he was forcing Harry onto them, rather than trusting them to make the right decision to take him in themselves.  He would go back the next day to check that this semi-guilty-conscience plan would have worked and to make sure that they in fact did take him in.  And so, poor Dumbledore when he gets the surprise that Harry never made it past the doorstep of the Dursley home.  Thanks for the review and I hope to hear from you again!  ~ RK
Title: Chapter 20 - Christmas Curiosities 27 Oct 2009 7:47 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Ooh, very clever Raven. I love the idea of training wands. Hmm...I wonder what Ollivander suspects!

    Great chapter, I can't wait for more.

    Author's Response: Thanks!  Training wands made sense when coupled with the idea of training brooms.  I mean really, how could someone like Hermione possibly practice her spells before even going on the train to Hogwarts?  She'd need a training wand, at least in my opinion.  And it will be a very long time before we find out what Ollivander suspects...sometime in the sequel story.  I have one planned for this already.  So, it'll be a long while, unless my fingers just reveal it sooner.  Who knows.  Thanks for the review again.  Hope you like the next chapter!  ~ RK
Title: Chapter 20 - Christmas Curiosities 27 Oct 2009 7:04 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    That was good--I really liked the idea of the training wands. I must admit, I was nervous when Sev decided to go with Lucius; I thought he might think of Sev as a traitor after acting the way he did about Ophelia. However, it seems as though Lucius really does want to be his friend, at least, currently (unless he's trying to create a false sense of security, of course).

    I also really liked the cat Hagrid got for Tevin. I thought Sev would be angry at Hagrid for getting Tevin a cat without asking, but I guess not (pets are such a big responsibility and Snape will be the one who has to care for the cat until Harry is old enough to understand responsibility). I look forward to more cutsy kitty moments.

    Nice work!


    Author's Response: Thank you!  Training wands made sense with training brooms.  And seriously, how else do underage witches/wizards practice spells before going to Hogwarts?  There has to be some way.  And Severus deciding to meet the Malfoys is an act of faith.  Aside from insulting his "wife," they have given him no other reason not to associate with them, but that insult was a little on the higher end of the offensive side.  And remember Narcissa's dream, that the family will need Severus to help them in many more years, so they need to stay on Snape's good side.  They are not using him, per se, because they also want a playmate of a little more intelligence than Crabbe and Goyle for Draco, and Tevin seems the best candidate.  And about that cat/kneazle: Good thing that Ophelia's cousin breeds the things, right?  Which means she would know a good amount of facts about kneazles (Ophelia) as well.  Snape is busy with potion-making, teaching, and doing the most duty in raising his son.  Raising his son's pet is right out...Poor kneazle.  It won't be abandoned though.  And there will be funny and cute kitty moments too.  Thanks for the review again!  Love your reviews!  ~ RK
Title: Chapter 19 - Matters of Cowardice 27 Oct 2009 6:37 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I remember reading this chapter, but I'm sorry that I never reviewed. I think that I read it before work, and had to leave quickly to get my bus, and then never got a chance to review.

    Anyway, great chappie as usual, and I loved Severus telling Lucius off !!! Yay Sevvie!

    Author's Response: That's okay.  It happens to all of us.  Severus had to basically lay down his conditions to Lucius, or their friendship/interactions would be going nowhere, now would it?  Although it might take quite a bit of effort for the Malfoys.  Thanks for reading!  ~ RK

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