Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 14 20 Apr 2010 9:45 am
Reviewer: Shadow (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Poor Harry. I Hope that Umbridge will rot in hell! Get Harry healthy soon, please =o)

    Author's Response: Thanks!  Umbridge will certainly rot somewhere ^^  Healthy-Harry coming soon... eventually ^^
Title: Chapter 14 20 Apr 2010 8:17 am
Reviewer: Stefunny2010 (Signed) [Report This]
    I was so glad you updated! And I cannot wait for Umbridge to get her do! She is just so evil, and I cant wait to see her get served a nice slice of justice. I really liked this chapter, even though Harry was unconscious. I liked that you focused on how much Severus was caring for him. Great job!

    Author's Response: Thank you ^^  and don’t worry, Umbridge will get more than just a telling off... I think her evilness (and insanity) will become obvious rather soon and I cant imagine any of the profs standing by and letting it pass, can you?  More Sev-caring coming up ^^ thanks!!
Title: Chapter 14 20 Apr 2010 5:48 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    You know, it really is very sad that the stories that most of us readers seem to enjoy the most are the ones where poor Harry is tortured almost to death. Really, JK's version of Harry has almost faded into the ethos... oh yeah, he had plenty of terrible moments in canon too, but he always eventually rose above the horrors because he is basically very strong willed. Why do we all love a weak, pathetic Harry who would probably succumb if Severus wasn't there to save him?

    Regardless of the conundrum, I loved the chapter, even though Harry was unconscious throughout (except for his semi-conscious musings at the beginning). Severus' seething anger and thoughts of retribution are a wonderful precussor to chapters that I am sure will contain all the fluff and angst your readership can absorb.


    Author's Response:

    Hehe, I find that enjoying the torture is actually a nice thing for a reader since it means they hold out hope that he'll get help and healing afterward... see, we're really optimistists with his best intentions at heart if you think about it... really, really hard ^^ - 'cept those who read them just to imagine him being tortured... cruel, cruel peoples... not like us... ^^  Heh, poor JK's Harry, he's been ethosized... totally a word... or a bizarre new form of working out... he's just so easy to pick on (and I am not whining... I'm noooot) (far too much sugar... sorry ^^) - and I think we prefer a weak Harry because he's so much more realistic (not that there's anything unrealistic about a 17 year old defeating a mass murderer with a wand... it's just as realistic as a population believing he was born to after all ^^) - and come on, who doesnt love Save-'em Sev ^-^ (ooh, he could totally be a superhero! ^^)

    Thank you ^^ I'm thrilled you're still interested enough to keep reading (both the fic and this reply ^-^) - an unconscious Harry is infinitely easier to write... though somehow more angsty... go figure...

    And that's the best way I've heard it put so far; I'm going to be packing as much Sev (seething, fluffy, angstful (angstful?), cuddly and all) into the rest of this fic as I can... realistically ^-^

    Thanks so much *have points and muffins!*

Title: Chapter 13 18 Apr 2010 5:03 pm
Reviewer: ivylei (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I love this story. Umbridge needs to die a horrible, painful, bloody death because she's a toad. Can't wait for an update

    Author's Response: Thanks!  And add slow to that list and I agree with you totally because yes, she is a toad ^^ update coming soon ^^ Thanks!
Title: Chapter 13 10 Mar 2010 11:04 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Hey, sproutchild,

    Just wanted to let you know that I'm really missing your story and looking forward to an update!

    And hypercell...I know it, I know it! It's from "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day"...and you know they have those days even in Australia.

    I'm not a preschool teacher for nothing, lol!

    Author's Response:

    Hey Kristeh!

    Thank you!  I know it’s been ages – starting uni’s been wonderful but hasn’t left much time for writing – I think now that I’ve adjusted things will be easier all ‘round but if I disappear from time to time it’s most likely why... I’m going to try my hardest not to, I have comfort and cuddling on the way after all! ^^  Thanks so much for the extra motivation though, everyone who’s sent extra reviews asking after updates has been wonderfully motivating ^^

    And I didn’t get that reference so I’m glad someone did! ^^

    Oh, wonderful update on SC by the way ^-^ (as if it would be anything other than wonderful *shakes head* I’m so silly sometimes ^-^) - *muffins and thankies for you!!!* ^^

Title: Chapter 13 10 Mar 2010 9:07 am
Reviewer: xam (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I miss this story, are you planning to continue? Best wishes, and I hope to see an update soon!

    Author's Response:

    Oh definitely, fear not I’m simply on a tighter schedule than before – less time for writing TT – but no, this will most definitely continue... and very soon too! ^^ Thanks for the kick up the... well, you know ^^ (and the continued interest ^^ *muffins*!!!)

Title: Chapter 13 04 Mar 2010 8:14 pm
Reviewer: hypercell (Signed) [Report This]
    AH! That was a horrid cliffhanger! This is an amazing story, and I LOVE IT! Today I had a horrible, no good, very bad day, and I was planning on moving to Australia (a muffin for you if you can figure out where that comes from) BUT this awesome story helped me, and I feel much better now. Except for the fact that there is this HUGE cliffhanger. That is putting a slight damper on my better mood. So PLEASE update ASAP...no, not ASAP. NOW!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!! Hehe, I find it hugely gratifying that you thought the cliffy horrible ^-^... I take it... could be wrong of course... that you want me to update?  Soonish?  ^-^ oh, no muffin for me TT (although I understand that Kristeh deserves one as she worked it out, thanks Kristeh!) – and we unfortunately do have horrible days here as well by the way ^^ - but glad this fic could help you... I don’t quite understand why it would considering how horrible poor Harry has it but if it helped then I’m happy ^^ *have a muffin* ^^  again though, I get this weird impression you’d like an update... maybe I’m wrong... hmm...

    .. ^-^ (update soon, promise ^^)

Title: Chapter 13 02 Mar 2010 6:50 am
Reviewer: TangledPencils (Signed) [Report This]
    I've just found your story, and I'm enjoying it very much. I do so hope that Snape will do something rather nasty and permanent to Umbitch, in retaliation. Please continue soon.

    Author's Response:

    Welcome and thank you!!! *does happy dance* yay, new reader!!! *have a muffin* ^^

    Sorry for the long wait but hopefully cuddles and retailiation makes up for it ^^ thanks!!

Title: Chapter 13 02 Mar 2010 3:51 am
Reviewer: heartstar (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow I love your worki just got done reading it a;l again I truely look forward to seeing more of yhour work.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!  I know I’m taking ages but new update is on its way ^^ Thanks!

Title: Chapter 13 27 Feb 2010 6:45 pm
Reviewer: Lisa (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Where did you go? I hope everything is ok. It's been a very long time since you've updated. I hope everything is good and you update soon.

    Author's Response:

    Aw, thank you, everything is fine ^^  I’m in my first term... thingy at uni and it’s just taken more out of me than I expected but I get holidays often enough that if I write lots when I can I’ll be able to get back to regular updates ^^ (hopefully, if not you’ll know it’s ‘cos I’m studying hard... hahaha) – thanks so much for the concern! *gives you wonderfully gorgeous muffin cos you’re sweet ^^* hope the update soon makes up for the wait ^^ - oh, where would you like any points of yours to go by the way?

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