Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Sacrifices
Title: Chapter 17 - A Meeting of Destiny 12 Oct 2009 1:33 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I really like that tevin and draco met, and love how snape is with his son. take care of yourself!

    Author's Response: Yes, having those two little tykes meet was in the plan all along.  Glad you are liking how Snape is with Tevin, too.  It's a challenge to write a paternal Severus sometimes, but I'm glad he's coming across okay.  Thanks for the review; they make me happy.  I'll try to be quicker on the updating pace.  THanks for sticking with this! - RK
Title: Chapter 17 - A Meeting of Destiny 11 Oct 2009 10:23 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, poor you. I hope that you are feeling better, and that your health continues to improve. You wrote a very lovely chapter though, even if you are feeling under the weather.

    I'm very curious to know how this friendship between Draco and Harry is going to work out. Very interesting indeed.

    Author's Response: Thank you for the complimentary review on my new chapter!  *giddy*  (And the well wishes.  I really appreciate it!)  Yes, it might be a very interesting friendship between the juniors Malfoys and Snapes.  Look out!  Thanks for reviewing and reading.  Sorry for the massive update delay.  Will try better now that I am slowly on the mend.  - RK
Title: Chapter 17 - A Meeting of Destiny 11 Oct 2009 3:18 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved Tevin's Christmas shopping :D can't wait to see Severus's expression!
    Poor Ophelia :( Stupid Malfoy! XD
    Also I don't know whether to be extremely worried or deathly worried about this dinner meeting later on T_T

    I know what you mean about school work it seems everyone is extremely busy since at my school it's been midterm week.
    I hope your tests show negative and that the doctors will give you a clean bill of health!

    Author's Response: Yay!  Review 100!  I was so excited!  Thanks for leaving a review again!  Glad you enjoyed shopping at Hogsmeade, even with the Malfoys slighting Ophelia.  The dinner meeting will be interesting for sure, but hopefully not to cause deathly worry.  Thanks again for reading.  It makes me want to continue a little faster.  Thanks also for your well wishes.  I'm slowly recovering now, so hopefully after catching up a little more on coursework, the writing pace will pick up again.  Hope to hear from you again with the next chapter. - RK
Title: Chapter 17 - A Meeting of Destiny 11 Oct 2009 2:56 pm
Reviewer: DazzlingD (Signed) [Report This]
    so glad to see an update and i hope you are feeling better. i really enjoy this story; you are doing a wonderful job.

    Author's Response: Oh thank you.  I am making a slow recovery, but things will improve slowly but surely.  Thanks for reading the story, it takes me a while but I do enjoy writing it.  I have to find some passages in the books so that I can write some more things, but soon enough hopefully things will be going well again in terms of this story, once I have caught up with all of my coursework from missing classes, etc.  Thank you for the review!  I'm writing as much as I can when I am feeling better and need to break from work and such.  Hope to hear from you again!  - RK
Title: Chapter 16 - News of Relations - Part II 22 Sep 2009 1:33 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oohy, that sounds lovely. Oh, and by the way, I just had to get myself some chocolate from the cafeteria at work.

    Aw, poor Remus, and especially his mum and dad. I feel so bad, especially for his father; carrying around that guilt with him. That's so so sad.

    As usual though, Tevin brightens up everyone's day!

    Great chappie Raven. I hope that things get better for Remus though. It can't be easy to lose your brother, espcially your "twin" brother.

    Author's Response:

    HA!  We all need some chocolate every once in a while.  I was trying to convey the guilt of Remus's father in this chapter. If in canon Snape can have years and years of guilt, then he cannot possibly be the only one!  Then that led me to stumbling onto some information on Remus, which then inspired this chapter mostly.  But elements of this chapter will return eventually in the story.  Remus will not be in the next few chapters.  He'll be mourning, but once he comes back, things shouls be brighter for him.  I can only torture these characters for so long.  Thanks for the review, again!  You are awesome! 

Title: Chapter 16 - News of Relations - Part II 21 Sep 2009 6:16 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    Ah their escape became something else then. I hope the Lupin's feel better. I liked the flash back. :D Explains why Remus always has chocolate on him in the books.

    Author's Response: Yes, Severus's and Tevin's escape to Remus for comfort, turned into arriving to try to comfort him.  He needs some comfort, rather than being the one to always give it.  When I first read in the books that Remus carries around chocolate, I laughed!  I mean, here he is, a werewolf with a monthly cycle, who feels better when he eats chocolate!  I thought this should sound familiar to all women!  Personally, I think the monthly-pain-experiencing, chocolate-eating werewolf was JKR's stab at humor...*giggle*  But I thought that there had to be more of a reason to his chocolate addiction than simply soothing muscle cramps and spasms.  It all goes back to Lily.  Every time.  Thanks for the review yet again!  Hope to hear from you again! 
Title: Chapter 16 - News of Relations - Part II 21 Sep 2009 6:14 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh no!! No wonder you had Remus enjoying a bit of silleiness before! That's terrible! His poor family! So he's lost Peter (because no one knows about the rat) Sirius, James, Lily, and now his brother! How sad! Poor guy!

    I LOVE the story of Romulus and Remus!...and not just because of Star Trek either. lol And I liked the names. Good for you!! Poor Lupin family...

    At first, I was like, whoa! Remus had a brother?!?!? I don't remember that! But thankgoodness for notes, because I was getting a little confused. lol (I really need to take more Tylenol lol)No, but this was so sad, but I think it might actually somehow help Remus later...maybe.

    And yay for Sev and Tevin coming in to make Remus feel better! Good ol' Lily and her chocolate! lol Good thing Sev remembered that little piece of information. ;)

    Lovely, as usual. I'm off to take more medicine and then study my butt off for geography! But I can't wait for the next chapter!

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review, Ivy-Green!  Yeah, I knew this moment was coming for Remus, and knew that he needed to have his fun time before I thrw another hardship his way.  And also, he will not be in the next chapter or two because he'll be mourning.  Yes, he has lost a lot of people in only a little over a month.  I didn't mean to confuse you (but I hope that your confusion means that I did a convincing job of the Lupin family? *hopeful eyes*)...and all of this grief may in the end help out Remus.  Yes, everyone needs a little help to feel better, including Remus, even if it means a friend giving him some chocolate.  I'm excited for your views on the next chapter. 
Title: Chapter 15 - News of Relations - Part I 21 Sep 2009 1:05 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Hmmm...Belladonna...Ever read LOTR? lol No, I liked her for what she was! ^-^ And poor little Tevin! All those people! Goodness, I wouldn't like that either! And Poor Sev, he caught that one didn't he? And Ah yes, Hagrid, poor guy's just too scary sometimes. lol and I know! I've tried Hagrid speak too and it is a pain the butt!

    Now, what will Dumbles do to try and mess everything up? And will the glorious Malfoys make another showing? -I hope so! How cute, little Tevin and little Draco! Ha! Their parents would go nuts! *grins evilly* Sounds like the beginning to another great story, eh? lol

    And I like that Ophelia doesn't want to be called "Mrs. Snape" and that Sev is all about not wanting her to be Tevin's 'new mom' So good job to you!

    ...hey look! I caught up! YAY!! Sorry for falling so disgracefully behind *blushes, hinds face* But thank goodness for sick days where I can read and tell people to bugger off and leave me alone! And it's a great excuse not to do homework! Everybody wins!! lol

    So, back to the point, great chapter. Can't wait for the next! :P

    Author's Response: Ha!  Yes, I have read LotR, several times actually, and I came up with Belladonna, not from that masterpiece, but from a name book that I flipped to a random page and pointed to a name.  (I usually name minor characters like that, but the somewhat more important ones are usually named by the meaning of their names.)  Hagrid really is a pain to write, but hey, all part of the gig, right?  We'll see about the meddling Dumbledore and the glorious Malfoys soon, but rest assured that they both/all make another appearance.  It is also important to the plot that Ophelia does not want to be called "Mrs. Snape," and that Severus does not want Tevin to call her, "Mom," but some suspicions and complications may arise from it.  *cue dramatic music*  I'm ecstatic that you caught up, but not about you being sick to do so.  Poor dear.  *Passes Pepper-Up Potion*  The next should be up as soon as I finish editting the thing.  Thanks for reading and reviewing.  Three in one day!  Agh!  Makes me happy! 
Title: Chapter 14 - Protective Measures 21 Sep 2009 12:42 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww!!!! I absolutely LOVED Lucius in this!! I loved the whole dang Malfoy family!! They're so CUTE!!! This was amazing! I really, REALLY enjoyed this chapter! You kept Lucius, Lucius, but you also gave him charater, rather than just a rich snotty arse. Very good!

    My favorite part had to be when he was bumping into people and only apologizing if they looked important enough. XD That was great! And him thinking he was better than Dumbledore: classic!

    I really enjoyed this one (did I say that twice? Oh well, it's the truth) This probably made my whole sad day. Thanks!! Another fifty points to you!! :D

    Author's Response:

    Ooh, two in one day!  This is slowly making my morning amazing!  I'm so giddy that you liked my Malfoys.  I think I stated this in a review to you, but that family completely fascinates me, and interests me (particularly Lucius, but all of them are beyond interesting to me).  They were way too much fun to write.  I was excited to get to this chapter since somewhere around Chapter 9 or something. Glad you think I fleshed out Lucius well.  And he would only apologize to people of importance, being so proud.  Glad you liked this chapter.  It was so far one of my favorites to write.  Thanks for another review!  Two in one day!  Agh! 

Title: Chapter 13 - Seeking Anonymity 21 Sep 2009 12:09 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Oo! I liked the attack on Dumbles! Very Slytherin. Fifty points to you! lol And Dumbledore doesn't really suspect a thing...typical. ha!And Flitwick is showing some Slytherin too. Yay him! lol Poor Fawks though...

    And Remus with Tevin was so cute!...but will Sev like it that Remus is teaching his son how to fly? Some how I don't think that'll turn out very well. I can just heard it, "What have you done werewolf! Now he's going to break all his bones and he'll die and it'll be all your fault! And then I'll kill you!!" ...

    Sorry about that. Must be the fever talking. lol Again, nice chapter! (and don't spend those points all in one place! ;)

    Author's Response: Thanks! There was just Slytherin-ness oozing all over this chapter.  *snort*  Remember that Remus sent Severus the training broom earlier in the story, so Severus knows that his son learning to fly is inevitable, but what a treat that will be when Tevin shows off won't it?  (And poor Remus needed some fun/happy time.  Poor guy.)  You were sick, my dear?  Oh, not good.  Hope you are feeling better soon.  Thanks for another review!  Glad you are catching up...Whoo!

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