Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 14 20 Apr 2010 4:17 pm
Reviewer: Wrinkled_Fabric (Signed) [Report This]
    *Ahem* Kidnapping was just narrowly avoided... they were a little behind schedule since I was busy with the rescue team and the paramedics I put on standby... and the helicopters ready for air-retrieval-ness... I was worried.

    I am very glad you're not in need of my awesome imaginary rescue service, they're stuck to England-only rescues anyway, so you'd have to get a boat or drive or apparate here before you got rescued, since silly volcanos are being very uncooperative -_-

    Oooh I don't even know where to begin... ! You're updates and reviews make my day! Just like mud cake and fairy bread AND cherry muffins! Really, really makes my day. My week, in fact. Maybe even my month, if I wasn't busy worrying about your health. You're a bad person, making me worry like that!

    I am glad you are enjoying yourself at uni, I chose apprenticeship over uni, but I always sort of still want to go. I live vicariously through my friends though ^^ it works.

    I love love love the scene you wrote for me!! Major, serious love! If I had known I would get such a brilliant reaction, I would have used my boredom for much more productive means a lot earlier! I actually started with Severus not being the film version of him cos even though he is Snape, he's not the right Snape for me. Ioan Gruffudd was what I always picture as Severus when I read the books. He's my Severus ^_^ Plus, there's way more pictures I can use with Mr Hornblower himself :D Anyways, I know I go off on a tangent and ramble on, but I do really love that scene. I kind of want to print and frame it. I wish I could help you with banner-placing (and wow, *Squee* cos, like, a banner! Me!) but, like I said, my poor entire photobucket gallery goes to hell when I try to do anything. Hehe, glad you like though! And wrote me a whole beautiful scene! Although - because I forgot to add it and you're sending points in the direction of the Puffys - I'm a Ravenclaw. Except, I'm not one of the crazy Ravens that are sticking themselves to their stockings. Cos - ouch. And eww.

    I will get to the actual review part of this review, honest!

    Thank you, thank you for your update! It was, secretly, perfect timing. I've been in a far away country in Asia and I got home two weeks ago and now, update! Very good timing. I did sneak into the Internet Cafes a couple of times to check because I could not help myself, but I had hoped there was nothing cos then I wouldn't have had the time to read and I would be in such a bad mood cos I would spend the rest of my time there thinking about getting to a computer to just read already!! So, good timing. I approve. :) Balaclava-clad fangirls will just have wait ^^

    Right to the actual review...

    Finally - really, truly *Finally*! - Harry's got some help! Severus' help; the perfect kind.

    That was wonderful. Heart-wrenching and very very awesome, brilliant, wonderfully written stuff. I love Severus' reaction. I actually feel Severus' fury. It's so awesome. You make everything really... intensely expressive. And I'm really going to enjoy seeing Severus deal with Umbridge. Will it last long? I really really want it to be slow. Make Umbitch suffer. The thought of suffering shouldn't really turn me so gleeful, but I just can't help it. A whole 13 chapters of Harry being tortured by her, it'll be justice.

    I love, love, love that Severus has already figured most of it out.

    My favourite Sev and Harry scene... I adored Severus' point of view this chapter. The way his perception of Harry is changing. The last sentence in particular, made me squee with fangirlish delight, actually the whole last paragraph. Technically, the whole chapter made me make a whole lot of rather girlish squees, but I say that every time. I don't want him to be moved to the infirmary though, he's much better in Severus' care ^^ unrealistic, I know, but it's the fangirl in me. Are we going to get awake!Harry-Severus interaction soon? Please? Pretty please with cherries on top? Of Muffins?? Oh man, I'm all excited for the next chapter already!!

    And I can't wait until Harry is conscious again. Well, I *can* wait, technically... just don't want to. Sure you don't want a break from uni? You know, they'll probably be lenient with the grades and stuff if your excuse is 'I got kidnapped' *nods enthusiastically' uh huh, they might even waiver all uni fees if we make sure to kidnap you from their grounds *nods more* it's a good plan, don't you think? ^^

    Hmm well, you'd have to wait a while, as all attempts on you has to be postponed, due to stupid volcanoes... have you noticed the resentment? If the stupid thing has erupted just a few weeks earlier, I would be stranded in the most beautiful country in the world, surrounded by the most friendly, beautiful-est people in the world. No consideration, these volcanoes. Anyways, you can be a normal uni student without kidnappers on your heels, since most of my kidnapper companions are stuck here too. Silly rules, like no planes in case the engines fail and all that.

    I will be patiently awaiting your next chapter... hmm, maybe not so patiently... I'l try.
    Fabs x

    Author's Response:

    Hi!  I took awhile this time didn’t I... *peeks out window* I’ve been expecting balaclava-clad people creeping around for awhile now... not that they would creep, they would of course stride confidently with the utmost poise... as they kidnapped me ^^  Aww *hugs u* you were worried ^^ no need to be though, I frequently disappear without good reason ^^ *cough cough... not sick, honest.  Besides, it would give me more time to write if I was ^^.

    Oh, that was a fun few weeks wasn’t it?  End of the world volcanoness – very entertaining ^^.  Like a weather-soap opera.  And of course if I was ever in need of emergency rescue or health care the first thing I’ll do is try to apparate to England or, failing that (which I obviously wouldn’t), I would hop on a plane and come find you so you could call an ambulance...

    Wow!  Mud cake, fairy bread AND cherry muffins?!!!  I’m honoured!  I’ll have to update and reply to reviews that much more often while I have the time; hopefully I can make your day lots ^^ (your reviews always make mine, they’re wonderful... and so long! ^^)  wow, a whole month!?  I hope it did make your month... or two or three, that way I don’t have to feel bad about making you wait ^^ (sorry for making you worry *looks appropriately ashamed of myself* forgive me?)

    Ooh, vicarious living huh, they should advertise that better; it works wonderfully ^^  I’ve always liked the idea of an apprenticeship but I just like the ebb and flow of study too much to really do anything else until I have to ^^.  Anytime you wanna vicariously go to my uni, go for it ^^

    Yay!  You liked it, you really really liked it!  I started something else with you in mind originally – as well as your apparent like of Sev/Harry carrying and the idea of getting into Harry’s mindset – and it sorta morphed and mutated until it became something completely different... set in Harry’s fourth year, kinda strange, but once it’s edited I can upload that too if you like? (see, you inspire me AND keep me entertained ^^ (and you’re even on hand for kidnapping/rescuing purposes...depending on volcano activity... wow, how lucky am I?!)

    Ioan Gruffudd... will have to look him up immediately ^^ - I have to say as wonderful as Alan Rickman is (and he really does the most excellent Snapey Snape... ‘specially the voice) I often envisage a younger, slightly different Snape when writing (every so often there’s someone who’s so very ‘Snape’ that its impossible not to instantly fall in lo- er, use him as inspiration ^^ - like Tom Ward (Silent Witness) – can’t help thinking he’d make a spine-meltingly gorgeous Sev ^^  even Matthew McFadyen... hmmm... anyway (before I get totally distracted...)

    Oh, and I fixed up the whole Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw thing (oops!  Sorry!) and I know it sounds totally gross and all but really, wouldn’t it be just a tad efficient... not having to deal with the whole irritating stocking problems, no holes or ladders and you could have naturally (sort of) stripey legs!!  I mean, if it went wrong it would probably suck but the idea has its pros as well... or not... ^^

    (and by the way, are you really all that surprised about the banner?  Because really, how freakin’ awesome is that pic you made me?!  You know I still cant see it without serious squeeing ensuing?  Really, every single time, it’s just so incredibly awesome!!!  *hugs it and dances around the room* - I don’t think the fic lives up to it either ^^  it’s so cool... ahem, anyway ^^)

    Oooh, faraway Asian country?  Where?  Why?  Who (huh?)  How was it?  Was it awesome?  Was it amazing?  Now who’s living vicariously ^^ (Asia!!!  I so wanna go there!!!)  lets hope I can get my timing perfect again this time too ^^ and I laugh at you (hahaha... no, sorry, thats mean.  Haha... any better?) because really, how could my crappy little fanfic compare with ASIA?!!!  Travelling!  Adventures!  W00t w00t! ooh, balaclava-clad fangirls... another line you could create for your store... or not... actually not, I think that might be illegal...

    Oh, there’s no kind of help like Sev’s kind of help; his help is special and... you know... Sevvy in it’s Sevness... aww, hope you’re not too furious (Sev’s fury can be a bit... well, full-on) – hopefully this one doesn’t make you as mad as Sev gets in it ‘cos I’d hate to think I’d led you to breaking things or spelling women (not ‘spelling’ women... hopefully you can do that and I’m all for encouraging good grammar; very good skill to have and all that).  Basically this is my way of saying I’m thrilled I’m able to evoke strong emotions in anyone reading this... how did I go?  Crap?  *shakes head* I know, I know TT.  Aww! ‘intensely expressive’ has made me all giggly and red in the face, thank you!!! ^^ *hands you massive choc-chip, cookies and cream cookie with cream on top and sprinkles*

    Oh, and don’t be disappointed by Sev’s reaction to her... it wont be his only chance to express it (although I love when he goes all ‘you hurt my boy, prepare to die’ verbally, I’ll make her ultimate punishment more... lasting ^^)

    And of course he’s nearly got it all worked out!  (our Sev’s fast like that ^^)

    Aww, but I never get sick of your fangirlish squees, no matter how many times you say it ^^ (your reviews make me squee rather a lot too so I ‘spose it’s only fair really ^^)  I hope I’m not changing Sev’s perception of Harry too fast though... as much as I want him to suddenly want to go all overprotective mother-duck over him I probably shouldn’t be launching into it too quick should I?  Promise to tell me if I ruin the whole fic completely?

    Oh I know, the move to the infirmary won’t be permanent and guess who’s gonna get to look after him then?!  (okay, by this point it should be obvious but I’ll give you two guesses just in case... I’m nice like that ^^)

    Ooh, have you been excited the entire time I’ve been gone?  Awake!Harry-Sev interaction coming soon... er... eventually... you’ll see why when Harry ‘wakes up’... and by all means, let me know how long you think Harry should take to really wake up... you’ll see what I mean. (I’m horrible TT)

    Well now I kinda do want a break from uni (which is like, totally excellent timing since I’m on my midyear break right now so yay!  Writing more often and faster updating and planning so that I never leave my readers without updates for so long ever ever again!!!  And all that).  I’m still searching for the elusive ‘fanficcing’ elective... unfortunately I don’t think a Bachelor of Design offers that... I mean, it might... I just wouldn’t hold my breath or anything (not if I wanted to live, you know?)  and I know!  They should definitely be lenient if I said I was kidnapped (and if your balaclava-clad kidnapping fangirl team could find my uni and maybe make sure they’re seen by a witness or two (‘specially this one guy I like and... okay, distracted again...) and if you sent the kidnappy note to the uni (although perhaps a photocopy could go to my family... you know, if you have time?) I may possibly get like a day or two extension on assignments or something... hmm, might need to rethink that... they’re very strict with assessments... maybe I could come back just for assessment days... I’m happy to spend the rest of the time in my fanficcy cell... depending on how it’s furnished... there’s so much to work out! (who’d’a thought there’d be so much to this kidnapping lark?)

    Ooh, no more volcano probs... am I up for a kidnapping again?  *looks up hopefully... up?  Oh yeah, I’m short, that’s right TT* - awaiting kidnapping and getting to see my (hopefully rather plush) cell is a highpoint of my day ^^  aww, stupid volcano indeed!  I hope they work more to your benefit next time, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for a timely eruption for you... oh that sounded just so wrong.  So very, very wrong.  So sorry TT *shakes head*.  But I know, it’s totally stupid; no planes in case everyone dies, I mean, who came up with these rules?  (as entertaining as worldwide chaos is).  Hope you haven’t pulled all your hair out in impatience or anything... (did I say I was sorry?  *looks down and ashamed of myself* I’m Sorry TT)

    Hope you like 15 *crosses fingers... and peers out window into darkness*


Title: Chapter 14 20 Apr 2010 3:38 pm
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    Woohoo for updates!! cannot wait for more, I just loved Severus in this chappie! I cant wait till you unleash him upon Umbridge :D Glad to hear you are loving Uni, I know that I almost passed out with excitement at seeing the library at mine lol, ficcing really should be an elective!

    Author's Response:

    Woohoo for updates indeed, sorry it’s been so long since my last one TT.  And the unleashing might happen slowly since I think if I were to leave them alone now only one of them would come out of it... and Harry needs Sev too much for him to go to Azkaban.  Oh I know, uni libraries are the BEST ^^  I love spending afternoons in mine ^^.  I will have to suggest ficcing be added to the list of electives when I pick mine ^^.  Thanks!!

Title: Chapter 14 20 Apr 2010 2:37 pm
Reviewer: B00kw0rm92 (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, man. I LOVED every bit of this chapter!!! Poor, poor, poor, poor, poor Harry! I don't know if I can pick a favorite moment from the whole story, but I did love the scene with a semi-concious Harry in the begining. And ... well I don't know. I can't wait for the next chapter though!!!!

    Author's Response: Thank you!  and... poor Harry? ^^ And semi-conscious Harry... Well there will be more of that to come so glad you liked those moments ^^  hope you like 15 and thanks!
Title: Chapter 14 20 Apr 2010 2:29 pm
Reviewer: Victory-Starr (Signed) [Report This]
    YAY! Oh gosh, I love you, thank you for the update! Don't worry, I would never forget about your story!

    I can't be sure, but I think that chapter signals a turning point, whether anyone would admit to it or not. Specifically the scene when Snape says, “Oh Harry.” when he sees the words in his chest. I loved that part.

    Can't wait for more already. You're doing great. :D

    Author's Response: Aww, thank you!  Sorry it’s been so long in that case ^^.  And you’re so perceptive!  That’s exactly what I wanted that chapter to be, and especially when he says ‘oh Harry’ it’s a sign of just how clearly Sev’s seeing him now (aww, don’t you just wanna cuddle him ^^).  Thanks so much!  Hope you’re still interested ^^ (and that you like chapter 15 ^^). 
Title: Chapter 14 20 Apr 2010 2:05 pm
Reviewer: Sleeping Soundly (Signed) [Report This]
    Awwww!!! I like this Severus!! He's perfect - protective, caring, and loving ... I just want to give him a big hug! ... ¬.¬ and hopefully get one in return ... that would be nice! :)
    Liked all the warm fuzziness in the chappie! Very nice contrast to the horrors of what Severus and Poppy were having to treat ...
    O.O Umbridge. I knew it was bad but this was beyond even my imagining! I don't likes her >:( But I am even more intrigued now about why she did what she did - and I oddly want to know what her reasoning was ...
    My favourite interaction moment is when Snape is trying to persuade Harry to go to the infirmary (can't remember what chapter) - I love the conflict he has of caring for Harry yet still trying to maintain his I-hate-all-things-Potter mindtrack :D
    Looking forward to the next chapter, but don't worry about the timing - I trust you to not abandon this, and you would never betray someone who gives gifts of long reviews ... would you?!? :D

    Author's Response:

    Hehe, isn’t he just!  And I reckon he’d give cuddles back to anyone who wanted one (I am so first in line) ^^  ooh, I didn’t think of the contrasts between Poppy and Sev being horrified and Harry’s warm fuzzies.. I just needed a break when I was writing it for some comfort and figured the reader probably would too... oooh, contrasts... yeah, I’m a bit tired right now (ha, is it obvious?)

    Oh I am so very very happy that you want to know Umbridge’s reasoning (you know, beyond insanity) – oh what wonderful, perceptive readers I have ^^ keep reading ^^

    Oh, I love writing a conflicted Sev almost as much as a cuddly, caring one.  Sorry I couldn’t draw that out more- which one would you prefer?

    And I would never abandon this fic!!! Perish the thought! (just like I wouldn’t deny chapters to such wonderful reviewers!  Muffins for all!!!)   Thank you ^^

Title: Chapter 14 20 Apr 2010 2:02 pm
Reviewer: LaileeJane (Signed) [Report This]
    You have no idea how happy I am to see this!!!!!!! Another awesome chapter, you're the best!

    Author's Response: Wow, thank you so much!!  Hope you like the next one too ^^
Title: Chapter 14 20 Apr 2010 1:01 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my God. Poor Harry. Umbridge did all that? I have to go back and read the previous chapters. I can't remember, but some of it was his uncle, right?

    Great chappie though, and I loved how Snape is starting to care! Too cute.

    I don't envy Umbridge when Snape figures out what she's done to Harry!

    Author's Response:

    Hehe, yes, I do get that rather a lot (hmm... and when I write in other fandoms it tends to be ‘poor *insert main character*’ ... says a lot about me huh ^^) I think rereading is going to be necessary for a lot of people simply because of the way I write unfortunately, and while Harry’s uncle did a lot of damage in his own way, I think I’m working on the assumption that none of Harry’s current physical issues are because of Vernon (make Umbridge sound that much worse huh TT)

    Ahh, and wouldn’t Snape just love to hear that? (‘Too cute.’)

    I don’t envy Umbridge regardless... who would? ^^  thanks!!

Title: Chapter 14 20 Apr 2010 12:10 pm
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, my goodness! I knew thatthings were bad, but I hadn't been aware that the blood quill had done quite that much damage! Like Snape, I am hoping very hard that Harry's mind and psyche can recover from this. I'm not silly enough to believe he won't have mental scars when all is said and done.

    Hmmm, my favourite moment between Harry and Severus in this whole fic. Honestly, even though Harry's unconcious, it the last paragraph of this chapter, especially the last line: 'And if his hand stroked through Harry’s hair and cradled Harry’s head in his large palm for longer than necessary, well, that was completely accidental.' That sentence says SO very much about the change in the relationship between the Head of Slytherin and the Gryffindor.

    Sorry, I can't help you with the pic posting problem (oops! sorry about all the alliteration), I've never tried postign a photo into the story notes before.

    Don't worry about the length of time it takes to post. The quality of your writing is well worth waiting for and I'd much rather wait longer for a chapter that is well done than get a mediocre chapter that shows up immediately. You're writing a very powerful story here and the time you take to "get it write" (as my English Composition professor used to say) shows in the finished product.

    I'm glad to hear that you love university and hope you have wonderful professors throughout getting your degree. If you don't mind me asking, what are you reading? I'm reading Classics and Literature for my Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree.

    BTW, I'm a Slytherin alumnus, when it comes to awarding points.


    Author's Response:

    Hello again! ^^ yes, I think I may have gone a tad overboard in hindsight (what a wonderful thing it is), but like I said in my story notes, I’m just so fascinated by the blood quill and the things it could be developed to do (one of my more morbid fascinations I guess ^^) – I think it’s really quite amazing what a person can recover from, and Harry will have a fair bit of support, I wouldn’t worry too much ^^.  Thank you!!!  I’m thrilled that you liked that part so much; especially given the fact that you seem to have this knack for saying your favourite moments are the ones I worry most about including ^^  thank you!  Very glad you like some protective Sev too.

    And nevermind about the pic, I’m going to try making it smaller and seeing if that works and if not, well, there’s a link there still, at the very least people will still get to see Fab’s gorgeous pic (I giggle madly with happiness whenever I do ^^)

    “Get it write” – I like that ^^  Your composition prof sounds great ^^ - and hopefully I can get cleanly written chapters out faster over the next few weeks, though that I have one person reading who understands how time consuming uni can get is comforting ^^ (the wait I’ve put people through really has been ridiculous, no doubt half the people reviewing this fic do so to prompt me to update faster because they know how long it’ll be otherwise ^^) – hehe as much as I wish I was reading Classics and Literature and completing a degree in something to further my writing I would only be doing it because I want to, not to get any particular job or begin a career in it (Liberal Arts sounds interesting though, what do you learn about?), I’m actually not reading anything for my course right now (and a few weeks ago I was reading about iconoclasm in the Renaissance) for my Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication).  It’s really interesting and despite feeling like I have no talent in it I’m getting decent marks... it’s something I feel like I could do for money day in day out you know?  As opposed to writing which I studied last year and found is to spare of the moment for me to want to do for a living.  Now if I won the lottery... ^^

    Thanks so much for such lovely (confidence-building) reviews, I hope you continue to like this little fic of mine ^^  and good luck with uni! ^^   

Title: Chapter 13 20 Apr 2010 11:50 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm late sending this (mea culpa) but my favourite mokment was: Snape smiled, then laughed at the hilarity of it all. Despite his less than perfect state, Severus was in a rather good mood. A rather great mood. 'He was free. Completely and wholly his own man once more, free to do what he wanted – to an extent – and free to stay away from a man who frequently took out his frustrations on him in the form of rather painful magic. He was free.'

    I can just see that little hint of a smile on his face and the relief that his spying days were over. Of course, now he's going to have another difficult job to do...bringing Harry back and helping him heal.

    I still don't understand why Poppy didn't see anything wrong when she scanned Harry, unless Umbrage used an imperious or something to instruct her to report that everything was fine regardless of what hte scans actually said. Poppy is too good of a Healer to be so unobservant.

    I really want to see Severus go after Umbridge eventually. I hope you will oblige us, as I'm sure I'm not hte only person who feels that way.

    An excellent chapter!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!  And I’m so glad you liked that moment of Sev’s freedom, I wasn’t sure when writing it if he would be so openly happy but I think anyone would be if they suddenly found themselves free like that (especially when he didn’t expect to come out of it alive). Poor Sev, at least I gave him about five minutes of happiness before I ruined his night... again... I’m so very cruel to my characters (ignore that pesky disclaimer, they’re totally mine ^^) – I’ll have to make it up to them ^^

    And when it comes to Poppy, well, don’t blame her for that... it wasn’t Umbridge’s influence or her own negligence, just another case of people’s best intentions and *whispers* it might have had something to do with Dumbledore...

    Umbridge will get hers and I’ll strive to make it as satisfying for all involved as I possibly can (I think it’s more a case of narrowing down the many gruesome options ^^).


Title: Chapter 14 20 Apr 2010 11:33 am
Reviewer: Chandramas (Signed) [Report This]
    I love this fic every chapter more!!!!
    I can't say there is something I love more, I found this chapter perfect! But I ROTFL-ed for the door on Dobby face it was the right moment to add something able to make you smile since the 'darkness' of this chapter. And I love Harry's reaction at being carried. Poor sweet boy! I wonder if the DADA teacher will survive to the mediwitch fury!!! Am I mean if I want to see that Toad cry? (can she go to AZKABAN!!!!)

    Author's Response: Aw thank you!  I’m thrilled that you’re liking this fic so much ^^ it was rather a dark chapter and unfortunately (for Dobby) it was easy to insert some house-elf-bashing to lighten it up, glad it worked!  And Umbridge shouldn’t only be afraid of Pomfrey... although she is the one to... well, you’ll see ^^ Oooh, Umbridge crying, what a lovely thought... let me think on it (her punishment should be appropriately fitting ^^).

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