Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Sacrifices
Title: Chapter 13 - Seeking Anonymity 06 Sep 2009 8:10 pm
Reviewer: salazarschild (Signed) [Report This]
    i want more,
    that was AWESOME

    Author's Response: More is coming soon!  Thank you for the review...Writing will be slower now that term has started again for me, but once all of my work and everything is done I am writing as much as possible.  Hopefully, it will be posted soon.  Thank you for reading.  Glad you like it! 
Title: Chapter 13 - Seeking Anonymity 02 Sep 2009 8:27 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I felt sorry for Fawkes, that he was in pain.

    Great chappie though. i'm really impressed. If ever I need help in Latin, for one of my stories, can I ask you?

    Tevin is so cute. I wanna just hug him. Can't wait for the next chappie.

    Author's Response:

    Yeah, poor Fawkes, but it was a necessary evil.  At least he should be used to burning, though, since he does it naturally.  But when you don't expect your own combustion, I guess it is a different story.  I'm somewhat guessing at the Latin, having just started dabbling in it, so I may even be way off with it.  But, SURE, if you want my help with it...No problem.  Oh glad you liking Tevin.  I just needed to give him and Remus some happy bonding time.  Next chapter is coming.  New major characters are introduced, so I hope you like them.  *hint* They're familiar to canon...and I personally love them as characters!  (So fun to write too!)  Okay!  It should be up soon. 

Title: Chapter 13 - Seeking Anonymity 02 Sep 2009 7:09 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter! I really liked the attack--very exciting and we weren't convinced that Albus was really affected until after they took the spell off. Awesome work!


    Author's Response: Thank you for yet another review!  Even though they knew the spells worked on Mrs. Figg, they had to wait to be sure whether or not they would work on Dumbledore, since it wuold have been done on someone much, much stronger.  Glad you like it so far! 
Title: Chapter 13 - Seeking Anonymity 02 Sep 2009 6:56 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    ooh bad bad adults! lol I'm kidding Tevin was somewhat bad too :)
    So...will Fawkes remember Sev and Ophelia attacking the headmaster?

    Author's Response: Yes, everyone was a little naughty in this chapter.  And about Fawkes...well, we'll see won't we?  He could be trouble, he might not be...Thank you for reviewing again! 
Title: Chapter 12 - Reassurances 02 Sep 2009 6:05 pm
Reviewer: Dramagirl007 (Signed) [Report This]
    Tevin is really smart if he can do letters already as well as arrows

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review!  I feel that with stories containing magic, child development (whether magical talent or not) can develop much faster than in other non-magic stories.  If he wasn't able to write letters by this point in the story it would take forever to get to where I am now in the plot.  So, in this little Hogwartian world, Wizarding children (if they are smart enough...since we all know someone like Crabbe & Goyle probably weren't able to read or write until they were quite a bit older...I mean...look at them!)  can develop quicker than Muggle children.  Hope you keep reading! 
Title: Chapter 13 - Seeking Anonymity 02 Sep 2009 3:17 pm
Reviewer: Sheila (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter, love your story !!!!

    Author's Response: Thank you, Sheila!  Glad you liked it, and love the story!  That excites me! 
Title: Chapter 12 - Reassurances 27 Aug 2009 6:59 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my! How heart breaking. It's too bad that they couldn't have found a spell that was only temporary and Sev could change back at any time. :(

    I want to just hug Severus.

    Grat chappie.

    Author's Response: Thank you!  Glad you liked the chapter.  I want to hug Severus too.  But his eyes being changed needed to happen, even though it pained him to do it.  Thanks for still reading and leaving a review!  I get very excited when people leave them!  Things start moving a little quicker next chapter, and three new characters are on their way into the story...(Personally, I am very excited to write that chapter!) 
Title: Chapter 12 - Reassurances 27 Aug 2009 6:33 pm
Reviewer: AllyKat (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Basically, Tevin is still a toddler, right? It's a bit much to think he can write letters, much less make words or even stick figures.

    Author's Response:

    Point taken to that, however, my view with any story involving magic is this: Since it's magic we're dealing with you are free to bend reality a little bit, which includes childhood development.  Therefore, in my twisted view, wizarding children develop the skills that Muggle children would but at a bit of a faster pace.  Thanks for reviewing and reading! 

Title: Chapter 12 - Reassurances 27 Aug 2009 10:14 am
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    :) I noticed that Tevin walked in the last chapter, wasn't sure if Sev noticed lol. But that was absolutely endearing the picture :D but so sad at the end! Hopefully all this will work out fine if not I think Sev's gonna become a veggie/ghost? >_>.

    Another good thing is that Tevin didn't scream with Ophelia, trusting his daddy's word. I kinda felt sorry for Ms. Figg but then it was somewhat necessary wasn't it? Family has to know of ones other family? That sounds weird, well okay I've got to go get ready for school :/ bleh so lazy today. lol!

    Author's Response: Did he?  I was sure he crawled...I'll have to check that again.   Yes, everyone is nervous what would happen to Severus if this does not work.  Poor man.  Yes, what happened with Ms. Figg was necessary.  We'll see her again at some point.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!  I'm so happy when you review!  Makes me so happy!  Thanks! 
Title: Chapter 12 - Reassurances 27 Aug 2009 10:03 am
Reviewer: Doewke (Signed) [Report This]
    AbFab!!!!!! I loved it. I wonder how their plan will work out!! Congrats on another great chapter!

    Author's Response: Next chapter you will see how the plan works (or not)!  It is a crazy chapter to write, but I'm moving right along with it.  Thank you for the compliments!  So glad you are still reading and liking it!  Not to mention, thanks for reviewing!  I get so happy!  They make my day! 

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