I truly would like to read more of this story. Especially if Snape gets enlightened. Hmmmm, I wonder if that is why Dumbledore sent Snape there in the first place. Crafty! It would be fun to read the realizations: Snape on where Harry is sleeping, and that Harry really does know how to cook, and cook well, and perhaps that an alternate teaching style might be useful. I'd love to see Harry changing teaching styles after several days of Snape being frustrated (grin), so Snape can see and experience the difference.
It's funny to think Harry teaching Snape, he is much to bossy/stubborn. Yes, hopefully Harry is wrong and Snape see's the light lol.
Title: That's a Scary Thought
| 18 Aug 2009 7:56 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed)
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lol loved this please update if you can!
Fun idea! lol. Snape is a bit too compliant though to be in character... but this is fanfiction so you get to do what you want! :)
Title: That's a Scary Thought
| 16 Aug 2009 5:44 pm
Reviewer: Smorefan (Anonymous)
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Oh, please continue with this. I would love to see more of these cooking lessons! And how old is Harry in this? Just curious...
I'm curious to see Severus's reaction to Harry's cupboard lol
Title: That's a Scary Thought
| 13 Aug 2009 5:53 am
Reviewer: - (Anonymous)
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I liked it, please continue
Interesting...I like how Snape didn't seem to know why he was coming in the first place. I might like to read more, if you are willing.
Title: That's a Scary Thought
| 12 Aug 2009 12:21 am
Reviewer: Zazzle (Anonymous)
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Very clever! Great work. Dumbledore (even without his presence) is spot on.
Title: That's a Scary Thought
| 11 Aug 2009 3:53 pm
Reviewer: nightwisp (Anonymous)
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I really liked your story please continue it.