Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Phantom Limb
Title: Chapter 3 31 Aug 2009 5:30 pm
Reviewer: Kirinin (Signed) [Report This]
    I liked this chapter... but again with the possessives, and I do believe that Lupin's parting shot is a bit too insensitive for him.

    I liked the way that Lupin needed time to gather himself (for whatever reason) and disappeared into the pantry for a few minutes to calm himself down.


    Author's Response:

    Thanks for the review!


Title: Chapter 2 31 Aug 2009 5:26 pm
Reviewer: Kirinin (Signed) [Report This]
    The grammar took a turn for the worse here, especially w/possessives...

    ...it really matters to me, my brain gives a hiccup every time I stumble over one, which takes me out of the story.


    Author's Response:

    Well, I was never too good with grammar and I dont have a beta to look my stuff over. I'm more of an independent writer, but I'll defininley try and work with the possessives if you say they're that bothersome.


Title: Chapter 1 31 Aug 2009 5:18 pm
Reviewer: Kirinin (Signed) [Report This]
    Frankly, amnesia is one of those cliches that I can't help but adore, and you're handling it well so far. Just because amnesia is a cliche doesn't mean it can't be entertaining! Tropes are tropes for a reason. ;)


    Author's Response:

    Thanks! I never thought I'd do an amnesia story, but the plot just came to me and I went along with it.


Title: Chapter 3 27 Aug 2009 9:53 pm
Reviewer: Raven Knight (Signed) [Report This]
    Ugh! He doesn't remember Luna! Oh man! That means he doesn't remember Umbridge either! WOW! (Again, so much happened in the fifth book!!!) Oh, poor Harry. It wasn't his fault. Nice that you are connecting the similar reaction though, which still lets us know that Harry is still the same (although not remembering some stuff). I like how you told us what Harry thought Lupin must think of him and his feelings from his relationship to Sirius. (Something I feel that JKR never actually talked about, really, was Lupin's reaction to Sirius's death, so well done, you!) Ugh! On his birthday no less! Okay second chapter in a row you managed to get me teary! Ugh!

    Author's Response:

    If theres one think I dislike about the HP books, its that JKR never really let us know how Remus handled Sirius' death. In the 6th book, it breifly mentioned Remus at all in the begining when Harry went to the weasleys, and i think it might have said he looked worse than usual, but i think that was because of the werewolf thing rather than the greif thing. But even then! I'd really like to know more about his reaction :/ Anyway, thanks for the review, and it hurt just the same to make it his birthday that day :'( I'm working on the next chapter now, and it should be done soon, I think


Title: Chapter 2 27 Aug 2009 9:43 pm
Reviewer: Raven Knight (Signed) [Report This]
    This Snape-ism is wonderful: "It seems all those years of schooling are not lost." Poor Remus. I really am not sure who I feel worse for: Harry for not knowing what happened, or Remus for knowing he has to be the bearer of bad news. I really do feel horribly for the two of them. Ugh! Oh wow. He doesn't even really have a face to go with Bellatrix Lestrange. (Wow, so much happened in the fifth book!) Okay, that last sentence-ish got me a bit teary. I really can't figure out if I feel worse for Remus or Harry. Both of their positions are horrible. Well done!

    Author's Response:

    'Snape-ism' had me laughing. I think that word should finally be put in the dictionary :)) And thanks. Yeah, I always feel bad for Remus, lol, but even though he's my favorite character- or second favorite to Snape- I think I feel bad for Harry more right now because of his situation more than the Sirius thing. Lupin was probably a lot closer to Sirius, and probably misses him more, but Harry's situation just flat out sucks. And the last sentence made me teary too :( It kind of hurt to write it. Thanks for the review!


Title: Chapter 3 26 Aug 2009 1:09 am
Reviewer: jolisgsd (Anonymous) [Report This]
    good stoy so far.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks fo the review, I'm glad you like it :)


Title: Chapter 3 25 Aug 2009 4:46 pm
Reviewer: tabbycat (Signed) [Report This]
    Great update. Lupin is so much better than he was in the later books! :) Poor Harry though. And poor Lupin. :( It is so difficult having to retell something like that. x

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! Thats really the best compliment I've ever recieved! About Remus I mean, I was so dissapointed in the 6th and 7th books because... well, I just didnt feel for him all that much. He barley made an appearence... Anyway, yes, it breaks my heart to have to do this to Harry and Lupin, but for the sake of the plot... I'm glad you liked it, and thanks for the review!


Title: Chapter 3 25 Aug 2009 12:51 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, poor Harry. What a shock for him.

    I hope that Lupin will be able to help Harry overcome the guilt, or it's going to eat him alive.

    Can't wait to read more. Great start.

    Author's Response:

    I know, receiving news of that matter.... well, its never good I'll say. And speaking of guilt... well, I'll let you find out for yourself. It shouldnt be too long of a wait, since school started, I'll have more time to daydream and mentaly write :D Well, at least in my non AP classes :/ I'm glad you like the story so far, and thanks for the review!


Title: Chapter 3 25 Aug 2009 7:51 am
Reviewer: S.S (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Brilliant story.
    It's sad that Lupin had to tell him on his birthday and that he couldn't remember.
    Update soon

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! And I know! It just killed me to make it his birthday :/ I thought my 16th birthday was horrible, it was a few months ago, but it was nothing compared to poor ol' Harry's :( and updates are easier now that school has started for some reason. I guess all that misery is making me wanna have fun, and write


Title: Chapter 2 24 Aug 2009 12:15 pm
Reviewer: tabbycat (Signed) [Report This]
    great chapter! Snape interrupting luping was very...snapish. :) Poor Harry at the end though - why didn't Snape stick around to help explain everything?!
    Anyway, it was really good - the flavour of the pink potion made me cringe though. ugh! There is a glaring error by the way - unless you eat lighthouses for breakfast! ;D

    Author's Response:

    Oh, Snape. Always the one to walk in when its a perfect time for a mean comment :D And I didnt think Snape would want to stick around- its not like he doesnt know Harry doesnt trust him, and I doubt Lupin would have let him anyway.


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