Reviews For A Better Childhood
Author's Response: I'm glad you like the story!
Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing again. I'm very happy about every single review I get. There will be no Harry romance in this story (maybe later in one of the sequels). He is too occupied with his health and emotional problems.
Maybe together, they can straighten each other out. Please update soon--this is really good! -P.G. Author's Response: You will find the answers to all your questions very soon!!! Thank you for your review!
-P.G. Author's Response: No, Ron won't be a big problem this time. :) Thank you for your review!
-P.G. Author's Response: The students won't come in this story. It will appear in the second sequel. The first sequel will be about Alastor's birthday because it was a birthday present for a friend. So it is a bit confusing but I will explain it when I upload it! Thank you for your review!
Author's Response: Harry will be very moody in this story. Sorry. At least in the sequel he is more balanced but still a bit grumpy sometimes. Thank you for your review!
I like how everyone is trying to reassure little Sev in this new strange place! Author's Response: Yes, it is AU. Otherwise we wouldn't even have Severus or Dumbledore... :) There will be hint after hint how the battle and all the stuff before has been. You have to be patient. I'm very glad you like it! Thank you for your review! t!
Author's Response: I'm very glad you like it! Thank you for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
-P.G. P.S. I also really enjoyed the toilet monster. I used to think there might be a snake hiding in there as a kid, lol, so I understand! Author's Response: Around me people told about rats coming through the sanitation into the toilet, and I feared they will come while I was on the toilet as a child. :) I also knew some kids who were scared about going to the toilet as well. Thank you very much for your review! I hope you will enjoy the rest of the story as well.
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