Potions and Snitches
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Reviews For Sacrifices
Title: Chapter 19 - Matters of Cowardice 27 Oct 2009 5:43 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Woah, go Sev! Better late than never!


    Author's Response: Thanks for the review!  Yes, in this case, it is better late than never.  Glad to see you're still reading!  YAY!  ~ RK
Title: Chapter 19 - Matters of Cowardice 17 Oct 2009 8:45 am
Reviewer: Mervoparkite (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter--although the jump out of the flashback was a little hard to follow at first.

    I'm really enjoying your story--I just found it. Looking forward to your next update!


    Author's Response:

    Hello, Mervoparkite!  Sorry the flashback was hard to follow.  Glad you are enjoying my story so far, and I'm looking forward to another review!  Thanks for the review!  THey make me happy!  ~ RK

Title: Chapter 19 - Matters of Cowardice 15 Oct 2009 11:42 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    But then I suppose you always had trouble defending the people you care about since they always end up dead!"
    "She saw him try to muster up an encouraging smile but it came out as a look of pain."- Aww! He's adorably made of fail!! :( Poor guy! I felt so bad through out this whole chapter. Sev's not a coward! He's not!! No one messes with my Snape!!...I mean, Rowling's Snape...Raven's Snape? Screw it, no one mess with Snape! (there's the right one)

    And I totally love the ending. I can just see Lucius all like "WFT?!?" Ha! I crack myself up. OH! And I TOTALLY imagined Alan Rickman's voice to Snape's lines throughout the chapter and it was TOTALLY the more amazing thing ever! ;3 Alan rocks!

    So, you wanted spelling mistakes, I found a few:"She noticed that Severus was sitting stiffly in the overly maroon and gold room, and she leaned hr head" you forgot the "e" in "her" (like my "o" in "to" ^-^ "Lemon. I ‘m not that picky."- get that nasty extra space outta there! And he's SUCH a little Dumbles, with his lemons! *rolls eyes*"and settled them at his neck with heer fingers clasped at his nape..."- take out an "e" in "heer" please!

    Well, that's all I came up with...so again, wonderful chappie and I can't wait for more! Poor Sev...

    Author's Response: Thanks for pointing out some of my mistakes.  It helps!  No, Severus isn't a coward, but when he does certain things people see it as cowardice.  And I really, really wanted to try to show that James thinks of him as a coward, just because in canon Snape gets livid when Harry calls him that, too.  Glad you liked Lucius at the end.  Yeah, imagine that surprise...So, you hear Alan Rickman's voice in my dialogue?  YES!  That makes me so excited!  And I agree, he does rock!  Yeah, and with the lemon...Had to make James an almost Dumbledore clone!  I couldn't resist.  And I just don't picture James as one to simply sit there sipping tea to calm himself down.  He'd probably go flying or something, but if he had to drink tea, I am of the opinion that his tastes would not be so particular...Hence, the Dumbledore Lemon!  Thanks for reading and for the review!  More is coming soon... ~ RK
Title: Chapter 18 - Tense Discussions 14 Oct 2009 11:42 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh no!!!

    I can't believe that Lucius actually said that about Ophelia. Well...yes, I suppose I can.

    Great chappie, please update soon. I'm dying to know what happened.

    Author's Response: Oh yes!!! Believe it!  A good verbal jab is always ready in the Lucius Malfoy arsenal!  Thanks for leaving a review!  Hopefully, I'll have the next chapter up soon.  I'm on a roll right now.  The creative juices are going!  Thanks!  Keep reading!  And more will arrive shortly, I promise.  ~ RK
Title: Chapter 18 - Tense Discussions 14 Oct 2009 11:42 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG, I sincerely hope she was not dumb enough to abandon them. If not Arabella's, then where would she go? I'm very curious about this.

    I enjoyed the dinner scene too--at first, I thought Lucius was just joking with the mudblood comment to get the women out of the room, but he was serious! Yikes.

    Good work!


    Author's Response: Hi, Ponytail Goddess!  Thanks for reading and leaving another splendid, makes-me-so-happy review!  Ophelia knows what would happen if she broke her Unbreakable Vow, she just needed to get away from the situation for a minute or two.  But her reasons are coming next chapter.  Yeah, Lucius may have blurted out an inner thought there that had been bugginng him, but he did ask it in complete seriousness.  Even Lucius isn't all that subtle, and will throw out cutting remarks to hurt people.  Thanks for the review!  Made my morning when I found it!  ~ RK
Title: Chapter 18 - Tense Discussions 14 Oct 2009 11:31 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    o.o uh-oh...Ophelia where art thou! >_> couldn't help myself.

    I think it was a very good chapter but I think Ophelia needed to chill a bit but then she was looked down on ever since she was little so I can't really blame her for going off like that. But then there is Lucius he's still an arse he will accept Severus and Tevin but not Ophelia though I wonder why is it he will let Tevin into his home if Tevin is a half-blood, does it have to do with his 'friendship' with Severus or Draco's new found friendship hm...lol so many questions and so little time

    :D good luck on your coursework! i have to get back to mine too lol midterms grr!!

    Author's Response:

    Yay!  Hello, again!  Thanks for leaving yet another review!  Everyone reaches their breaking points, and the reason why Ophelia goes off on Narcissa is in the next chapter.  Lucius is a complicated fellow, isn't he?  His reasoning might make an appearance in the next chapter.  If not, then definitiely the one after that!  Be patient.  The answers are coming.  Good luck on your midterms.  Eugh!  I feel the pain!  Thanks for reading as usual!  You're awesome and always manage to keep me on my toes!  ~ RK

Title: Chapter 18 - Tense Discussions 14 Oct 2009 11:18 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    "Lucius scoffed into the brandy that he was now swirling in the glass. "What kind of person do you think I am, Severus?" He sighed. "I may be hard and somewhat...cruel at times, I suppose, but I would not wish to harm my son, or yours for that matter. There are limits to everything.""- okay, Lucius is a big JERK! He even admits to it!...and yet I still love him in this XD There's just something about him...

    Poor Ophelia! Lucius wasn't to subtle there, was he? But I wonder why Ophelia got so offended with Narcissa? And Poor Draco and Harry! They just wanted to play! They were so cute in this! But Opheila better get over her fit or she's gunna be in BIG trouble!

    This, in an odd way, made me really happy! Another wonderful chappie Raven! ^-^

    Author's Response: Hi, Ivy!  When I profess that I am fascinated by the Malfoys, I do include their bad qualities too.  (But, let's be serious...What a fun trio to write!  I LOVE writing the three of them!)  No, Lucius wasn't very subtle was he, but when the man wants to wound with words, he manages to pick something nice and sharp to do the job.  Next chapter will hopefully explain why Ophelia got so offended.  And yes, if she doesn't get over it...she will be in big trouble...Death!  Thanks to that Unbreakable Vow, eh?  Glad you thought Draco and Harry were cute, and yes all they wanted to do was play (wouldn't you if you only had other adults or only Crabbe and Goyle's kids?  Yikes!)  Hopefully, I'll write more in the next few days, but no promises.  Time to catch up with yours! Thanks for reading and reviewing again!  Whoo!  Makes me smile! ~ RK
Title: Chapter 17 - A Meeting of Destiny 14 Oct 2009 12:28 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    "Severus always gets practical items, and it makes him adorable."-"When he opened it and saw an Endless-Ink Eagle Feather Quill Pen, Severus cried on Christmas, because for the first time someone gave him something he'd actually wanted rather than needed."-
    '"Daddy! Toc'late! Toc'late! Fer Waymus!"'...HOLY CRAP!!! This was your cutest chapter yet! XD *squeals* There were so many adorable moments I had to stop myself from quoting you! XD Aww! That's just so cute! I love it, I love it, I LOVE IT!! XD

    Ahem, sorry about that *fixes hair* But seriously, I was awwing and ooing my way through all of this! And I just have to say that I loved Lucius in this chapter. Very good! So cute! You get fifty points for this one, Raven!!! XD

    Author's Response: Yay!  Thanks for reviewing!  Glad all the cuteness came across.  I tried to make this section cute with all of the not-so-cute things going on previously, so whoot!  Guess I succeeded a bit.  I seriously just LOVE writing Lucius.  He's so much fun to write.  I don't know why, but he is!  Thanks for the House Points!  I'll catch up on your story as soon as possible!  Don't worry!  I like your story muchly!  Thanks for continuing with mine!  (And once it doesn't hurt to laugh anymore I will continue reading your cute, funny one.)  ~ RK
Title: Chapter 13 - Seeking Anonymity 12 Oct 2009 9:42 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Good work so far! I am enjoying it! But you might want to check the timing. Ophelia said a year and a half ago she was impregnated, yet Tevin is 17 months old. So it would have had to be a little over 2 years before rather than 1 1/2 years.

    Author's Response: Oh wow!  I catch this stuff in my writing usually really fast, so fifty points to you!  *fixes that screw up!*  I'm almost ashamed of myself for that one!  Good for you!  Thanks for leaving the review, and pointing that out to me!  I would have just continued right along merrily.  Thanks!  Awesomeness!  ~ RK
Title: Chapter 17 - A Meeting of Destiny 12 Oct 2009 11:37 am
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Very nice chapter--I can't wait to read about the dinner between the Malfoy's and Snape's. I wonder if Tevin and Draco will actually get along, or if things will go south because of foul attitudes.

    Take your time updating--it's always terrible to be going through health problems. I hope you recover soon.


    Author's Response: The dinner chapter is coming soon, so we'll see how Draco and Tevin will get along soon.  Thanks for reviewing!  Makes me very excited.  I am slowly recovering, so thanks for the well-wishes there.  *smile*  The next chapter is started so it might be a little bit until it's up.  THanks for staying with my story!  Love your reviews!  - RK

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