Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 13 16 Jan 2010 5:08 pm
Reviewer: kayt (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Horrendously, horribly wonderful.
    Too good to pick out specifics, but the last section from "Severus was walking,striding, running now" does at the least promise hope for Harry and hope for Snape.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe thank you! (I think...) ^^

    Oh, there’s always hope – glad you liked it ^-^! Have a muffin and some points (unsorted?)

Title: Chapter 1 16 Jan 2010 4:59 pm
Reviewer: Wrinkled_Fabric (Signed) [Report This]
    Me again, your resident stalker and potential kidnapper ^_^ Sorry for the randomness that is a chapter one review, I just have something you might be interested in.

    I got you a present.

    Boredom abounds and my attempts to work turned into... well you'll see...

    I know there is a way of posting the link directly, but I tried to find it and managed to delete everything from every album... so I'll be on the safe side this time and hope you'll be able to find it...


    Password is Chocolate.

    As you can probably guess, there's been things added today. And while I'm not a hundred percent happy with it, if I don't just hand it over already, I'll never get back to work ^_^

    Do with it what you will, I'm not fussed.



    Author's Response:

    Hi again!  I can’t tell you how amazingly, radiantly, glowy-like, cheerfully, burstingly happy I am ^-^ - I kinda just sit and stare for long periods of time at this pic... it’s just so... *squeals and hugs you and throws muffins and cookies and all manner of sweet things at you... in a gentle, grateful kinda way ^^*

    Oh, and yeah, I found it ^^ - I love it so freakin’ much!!! – how can you not be 500% happy with it!  I’m ecstatic for one ^^ - and I was so hyped up I couldn’t help squealing really loudly (you know, before the incessant, high-pitched giggling started... hasn’t stopped yet ^^) and my mum, who only vaguely knows what a fanfic is heard me and I showed her how wonderful the people who take the time to read my fics are and even she was really amazed by it – she loved it and I love it and it’s so awesome!!! *glomps u* ^^

    I hope you don’t mind but I’d LOVE to use it as my banner-thingy in my fic notes (if you know what I mean ^^... and as soon as I figure out how to ^^) – it’s so incredibly wonderful... I’m still riding the high from it *sighs happily*... and I had to reread your review to see what you liked best (which really came in handy ^^) and I noticed you seemed to like Sev carrying Harry so I wrote an extra little bit from Harry’s POV to prolong the carrying moment and I also tried to write you a fic but it turned into something so long and convoluted and so not what I was aiming for that I can only hope to try again and get it right but in the meantime you get early what will be at the beginning of next chapter (it’s such a small thank you, but everytime I say thank you (and there will be many more ^^) is heartfelt and giggly and ecstatic and I totally think you spend your time at work wisely ^-^)


    Floating.  He was floating.  The world moving in rippling waves, swimming before his barely open eyes before the effort became too much and they closed again with a tickle of lashes against his prickling cheeks.  The warmth and comfort were still there, though the heaviness was gone and he was just... floating.  Floating with strange swaying, jerking movements.  Floating... in such a strange position.  Hadn’t he been lying flat a minute ago?  On his stomach?  He could dimly feel his body and how he was, in fact, floating on his back in a sort of upwards-facing foetal position.  Oh, he was being carried.  Well, that was good too.  Being held.  It had been so long since he’d been held, and he didn’t think he ever had been held quite like this.  He would have lifted his head if it were possible but it seemed to be made of lead and was throbbing like an open wound so he left it hanging limply where it was, neck braced on something warm and sturdy and face open to the cool air and the night sky.  He was comfortable so there wasn’t much point in trying to move.  Somehow, he just knew he was safe.  He trusted in that safety the way he was trusting his weight to the arms of whoever was now carrying him; not entirely consciously but implicitly regardless.  He didn’t need to get away from this, he was safe and warm and comfortable and he really didn’t want to be anywhere else.

    He missed that hand that had held his though.  His own felt so cold without it, in stark contrast to the rest of his body, as though it lay outside the warmth of a blanket that had him enveloped.  Something inside him thought that maybe he’d always missed that hand on his, and he always would, but the ache for it wasn’t going anywhere and was so familiar it felt like a part of him, so he didn’t fuss over its loss.  He was content enough here.  He was being held... and rocked.  Just slightly.  His eyes were closed and his breathing was slowing and he was melting into those arms that had him safely ensconced and he was being rocked and swayed.  Where the wind blows the cradle will rock... Yes, he could happily stay here forever.  As long as he was warm.  So very warm.


    Anyway, like I said, not much of a thank you but I hope it tides you over a bit ‘til I update ^^ (and I had to ask how that nursery rhyme went ‘cause I had music playing and couldn’t think of it and mum instantly thought I was writing something creepy... should I be offended or flattered? ^^ oh, and maybe... I dunno... 50 points?  What do you reckon...?

    Thank you! (THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!) - oh, and hope you had a happy easter ^^

Title: Chapter 13 16 Jan 2010 3:39 pm
Reviewer: fizzywizzy2006 (Signed) [Report This]
    well..... I suppose..... if there's cookies, you will have to be forgiven. love this chapter. poor Harry.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe, in that case, *causes constant rain of cookies and hot chocolate to appear* - am I forgiven for the ridiculously long wait this time ‘round too? ^^ poor harry indeed... I’m a horrible, horrible person... fun to read though huh ^^ - thanks!

Title: Chapter 13 16 Jan 2010 2:55 pm
Reviewer: Chandramas (Signed) [Report This]
    Like all the good writers, you're EVIL! Leave it like there!!!

    favourite bit of today chapter "Harry was fixable. Severus couldn’t think otherwise."

    Author's Response:

    Hi! Thanks!  I think... ^^ - and thanks for adding me on LJ too... unless it was someone else with the same name, in which case kudos on the popular name ^^

    And it is always a good thing when Sev doesn’t want to concede defeat – don’t worry, he won’t let Harry go unfixed ^^ - thanks!

Title: Chapter 13 16 Jan 2010 11:41 am
Reviewer: Wrinkled_Fabric (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh. Oh man. That was quite a chapter!!

    You broke Harry Potter!

    Now will you fix him? Snape thinks he's fixable, but I'm not sure he knows just how much there is to fix just yet. I can't wait till he realises. Oooh I can't wait till he finds out this was Umbridge's doing. Ooh I'm so excited!!

    *Snatches cookies and muffins* It was worth the wait, you are very forgiven. The kidnapping has been aborted, for the moment. :).

    I tried to quote my favourite line, but I kind of started highlighting a paragraph and then when I got to the end of the paragraph, I decided the next part needed mentioning and added that to my quote. And that went on for quite some time. My reviews are lengthy as it is, I'm sure you don't want to re-read your entire story all over again :). But seriously, my uber-favourite parts were Harry's POV in Umbridge's office, and then when he went into the snow. The way he was feeling was so tangible, it's completely brilliant, pulling me in like I'm there. Just thinking about it makes me want to go back and read it all again. And I have no doubt that I'll know it word from word by the time Chapter 14 is out. What I still don't know is how much of Harry's psyche is being effected by whatever the heck that potion was. I'm thinking you should put a girl out of her misery and just tell me. Please? Pretty please? With cherry muffins on top?

    Back to uber-favourite parts, you realise you're about to get a summary of your entire chapter? Haha.

    There was the part in the snow, with his mum. It was very subtle, I love that you didn't try to work in an obvious description of Lily because it was unmistakable without that and so beautifully done.

    Happy retired-spy Snape! I love that that means Snape doesn't have his spying to hide behind when he starts to be all fond of Harry. Aww and little Dobby, bless is little elf heart. The lines, “It’s Mr Harry Potter sir-” “Of course it is,” Snape muttered.' made me laugh out loud.

    And when he found him, oh my goodness that was heartbreaking. He was worried and carrying him, actually carrying him and the 'If anyone had been awake at three o’clock that Thursday morning and had thought to look out a window their friends would certainly have thought them lying' line(s) is (are?) just perfect to describe how much their lives are beginning to alter. Oh man, I so love this story! I really admire you, you're a genius.

    And, wow, my own line of balaclavas. It's like my dream job. I could even branch out into multi-coloured gloves and bags marked 'swag'! If you ever fancy you're chance at robbing a bank or a security van, you know where to get your gear ;)

    Really, really can't wait for the update.


    Author's Response:

    Hahaha, that’s funny... a mean, kinda... but I’m a bit twisted so I found that hilarious ^^... I broke harry... ahh, thanks for that ^-^ - and sorry it’s taken me so very very (VERY) long to reply... and update... full-time uni takes a surprising amount of time every week... like, all of it ^^

    Oh, I’ll fix him, don’t worry ^^ - and I doubt Snape would concede defeat when it comes to fixing Harry either, even when he finds out just how much fixing is to be done... he’s like the Bob the Builder of the Wizarding World, good ol’ Sev ^^ (and did I really just compare the two?  *shudders*) hehe, your excitement is contagious and now I’m excited and I know what happens!  ^^ *runs away from mob of readers who are likely quite desperate by now to know what I know...* but the secret’s all mine!  *laughs evilly*... too much chocolate, sorry ^^

    Haha, hmm, well, if the kidnapping was aborted last time because of how fast I updated, how close are you know to donning those balaclavas?  *hides under bed* oh no, oh no, oh no... ^^ *leaves more appeasement muffins and cookies for you to snatch before retreating to under my bed*

    I’m giggling rather a lot right now... mostly because I can imagine you sitting there highlighting the entire chapter before realising you’d been searching for one line ^-^ *pats you on the back* aww, don’t worry... you found some mentionable moments in the end *giggles* ^^ umbridge’s office and that whole scene was hard to get right (spent ages going over and over it) and I’ve been told my description of Harry dying of hypothermia made someone feel comfy and warm so I’m glad it drew you in and hope it made you feel similarly ^^- and I’m incredibly flattered when I read that you thought you would have the entire chapter memorised verbatim by the time ch14 is out... but then I have taken a ridiculously long time haven’t I *dodges anything incoming... aimed at my head...* ^^ - oooooh, cherry muffins? ...*crawls from under the bed and snatches cherry (CHERRY!) muffins before retreating again* - well, I’ll say that he is being affected by the potion and he probably wouldn’t have put up with any of this for as long as he has without it but then how do we really know?  Hmm... guess I’ll just have to hurry up and update ^^ (imagine that!)

    And thank you so much for saying that about the moment with lily – that’s exactly what I was aiming for and I’m thrilled you noticed ^^ (so many fics have a description so detailed it barely falls short of her saying ‘by the way I’m your dead mum’ so I tried to avoid it as much as possible ^^)

    Hehe, it was a good little plot device wasn’t it?  Getting Snape sacked from spying?  He does tend to hide behind details a lot and now he can be all affectionate with no reason to run away from his emotions (well, no more reason than any other man uses anyway... *sigh, in for a long, uphill battle with him aren’t we TT*) – still, we should throw him a party (oooh, with Snapey masks! You’d make a killing... in a good way ^^)  - hehe, even more thrilled I could make you lol, my ultimate aim in life... and so easily attained, *sighs happily* - I did hope Dobby came across as Dobbily as possible ^^

    Aww!... everything you say tends to make me giggle in a ridiculously flattered kinda way or blush or smile stupidly for a very long time but you somehow manage to get even sweeter!  Like mud cake! (which was supposed to be a compliment but somehow with ‘mud’ in it it doesn’t quite work... fairy bread?  Cherry muffins!!!) - *checks your head for fever and tsks to myself* if you think I’m a genius there’s something seriously wrong ^^ - oh, and the fact that you mentioned that?  That sev was carrying him like it made you want to melt... well, when I reply to your other review you’ll know why that had such a huge impact on me and the fic, ‘kay? ^^

    I know, wouldn’t your own line of balaclavas be awesome?   But then... what if the store was held up by blokes in balaclavas?  You might not even see them!  (camouflage... interesting...)  ooh, and I do so like gloves... the bags with ‘swag’ on them might be a seller too... maybe you could do a line of calico ones with dollar signs on them too!  And ones with cent signs too... for petty thieves and last minute operations (I can imagine that, walking in to a room of soon-to-be bank robbers and saying ‘these were all they had’... you could all have a good laugh before they shot you in the head ^^) – and don’t worry, if I branch out into the smash and grab biz you’ll be the first one I come too ^-^

    Sorry I’m making you wait so long (hold on a tic, I think I can hear someone outside... and by the sound of their footsteps... yup, they’re in balaclavas ^^)

Title: Chapter 13 16 Jan 2010 8:53 am
Reviewer: A-zla (Anonymous) [Report This]
    very nice! I enjoyed how Snape slowly notices that something is wrong with Harry. I can't wait to see them both in the infirmary in the next chapter.
    My favorite moment - when Snape casts point me, implicitly trusting Dobby and worried about Harry.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! And I didn’t even think about whether or not Snape would trust Dobby, I just figured a house elf would be too worried about punishment if they lied to one of their masters... but Sev was a little trusting wasn’t he... but then he was just waiting for something to go wrong too ^^ - and don’t you just love a worried Snape? ^^ thanks!

Title: Chapter 13 16 Jan 2010 1:08 am
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Yes siree, Jimbob! You are forgiven! It's about time! I didn't realize Harry was headed outside until you made the snow scene. I thought all the white he was seeing was heaven, but I guess I was wrong there. Anyways, my favorite part was your description of Lily coming to Harry and the 'not yet.' Very sweet. I can't wait for more!


    Author's Response: hehehe, jimbob... sorry, I wont make much sense right now (too much chocolate) – I suppose I was forgiven for a little while (thanks for that ^^) but I’ve been keeping everyone waiting awhile again haven’t I...? TT sorry.  And it’s still not a bad thing you got the impression of heaven, it means I did a good job of directing your thoughts that way... although I probably could have explained the snow better... ahh well ^^  and thanks!  I’m glad you liked the lily bit ^^  wasn’t sure about it to begin with so I’m glad people liked it ^^ - points and muffins for you!
Title: Chapter 13 16 Jan 2010 12:26 am
Reviewer: Tragedy of Fenwick (Signed) [Report This]
    Sproutchild, can I just say that...I don't know what to say. This is undoubtedly one of my favorite stories on this site. I find myself refreshing the home page often, hoping to see that next update. I was excited to see that you updated today; so excited, in fact, that I couldn't get the message from my brain to my index finger to click the dang link for a full minute. I'm not ashamed that I'm that obsessed.
    At any rate, holy snap! Chapter 13 was just an all around great addition. My favorite parts from the chapter? (And no, I couldn't choose just one...I really did try, though.)
    1. Snape being in a good mood after his meeting with Voldemort. It's just a funny image/very real feeling.
    2. "The universe hated him; Severus had known it for quite awhile but never had he felt quite so betrayed by it." This might make me a bad person, but I thought this line was funny. It feels like a very Snapey way of viewing things.
    3. "How no misty breaths rose into the air before his face like they did Severus..." And this line was basically just pure goodness...just pure goodness, man.
    Sigh. I could go on, but I should stop. Anyhoo, thanks for the update! Can't wait for the next chapter.

    Author's Response:

    Aww, I made you speechless ^^ *have a muffin ^^* and wow!  You certainly do sound like you like this fic! *hugs u* aww, sorry I made you wait so long in that case, hope it wasn’t too painful (I’ve been really obsessed about fics before and it feels like a splinter or an amputation... you know, something rather annoying that just stays in your thoughts all the time... and yes, I just compared amputation to splinters... because they hurt dammit! ^^ - sorry, off topic, I get like that when I’m all giddy from the sweetest reviews ever ^^)

    And you get bonus points for trying to narrow it down of course... as well as bonus points for so many examples (I’m just giving them away... obviously... oh, damn I’m high on chocolate again ^^)  - I like to think if I were finally free from years of servitude to an evil psychopath I’d smile a bit too ^^ - I think the world probably is a tad bit against Snape but then he’s one to harp on about inside his own head too... and when I read it back I thought it was funny too so don’t worry about it – we’re both bad people ^-^ - and thanks muchly! Cant beat pure goodness (man ^-^)

    Haha, and don’t worry, I wont tell you to stop flattering me atrociously anytime soon, but for your own sanity you probably should  ^^ thank you for the wonderful review *more muffins for you.. and points... though where should I put them... I’ll check your profile ^^* - hope I didn’t drive you nuts with the wait?

Title: Chapter 13 15 Jan 2010 11:14 pm
Reviewer: writeurlife (Signed) [Report This]
    I like your use of repetition in this chapter--for example, where you say "breathing. He needed to get Harry breathing". It's good because it adds an intensity to the chapter, and I like the fact that you use the right amount of that style.

    Great chapter. Please update soon!!

    Author's Response:

    Aw thank you!  I’m really glad that adds to the fic and doesn’t detract instead... I think I end up doing that without thinking so it’s good it doesn’t make my writing crap ^^ *have a muffin* ^^ and sorry it’s been awhile since updating... I’m getting right on it *salutes* ^^

Title: Chapter 13 15 Jan 2010 9:51 pm
Reviewer: Victory-Starr (Signed) [Report This]
    So glad to see an update! I'm really loving this story. Somehow that seems wrong with all the abuse Harry is getting, but, oh well. Can't be helped.

    I think my favorite moment was probably when Harry was suddenly having these flashbacks of things said to him. I don't usually care for flashback scenes, but you handled this one really well and it set a good tone. Or bad, doomish tone. Eh, you know what I mean.

    Good job! I'll be here for the next update!

    P.S. Your author's note at the end made me laugh. And also, I still love "Twining"!!! ;-)

    Author's Response:

    I’m so glad you like the fic, though sorry it’s been so long since the last update... a whoopsy daisy on my part ^^ and Harry-abuse is a staple for most HP fics, don’t be sorry for liking it (‘specially since it paves the way for so much h/c(ccc) ^^, really that just shows how very caring you are ^^)

    Oh thank you!  To know I nailed a flashback sequence is brilliant and very smile inducing ^^ - glad it set a good doomy kinda tone too ^^ (I think ^^)

    And thanks!  Glad there’s still ‘twining’ lovers/likers around ^^ - cant go wrong with tinsel ^^ - glad my AN could make you laugh too... what Im here for ^^

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