Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Sacrifices
Title: Chapter 10 - Catalyst of Concession 21 Aug 2009 11:12 am
Reviewer: Doewke (Signed) [Report This]
    Another great chapter...well written!! But who is Ophelia Fay and how does she know Severus? Maybe she's a fellow student in Severus's Potions Mastery. Or a girl captured by deatheaters and saved by our famous Spy...Hmmmm so many possibilities.... Can't wait for more!!

    Author's Response: You are just throwing the guesses out there, aren't you!  Well, you may be right, close, or way off, but you'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out.  (I can say though, that it is one of the longer ones!)  Your questions/guesses will be answered sometime in the beginning of the coming week.  Sit tight.  Thanks for your review and for reading!  Makes me happy and makes me *smile!*
Title: Chapter 10 - Catalyst of Concession 21 Aug 2009 9:00 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm happy with no Mary Sue or any real romance actually. I was planning on having a similar character, but with a lot less major part, so huzzah to you! I'm sure she'll be great!

    And Sev in potions class is always fun. *evil grin* I like it when he's...smug? ^-^ But I was also pleased with his concern and anger there. Liked that a lot. I really liked the opening paragraph too.

    And poor little Tevin! Ran off. Children will do that, no mistakes made. And poor Remus, got the blunt end of it all. Poor guy. But yay that Severus apologized.

    Very good chapter, and I'm anxious to meet Ophelia Fay! Ten points to you! :D

    Author's Response: Yeah, once again, poor Remus.  It was horrible for him since he's not even supposed to be in Hogwarts, and when Tevin ran off, he couldn't go and find him.  Remus will have a good day soon.  Yes, Severus in potions class is also fun to write being all snarky and moody about it.  Glad you are liking it and still with me on it.  (Should be posting the next chapter...around Monday-ish if all goes well over here.)  Thanks for the review!  *big smile*
Title: Chapter 10 - Catalyst of Concession 21 Aug 2009 5:03 am
Reviewer: Pooky Bear (Anonymous) [Report This]
    No matter how much authors claim their originals are not Mary Sue's, they always end up being Mary Sues. No matter how many 'token' flaws are added or how 'well' they develop the character, the result is the same: a shallow intruder that doesn't quite fit into the established word of Harry Potter. Of course in your story Harry is no longer Harry. Thanks for the warning. You've got a good story started, but it's just not my cup of tea. Keep writing.

    Author's Response: I respect your skepticism here.  If I were not the author, but another reader, I would probably share your skepticism.  All I can say is to trust me.  Sorry it's not your "cup of tea," but thanks for reviewing anyway.  It's nice to hear the flip side of readers' views.  Hope you continue to read, but if it is still not exactly your style, that's okay.  Thanks for reading up to this point at least.  *grin* 
Title: Chapter 10 - Catalyst of Concession 21 Aug 2009 12:43 am
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Harry! um Tevin! lol
    I feel bad for Remmy he's getting so tired and frustrated! Can't wait to meed Ophelia! Hopefully she's nothing like the Ophelia from Hamlet o.0

    Author's Response: Yeah I love beating Remus up...It's too fun.  He's so delightful to write a little worn out.  And as to Ophelia being like the suicidal one in Hamlet...No.  Nothing like that.  (Personally, I am not that much of a Shakespeare fan, so my inspirations will come elsewhere...)  I just liked the name.  I don't even remember how I came up with it, acually.  I liked it, and went with it.  But, no, not like Hamlet's Ophelia.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!  *smile*
Title: Chapter 10 - Catalyst of Concession 20 Aug 2009 11:41 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I'm so excited to see this this OC. This should be interesting. Can't wait too see what Ophelia is like

    Poor little Harry/Tevin. he doesn't know what's going on. Nice chapter.

    Author's Response: Yeah, the little tyke is confused and a little scared now, but he'll get better.  Even he couldn't take the suite anymore!  He had to break free, and found the outside world is scary!  I can't wait to hear your views on Ophelia.  Very excited/nervous about introducing her.  But!  Won't know until it's posted, right?  Okay, off to write a bit more today.  Thanks for reading and reviewing again!  I love your reviews! 
Title: Chapter 10 - Catalyst of Concession 20 Aug 2009 8:03 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, I loved the baby scare and how panicked Severus got. Very impressive. Don't worry about your character being a Mary Sue. Really, very few are, but there will always be someone who accuses you of it (I have lot's of experience with this). Don't listen to them though--an original character shows that you dare to think outside of the box and add to the HP world. Not every author is willing to try it, so count yourself happily amongst those who are creative and brave enough to do so.

    I look forward to more!


    Author's Response: Oh, Thank you!  I love getting your reviews!  I'm glad you are still reading!  And thanks for the reassurances there about the Mary Sue thing.  (I mean, I even took a test that told me whether or she was one or not, it it said she definitely wasn't, so it made me feel a little better.)  Looking forward to your feelings about her after the next chapter. 
Title: Chapter 9 - Adjusting 18 Aug 2009 6:35 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww Harry is so cute! Poor Remus! lol

    Author's Response: Thank you!  This is my first time writing a child character for anything, so I'm glad you are liking him!  And, yeah poor Remus is right.  Wait until next chapter.  Poor Remus, indeed.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!  *Smile*
Title: Chapter 9 - Adjusting 16 Aug 2009 6:38 pm
Reviewer: Dramagirl007 (Signed) [Report This]
    I think he did invent the Muffliato, it was in the Half Blood Prince's book, and the golden trio didn't know about the spell until Harry had the book. I really like this story and I think it's funny that Harry was giving his godfather a hard time. Keep up the good work and please update ASAP. :)

    Author's Response: After I read your review, I had to check.  Yes, you are correct, although it is unclear if Severus invented Muffliato or if he learned it from some obscure source, since it was in his book.  (I decided that he would invent it.)  Although a few chapters back, I had James use it, so let's just say that this one was not as hushed up as Sectumsempra, since it keeps a conversation unheard. I guess it would be passed through (haha!) word of mouth throughout the wizarding community.  Remus will have a bit more trouble coming.  I love abusing Remus.  It's too fun.  Thank you for enjoying it, and reviewing!  Makes me smile!  *smile*
Title: Chapter 9 - Adjusting 16 Aug 2009 5:07 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, I love little Harry, uh...Tevin? Snape has so much patience with him. So cute.

    Can't wait to see how Severus handles a cranky Harry.

    Looking forward to the next chapter.

    Author's Response:

    Teehee hee...Thank you for your review!  He has patience now, but once the boy starts talking...*snort*  That might be another matter.  I'm somewhat on a roll with the writing, so the next chapter should be up much faster than this one.  Thanks for reading, and reviewing!  *smile*

Title: Chapter 9 - Adjusting 16 Aug 2009 4:18 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Haha! Tevin pulling Sev's hair! I always love that! I actually had a baby Harry do that in my other story "Tug"...of course your Sev was much more patient hehe! But I think Tevin's a little imp!

    And oh the dreaded Slytherin and Gryffindor classes! I loved how Snape totally blew off the smart Gryffindor part. That made me smile. And Poor Remus, with a LOUD little boy that wanted his daddy. Never stand in the way between a toddler and his daddy! lol

    But this was very good, and I did feel bad for Sev, always missing Tevin. The Slytherin girl was interesting though. I hope she doesn't cause a problem in the future, whether intentional or unintentional.

    Welp, I shall look forward to your next chapter, as I always do! Have a smile! :D

    Author's Response: Tevin is a little mischievous and a little too curious for his own good, but he'll get better.  I love torturing Remus.  He has a really crazy time next chapter.  The poor man.  And maybe the Slytherin girl will be trouble...maybe she won't.  Thanks for reading and reviewing.  I gift unto you a smile all your own!  *smile*

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