Reviews For A Better Childhood
I got the impression you took this over from another author...? Obsidian Embrace? Well written, whichever one of you wrote this... lol. Looking forward to the next chapter. Here I go! --his Author's Response: No I didn't take this over. It's my story. But maybe there is a similar story. It's such a long time since I wrote or read fanfiction.
Peace! CheyRain Author's Response: Thank you very much for you review!
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked this story. It is my cutest one.:)
Author's Response: Hahaha!
Good chapter. Author's Response: Yes, they are perfect to help each other.
Author's Response: Good thing I was onyl a little sister not a big one. As an adult it is much easier to set a good example than as a teenager. :)
Ah, and I see there is a bit of romance in the air... Author's Response: I have two cats. Maybe that influenced me while writing Pookah. :)
Good chapter. Author's Response: :D
Author's Response: Thanks for all your lovely review!
Author's Response: Yes, they are. |
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