I enjoyed reading this story. I do hope that you will come back and continue on it. I would love to see where you go with it. :)
Piece and quiet is vastly overrated.
Title: Little Revelations
| 17 Jan 2016 7:59 am
Reviewer: PharaohsLoyalMagician (Anonymous)
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This is wonderful so far. I love how Dumbledore adopted Severus and they call each other "son", "my boy", "child", and "father." I think it's rather sweet and what Severus needs. I love how Lily wrote the letter and included teaching Harry to know Severus. Than how he accepted Severus and his explanation and how Severus can now handle raising Harry since he is so Slytherin. I really hope Albus didn't know about Petunia's treatment to magical folk so Severus' relationship with his father isn't spoiled and that Harry can have a grandfather that will spoil him (at least as much as Severus could handle.) I think Hagrid bringing Harry the crup was wonderful. And than how he gave Severus a niffler. I think you're a wonderful writer and author. I very much look forward to the next chapter. Cheers and ta.
Title: Little Revelations
| 21 May 2013 6:56 pm
Reviewer: callacrazy (Anonymous)
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This is such a sweet beginning. I am sad to see that it has not been developed further. Here's to Severus the mentor and father.
well are you gonna complete this..... it is interesting...
Title: Little Revelations
| 17 May 2011 6:32 pm
Reviewer: Maggie (Anonymous)
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This is really good and I like it. I hope you update soon!
Title: Little Revelations
| 09 Apr 2011 10:56 pm
Reviewer: Rye (Signed)
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I have a question. If Harry's eight years old, how could he be not potty trained, and how is it that he speaks in broken sentences?
Author's Response: I'm not saying Harry isn't Potty trained. Severus is just speculating in his head.