Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Truly your parents’ son 03 Jul 2011 5:44 pm
Reviewer: witchwestphalia (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I love your writin.

    Just a thought on the "no two patronuses are alike" thing -- there are or were several kinds of deer in Britain. And there could be magical species of deer too. So lots of people could have doe or stag patronuses, but they wouldn't be the same. And stags have antlers, no two stags have the same antler rack, so each would be unique. Just a thought.

    Keep writing!

    Author's Response:


    I'm glad you liked it.

    My whole reasoning wasn't based on the fact that two people couldn't have the same type of animal as a patronus, as you have pointed out just like there can be different kind of deers there can be different kinds of cats, dogs and so on, but that two people couldn't have the exact same patronus. That the theory that goes around that Snape's patronus was a deer because his patronus was Lily's patronus didn't hold to canon facts. I mean, in canon, only Harry says that and he deduced that from the memories he saw, not from something someone actually said or because he saw his mother's patronus.

    Then you have what Lupin said and what JKR herself said in interviews (I found out after I wrote that AN) that two people couldn't have the same patronus. So Lily and Snape couldn't have the same patronus. But in my understanding Sanpe's patronus did represent Lily. So why would it be a doe then, just because she was a stag Animagus wife? You could think that. But isn't a patronus representative of the person casting the Patronus? So would Snape think of Lily as Lily Potter (James'wife) or Lily Evans, the girl he knew? I personally don't think he'd link her to James. I think that for him she'd always be Lily Evans, so my reasoning was that the doe had to be something about Lily not James. Why not her Animagus form if she had tried to be one? To me that made more sense than his patronus being a doe because James was a stag and Lily was his wife.


    So this isn't about two people not being able to have the same animal as a Patronus but of, in my story, Lily being Snape's paronus and him knowing that and therefore realizing what the doe meant. That she was a doe Animagus. Was my way of rationalizing canon facts and inserting them in my story.


    I hope that cleared that up!

    Thanks again!

Title: Rest for the Weary 25 Jan 2011 7:52 pm
Reviewer: Rhyselle (Signed) [Report This]
    This is absolutely the BEST fatherhood/guardian fic I have read on this site! I am just gobsmacked at the detail and how you interwove your AU into canon and made it all work!

    I am so looking forward to reading the sequel, and seeing what happens to save Severus from Fudge's miscarriage of justice. :)

    If I detailed all the things I love about this fic, I'd be typing for days!

    This has been an impressive piece of creative extrapolation, and I'm so very glad that I discovered it. :)


    Author's Response:


    I'm glad you had fun, which is the main goal here! I hope you enjoy the sequel and I loved all your reviews!

Title: Letting them go 25 Jan 2011 3:20 pm
Reviewer: Rhyselle (Signed) [Report This]
    So nice to see how Harry's influence on Albus made him make a good decision regarding the Resurrection Stone. :)

    I really wanted to slap Petunia!

    Author's Response:


    I really thought that even Dumbledore's choices would be different if he had someone, which I don't think he really did in canon.


    Everyone wants to slap Petunia! lol! But don't worry, Severus is going to get his sweet revenge.

Title: Facing your fears 25 Jan 2011 2:36 pm
Reviewer: Rhyselle (Signed) [Report This]
    The conversation between Remus and Severus is absolutely AWESOME! I've been enjoying this fic so much all the way through thus far, but, IMO, this is the very best chapter so far. Well done!

    Author's Response: Thanks! I really like to think of how all three of them (Sirius, Remus and Severus) could have matured enough to face these difficult events in their lives and talk about it to help each other get over them had things gone diferently. I'm glad you liked it too!
Title: Rest for the Weary 28 May 2010 10:35 pm
Reviewer: Arwen Evenstar (Signed) [Report This]
    your story was simply amazing, I read it all in a few short hours, my eyes glued to the screen. I hope I don't get killed for saying this but your story was better than the original in some ways. I was very disapointed with DH.
    but you changed all that, good job, hope the sequal is as good.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! Ii'm glad you had fun and I hope you like the sequel too!

    I wasn't a big fan of DH either, so I changed everything I didn't like here!

Title: Rest for the Weary 16 May 2010 4:18 am
Reviewer: silverstargirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Fabulous story! I really enjoyed it. I look forward to reading the sequel.

    Author's Response: Thanks! I hope you have fun!
Title: Rest for the Weary 19 Sep 2009 11:30 pm
Reviewer: omega13a (Signed) [Report This]
    One thing that I didn't like about the the last couple of chapters was the getting ready for Severus' trial. It seemed like something that should have been at the start of "Life Goes On" because its building up to something while everything else that is happening at the same time is winding down. Also, the Hermione in your story has more brains than in canon during the equivalent period of time. It took the canon Hermione until a Hogsmeade weekend in winter to come up with the idea your Hermione did here. Minister Fudge in canon viciously denied Voldemort's return in canon. The canon Hermione should have had enough sense to get the truth out to people outside of Hogwarts before Minister Fudge spreads his version of events.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, well, my characters are all a little different since they've had the support of not very common adults here. Most parents wouldn't openly discuss what Remus, Sirius and Severus do with Harry, and he then talks to his friends, so I figured all of them would be slightly different.

    The building up as everything else is dying down was done on purpose, or else no one would want to read the sequel. You get to know what they are planning but to see it you have to go read the sequel, kind of like Harry,Hermione and Ron deciding not to go back to Hogwarts and go after the Horcruxes at the end of book 6. At the end of book 6 I got that feeling, "Okay, so where's the next page?" and when I decided to divide this in two I wanted to leave you all with the same feeling.

    Thanks for the input!

Title: The return of the servant 19 Sep 2009 12:54 am
Reviewer: omega13a (Signed) [Report This]
    I remember when I first read this. I wanted to strangle you for having Severus die.

    Author's Response: Strangle me? But I'm such a nice person! He, he. Thanks!
Title: The calm before the storm 13 Sep 2009 8:32 pm
Reviewer: omega13a (Signed) [Report This]
    Dumbledore is just lucky Harry didn't fallow Severus' instructions. If Harry did, I don't want to know what would have happen.

    Also, about the Elder Wand, just why does Dumbledore use that wand? Sure, he doesn't brag he has the elder wand, but anyone who knows its history would learn he won it and may try to steal it from him (if anyone is crazy enough to do so). If he wants to make sure its not used by another dark wizard again, why couldn't he have hid it in the Mirror of Erised or put in vault in Gringott's or something? Another great mystery of the universe.

    Author's Response:

    I don't know. Never thought of that. I just followed Canon here. But I might wager that Dumbledore did enjoy having a Deathly Hallow in his possession.


Title: Projects progressing 13 Sep 2009 7:22 pm
Reviewer: omega13a (Signed) [Report This]
    It must have been painful Dumbledore to come to the conclusion Harry is a horcrux. There is one that I wondered about in canon (and in your story as well). Did Dumbledore look into the possibility of removing the soul fragement from Harry without having Harry get himself hit with the killing curse. For a person who is famous for discovering different uses for dragon blood (one them according to JK is an oven cleanser of all things...) it seems unlikely that he wouldn't research things out before just giving up, especially in your story when he is closer to Harry than in canon.

    Author's Response:

    Yes he has been looking but he hasn't found a way. I  mention that on a later chapter too as well as on this one.


    "And maybe, just maybe, he could find another way out of this. "

    Dumbledore won't give up, and now that he has stopped the denial phase, which is very common, no one wants to face the fact that a son or grandson will die, he is on the phase where he'll try to save Harry at any cost.

    I don't know about canon, sometimes I feel like Dumbledore had always planned for Harry to sacrifice himself (that glint of triumph in book 4 shows that he was already thinking Harry would die back then). I don't know if he ever looked for another solution but be sure that my Dumbledore isn't sending Harry to the slaughter that easily. He isn't giving up. Here he was having a private introspection of what would happen if the worst had to happen, if he was left with no choice, who would he choose, Harry or the rest of the world. But by no means is he giving up.


    Thanks for reading and the input!


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