Reviews For A Better Childhood
Author's Response: :)
Author's Response: Thanks a lot! It's good to hear things like that!
Delightful chapter - love how Fred and George deliberately misunderstood Molly's words. :D Poor Harry, though... Poor kid definitely got handed the short of the stick, didn't he? I hope he can rise out of his depression, soon. It's certainly not a nice place to be. Author's Response: Yes, Fred and George love to misunderstand things. :)
I wonder what happens next? Author's Response: :D
Great chapter. ^^ Author's Response: Thanks a lot!
Author's Response: Yes, Madam Hooch is a cool character to change a bit. :)
A good start, grugster - I'm liking it so far. ^^ Author's Response: I'm glad you do!
I love little Severus though it is sad that he only had the chice between Azkaban and being de-aged... Well - he deserved a second chance at life. Mayby this one will be happy and really great. :) Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Two sequels are already up for this story. Thank you very much for your review!
I really enjoyed reading this very much and am curious as to how it continues. Author's Response: The first sequel is already up. It's called "Happy Birthday, Alastor". Thank you very much for your review! |
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