Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Sacrifices
Title: Chapter 7 - Recollections of a Werewolf 10 Aug 2009 12:21 am
Reviewer: mithrilandtj (Signed) [Report This]
    Cool reveal, but what was with that polyjuiced-from-hell wedding? Explain please!

    Tevin Antonius Ryker Snape
    Ya know a cool nickname might be Tars
    I had a friend with the initials T.R.A.D. and we called him Trad all the time. ;)

    Author's Response: Polyjuiced-from-hell wedding?  This chapter goes with the next chapter, which will be posted soon.  It was way too big to be one chapter so I split it up.  Your desired explanation is in the beginning of that chapter, so hold tight.  It will be posted soon...Thanks for the review! 
Title: Chapter 7 - Recollections of a Werewolf 09 Aug 2009 9:04 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, that was complicated. I was still trying to figure out how Remus, who was supposed to be James, who was supposed to Severus, who was actually James...

    I loved it though. You write little Harry so well. I can't wait to see more of Severus and Harry, or Tevin, should I say.

    Author's Response:

    Oh thank you.  There is more on the way very soon.  The Polyjuice section, I hope, was not too confusing.  *nervous grin*  Thanks for your review.  I was nervous how my little Harry/Tevin writing would come across.  Glad you are liking him!  Thank you for reading and reviewing as you do!  Thrilled about it! 

Title: Chapter 7 - Recollections of a Werewolf 09 Aug 2009 8:21 pm
Reviewer: Rosa (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter! The last bit was really funny. I'm glad to see Severus is back. Thanks, looking forward to the next chapter.

    Author's Response: Thank you!  I had fun writing the last bit there.  I like writing Remus a little stressed out.  It's fun for some reason.  Next chapter is coming soon. 
Title: Chapter 7 - Recollections of a Werewolf 09 Aug 2009 5:20 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    So good, though you now have me wondering about what exactly went on at the wedding. Why did things have to change so suddenly and why couldn't Sirius or Wormtail truly be present? Who did Lily really think she was married to and who did she want to have as a husband? I loved your Remus in that scene--he just sort of let things happen, being to weak-willed to argue about it or demand explanations. Nice work!


    Author's Response: Thank you for your review!  Your first question will be answered in a few more chapters...quite a few more, actually (written already!  but not posted yet for a while)... Your second question will be answered in the next chapter.  I really should have updated this chapter with the next one because originally I wrote them as one GIGANTIC chapter, but I thought it was way too long and split it into two.  Glad you liked Remus.  He is one of my favorite characters and I just love stressing him out a bit, and playing with his brain.  He is very important later, and he does become stronger-willed.  Thanks for reading and reviewing!  Hope my writing continues to keep you interested. 
Title: Chapter 7 - Recollections of a Werewolf 09 Aug 2009 4:32 pm
Reviewer: Deco (Anonymous) [Report This]
    "Moony!" the dark-haired man greeted, before Remus could even say anything.[Screams silently]

    'Godfather' is capitalized in some places, and not in others.

    Lily's spoken grammar is poor for such a good student, but dialogue is always less formal, so I can't say anything.

    Ryker? As in the Island?

    Severus's (should be Severus')

    His stomach roared. IMO, wrong word. Made me think of roaring bowels...

    "He was so lost in his thoughts that he did not even notice that the boy was trying to get his attention that the bacon was now on fire." [trying to alert him that] Comedy effects have to be *listened to* in your head, so that they sound just right.

    I know that fanfic *never* respects this, but babies are born with blue eyes, and they don't change that fast. But Harry ALWAYS has bright green eyes at birth.

    I don't say these things because I like to heckle you, but because your talent makes me take you seriously. It's a compliment.

    Good chapter, and Polyjuice element was confusing, it was also ingenious.

    Also love that Harry was a raging brat (i.e. human).

    Author's Response:

    Oh, Merlin!  I missed a "greeted."  So sorry!  Will change very soon, along with the Godfather vs. godfather thing, and Severus's vs. Severus' note, and the roaring stomach (excellent point about that, by the way), but the chapter is large so it will take me a little bit to find them.  Good suggestion (and will take it) about the "alert him that" as well. 

    As to the blue eyes.  Yeah, I know that everyone is born with blue eyes, but, hey, especially in stories involving magic...pretty much anything goes, right?  I chose to ignore that biological fact because with flashbacks throughout I thought that while it is disobeying the genetic rules of nature, it would be consistent if he were to have green eyes practically since birth.  It might be more confusing if I were to flip-flop between blue and green and green and blue eyes for Harry all throughout the memory sequences.  So, I kept them green.  And besides there is something also coming up in a few more chapters that will have a major impact on Harry's eyes anyway, so rather than starting with two colors and doing something else to them, I figured keeping one and then doing the next thing would be less confusing than actually obeying genetics. 

    Glad you liked the Polyjuice thing.  I hope it wasn't too confusing.  And yeah, I wanted Harry to be a little bratty, and in that particular scene I want to connect him to Severus by being stubborn in what he wants to do.  Hope that connection kind of came across...if not, then the little boy is just a brat!

    Thanks for reading and reviewing as always.  Makes me very happy.  Now to search out and edit your noted mistakes...

Title: Chapter 7 - Recollections of a Werewolf 09 Aug 2009 4:29 pm
Reviewer: Doewke (Signed) [Report This]
    WOW...I'm utterly speechless!! It was really amazing, I really can't wait for more! Congrats on the whole story so far!You have a loyal fan ;)

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!  Glad you like it.  Hopefully, I can continue to update rather quickly, but we'll see how the writing speed goes.  I try to keep one chapter ahead before I post the next one.  Thanks for reading/reviewing! 

Title: Chapter 6 - The Trial of Severus Snape 08 Aug 2009 9:58 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Phew, I'm so glad that Severus got off. I wonder how he's going to explain Harry's presence when it is well known that Harry is missing. And the child is the same age, and despite the absence of the scar, still looks like Harry.

    Severus has some figuring out to do, but I hope he manages it. At least Harry is safely away from the Dursleys, but they don't seem so bad in your story.

    Wow, I really can't wait to read more from you. You write very well, and this story is fascinating!

    Author's Response: Yeah, Severus has some things to seriously work out, but with a little help he'll manage it, though it will be difficult.  The reason why the Dursleys are not that bad is because they were not saddled with Harry, and because they are younger than in canon, and nothing has really disrupted their picturesque life except for Dumbledore dropping by (and Lily dying, of course).  Thanks for reading, and the compliments in your reviews!  Hope to keep you interested as it continues. 
Title: Chapter 5 - Unexpected Welcome 08 Aug 2009 9:51 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    OOh, very very clever. So DD is going to get Severus off in a similar way as Canon, but making it seem as though it's only a ruse.

    I'm sorry that I didn't read this sooner. It 's very well written, but at least I get to read several chapters at once! :)

    Author's Response: Yeppers!  (Hello, again! *grin*)  Thanks for the compliments, I'm so excited! 
Title: Chapter 4 - A Message and a Delivery 08 Aug 2009 9:44 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, I love it.

    Did Severus change Harry's appearance to look more like him too, or did he just hide the scar?

    Will Harry stay very young in this story, or will we see him go to Hogwarts too. That would be really interesting.

    I'm glad that I get to read a few chapters at a time.

    Author's Response:

    I am getting more and more excited with all of your reviews!  No, Severus did not change Harry's appearance, he just removed the scar.  We will see Harry at Hogwarts, but not necessarily as a student.  (That's for the sequel...Yes, I said it...There is one planned.)  Thank you!

Title: Chapter 3 - Decisive News 08 Aug 2009 9:36 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Very well thought out and planned story. I'm impressed. I hesitated to read at first, because I don't particularly like child fics. I prefer Harry older, but you have intrigued me with your writing and the way you take Canon and give it your own twist.

    On to the next chappie.

    Author's Response: Oh thank you.  Yes, I planned this out for a long while.  I do not even particularly like child fics, and actually Harry only stays very, very young for a few more chapters before there is a bit of a time jump to him being a few years older.  And I am tying to stay as close to canon as possible without it being canon (which is rather difficult!)  Thank you for leaving reviews they make me so excited to see them!

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