Wow, Harry's brain must be spinning around! So much to take in. I can't wait till he gets to Diagon Alley. His eyes are going to bug out.
Looking forward to the next chapter. Nice beginning.
Author's Response: Oh yes, even if Snape tries his best to be direct. The Diagon Alley chapter hands him even more info.
Thank you^^
Title: Chapter 2
| 13 Aug 2009 10:46 am
Reviewer: Elfwyn (Anonymous)
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Why didn't Snape care that Harry's bedroom was in a closet?
Author's Response: He didn't know it. By the moment he comes to Dursley, Harry has been moved to the smallest bedroom upstairs - from which he comes down to meet Snape, and to which he runs to bring some paper and a pen. Oh my, I should have indicated it more clearly, perhaps.
You've updated! Yah! Happy now.
Author's Response: It warms my tiny black heart to know that people consider the story worth following ^^
I look forward to the next bit.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm writing a little bit every day, so I hope to finish the next one soon.
Oooh I really like this- keep writing :)
Author's Response: Thanks ^__^
Yup, you got the perfect set up for Harry to say okay to the Sorting Hat suggesting Slytherin. Part of Harry's loyalty to Hagrid was that Hagrid rescued him from the Dursleys, and now Snape has taken that spot. Which makes me wonder how much would Harry adore and imitate Snape?
Author's Response: *laughs* He didn't try to imitate Hagrid, now did he? He still is our lovely cheerful Harry here, too. Of course, you see the points I have to address looking at the challenge text, but the potions thing won't be pure adoration... Oh, wait till the next chapter. Thanks a lot for reviewing.
Hiya!! I'm not willing to beta, unfortunately (my own story takes up too much of my free time as it is!) but I can help on one point of English - 'inky' means very, very, dark. As such, an 'inky Christmas evening' turning into a 'dark night' doesn't make much sense. It sounds almost like the night is lightening up, which of course is not the case.
That said, I like the chapter. The conversation between Sev and Minerva is interesting.
Author's Response: Thank you for your review. *thinks* I hear your reasoning, but I still think I said what I wanted to say: that they are equivalent.
Ooh, so Snape has gone to get Harry to fetch him to Hogwarts instead of Hagrid. I always love stories where Snape puts the Dursleys in their place.