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Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: The joys of Parenthood 25 Aug 2009 7:43 pm
Reviewer: omega13a (Signed) [Report This]
    The "talk" scene is still as funny as when I first read it.

    Given how mad Sirius was about Dementors guarding the school, I wouldn't be surprised that he took the matter straight to Fudge in between scenes in this chapter, in not in person but in howler, given how he reacted to the fake letter in Harry's first year.

    Also, Harry is really sneaky in trying to get Severus to learn to be an Animagus. Setting Sirius and Remus on him... Poor Severus.

    Author's Response:

    Yeah, I can see a howler there too.

    Indeed, Poor Severus, he,he.


Title: Pieces of soul 25 Aug 2009 5:53 pm
Reviewer: omega13a (Signed) [Report This]
    More than one Little Hangleton is rather odd. But than again, just about every state in the US has a Springfield.

    Anyways, I do agree with you that it took so long for Dumbledore to put together all pieces of the puzzle to figure out about Horcruxes because he was working alone and even than had no clue where all of them would be. Just a theory of what items were used to make them. For someone who gives people second chances, the cannon Dumbledore is not very trusting with giving out info that could help defeat Voldemort. If he couldn't tell the Ministry, at least he should have told the Order. He took a very big risk in only telling Severus Harry was a horcrux. If something happened to Severus...

    Author's Response:

     I think Dumbledore was a tad of a loner. Relying only on himself, so he didn't trust others with what he thought was important information, you know that phrase "If you want it done right do it yourself." ? I think he was a little too fond of that phrease and thought that if he gave away information and delegated duties things wouldn't come out just as he wanted.

    That's where i thought my story might be different, my Dumbledore still spent the majority of his life being a loner and because of that still holds to some bad habits, but at the same time he is not alone anymore and his new "family" manages to break through those habits. So he has help.


Title: Facing the public 25 Aug 2009 1:39 am
Reviewer: omega13a (Signed) [Report This]
    "A student semi-transfigured into a cat on his watch! Minerva would never let him live this down."

    Poor Sirius. Given how he transfigured a student as a punishment once, I wonder if she jumped to conclusions and someone had to explain Sirius had nothing to do with it.
Title: When secrets come to light 24 Aug 2009 11:10 pm
Reviewer: omega13a (Signed) [Report This]
    A little continuity error with cannon in this chapter. Dumbledore was still transfiguration teacher and head of Gryffindor House during the 40s. McGonagall in OotP said she didn't start teaching until the late 1960s. However, I remember reading somewhere that McGonagall is one year older than Voldemort and was a student at the time of the attacks. She was at Hogwarts then, but not as a teacher. Anyways, I love this line:
    Sirius smirked, “You must regret having taught Harry Occlumency now,” he chuckled.

    I like that line. As well as the one about Sirius hurting his hand on Lockheart's nose.

    Author's Response:

    Ootp happens supposedly in 1995 and she says she had been teaching for 39 and that means she was teaching from the late 50' (1956). But even so I still don't understand where my mistake is since at no point did I say McGonnagall had been Vodemort's teacher. Which means that how long she has been teaching is irrelevant here. Could you please clarify the error because I have been really looking and haven't found it.

    if you mean because of this part:

    "Sirius sighed and ran a hand through his face, “You know about the legend?” Harry nodded. “About fifty years ago it was rumored that the Chamber had been opened. There were attacks on Muggle-borns and one died. The school almost closed. But then someone was caught and expelled after that girl’s death and no one else was attacked. I personally don’t think they caught the right person. Nor does Dumbledore. I think the real culprit just stopped because it got too risky.” "

    “Who was expelled?”

    “You can’t tell anyone this Harry,” he said very seriously. Harry nodded. Sirius took a big breath and said, “Hagrid.”

    “What? Hagrid would never-“

    “I know that. Dumbledore knows that too. That’s why he let Hagrid stay. But you know how things are. Hagrid is a half giant, and someone said it had been him. That’s all the Ministry needed to hear,” he said darkly as he sat on the bed he had been sleeping before Dobby showed up.

    The fifty years come straight from book 2 and I never meant to allude that Dumbledore was Headmaster then, just that he didn't believe Hagrid was responsible and helped him. They said the same in the book.


    Please  I would like  to see if it's viable for me to correct the error you found.


Title: No good deed shall go unpunished 23 Aug 2009 11:21 pm
Reviewer: omega13a (Signed) [Report This]
    About your chapter end notes. I agree. That scene with Dumbledore and Harry works better here was than during CoS though for a different reason than what you said. In CoS, the "lesson" is that our choices define who we are and not our abilities. Here, the lesson is that just because we made a mistake doesn't mean were are a bad person.

    Author's Response:

     This was more like two leassons actually, regarding Dumbledore, you're right, the lesson is that because we made a mistake doesn't mean were are a bad person. But that wasn't the original "intent" let's call it for Dumbledore to bring up that subject. Depending on Dumbledore the story would have stopped before Harry asked why his father did it, and that was me working through Harry so that Harry would kind of learn that lesson so later on, in "Life Goes On", (you know where sinceyou've read this before, not telling the new readers!) Harry recals this lesson.

    So I needed to bring this up, but as I said Dumbledore brought this up to show Harry that people's opinion can change a lot, and that is what I meant by thinking this would fit when everyone was hating and afraid of Harry because of him being a parselmouth. 

    But, you are right, the lesson I wanted people and Harry to remember was that  just because we made a mistake doesn't mean were are a bad person,so he can remember that one you know when, and I'm glad that's the lesson that stands out, and not the one about Dumbledore being unpopular once.  (He,he. Did my job!)

    Thanks for all the input. I always enjoy discussing with you!

Title: Of traditions passed along 23 Aug 2009 1:02 am
Reviewer: omega13a (Signed) [Report This]
    “Maybe we can break a record. Never thought the best prank on Snape would be actually not pranking him,”

    I agree. 'unjokes' can be so funny. I did one last year on my dad for April Fool's. He was on edge all day expecting me to do something but I didn't do anything other than make him think I was going to do something. >:)

    Author's Response:

    Poor Severus. poor your dad!

    I loved writing that scene.


Title: What did you think of our classes? 22 Aug 2009 11:30 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh oh! Malfoy and Harry are still enemies in this. Can't wait to see the fireworks.

    Author's Response:

    I needed a little annoying twerp to make Harry's life miserable, and Malfoy is so handy, just standing there, waiting to be used.


Title: Prologue 22 Aug 2009 11:29 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Sorry forgot the frogs!

    Oh, and it might take me awhile to read, but I will!

    Author's Response: Don't worry, as long as you're having fun I'm happy! Thanks!
Title: When secrets come to light 22 Aug 2009 2:46 am
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed) [Report This]
    I so adored Sirius' line about Lockhart hurting his hand with his nose! Hilarious!

    Author's Response: I know! So Sirius! Thanks!
Title: An official student 21 Aug 2009 4:45 am
Reviewer: She Who Must Be Obeyed (Signed) [Report This]
    I LOVE it! Can't wait to read more.

    Author's Response: Thanks!

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