Reviews For A Better Childhood
This is a really cute story. I liked how each of the character is in this story. The only character I find a bit hard to believe is Hermione (that she doesn't love Ron, is trying to be a mediwitch and that she doesn't understand Harry's moods). All the other parts are really fantastic and I hope you will upload the sequel! Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you for your review!
Please do upload the sequel to this story - more of Little Sev, please!!! Author's Response: I will upload the sequel in the next days. Thank you for your review!
Loved the chapter! Author's Response: I have no plans for it but maybe I will add it in the second sequel!
I love how Sev wants to get his friend Harry all fixed up! Author's Response: Thank you for your review!
Author's Response: I'm glad you like it!
I hope with Hermione here we hear more about Harry, and they can get their former warm relationship back again. Author's Response: Thank you for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you for your review!
Author's Response: *nod* |
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