Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 13 15 Jan 2010 11:09 am
Reviewer: autumnamberleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    Great job there! My favorite moment was right at the end, "If anyone had been awake at three o’clock that Thursday morning and had thought to look out a window their friends would certainly have thought them lying, because who would believe that Severus Snape would hold Harry Potter; cradling him close to his chest with concern written in every line on his face even as impassivity fought to take back control, moving with strides that would put his usual speed to shame as he headed up the snowy slope for the doors to the castle, a house elf hurrying in his wake." There was something so...bone-chillingly excellent about that. I was also glad that Snape made it out of Voldy's clutches relatively all right. Now he can focus on Harry. Great job again and I hope you update soon.

    -Autumn (Slytherin)

    Author's Response:

    Oh Thank you!!! ^^

    Bone-chillingly excellent, I have to stop grinning sillyly... which is so a word... before mum think's I've lost my mind ^^ and lots of points for helping with that, I did enjoy writing that but (dont you love it when your writing connects itself on its own? ^^)

    Thank you so so much! *muffins and points and cookies for you!* ^^

Title: Chapter 12 14 Jan 2010 12:35 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh no!! He's not actually going to go to detention, and disobey Snape again. Foolish boy.

    Great chappie, Sproutchild, but it was a cliffie!!! :O

    Hope you update soon, I'm dying to see some more Snape and Harry, and I hope that Snape figures out what's going on soon, before Umbridge actually kills Harry. His body can't stand much more!

    Author's Response:

    Hi ^^ He is a bit of a fool but I think he learns his lesson.

    Thanks!! And sorry 'bout the cliffy, hope 13 makes it all better ^^

    I think you'll be happier with Snape this time round ^^ (hope so ^^)  and you're right, his body's gonna drop pretty soon... poor thing... I'm too mean ^^

    have fun!

Title: Chapter 12 14 Jan 2010 1:08 am
Reviewer: Emily (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I love this story! ETA on the next update? I've been anxiously anticipating the next chapter (like checking everyday)

    I think you should update tonight (but that's just me...)

    You're awesome!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you ^^ Hopefully tomorrow (I know... finally! ^^)  aww, and thanks for the dedication... or boredom ^-^ very sweet either way ^-^

    I thought I should update tonight too but apparently the internet didnt (and my mum decided to side with it TT)

    Aw *glomps u* thank you, you too ^-^

    hope your holidays are going well ^^

Title: Chapter 12 13 Jan 2010 3:32 pm
Reviewer: Chandramas (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm missing Antonomasia! Any hope for a new chapter soon?

    Author's Response:

    Yes, I finished editing today but it needs one more read through - tomorrow should be the day (*crosses fingers that if my laptop decides to die it's AFTER I've uploaded... TT*)

    Thank you! ^^

Title: Chapter 12 12 Jan 2010 12:30 am
Reviewer: SongoftheDarquePhoenix (Signed) [Report This]
    When will anyone find out how sick Harry is? This is quite the fic... and I'm interested to see where it goes.

    Author's Response:

    Oh thank you! ^^ I feel it's turning into an epic in the sense that it just keeps going ^-^  And if you're getting impatient you'll like next chapter, sorry it's taking awhile ^^

    have fun! x

Title: Chapter 12 11 Jan 2010 5:01 pm
Reviewer: Mafalda (Anonymous) [Report This]
    No more Antonomasia? :(

    Author's Response:

    Yes more Antonomasia!  Dont give up hope!!!  Just a little longer, promise ^^

    have great holidays and keep the hope alive! ^^


Title: Chapter 12 10 Jan 2010 11:17 am
Reviewer: Mica (Anonymous) [Report This]
    pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase don't abandon this fic. you would (in a roundabout way) be commiting murder. I WILL DIE IF I DONT FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!! LOL

    hope you are well and not to busy to post another chapter.


    Author's Response:

    Oh I wont!  Promise!  Hope to die and all that... well, I dont... I mean, I will one day... you know what I mean, I really havent abandoned this.  You know when you get nervous about something and different people react in different ways, some run, some throw themselves into it and some just freeze up; well I've done the latter in regards to this chapter - it's just so hard to get this bit right and I'm worried about ruining the whole fic with this one so technically I'm trying to avoid murder (in an even more round-about way ^^)

    Dont die!  How bout a deal, we both agree not to die or murder anyone (or thing ^^), deal? Deal.  Really, it wont be long now, I'll unfreeze at any moment ^^

    And hope you're well too, and having awesome holidays ^^


Title: Chapter 12 04 Jan 2010 2:29 am
Reviewer: Lisa (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Please oh please update. I'm really dying for the next few chapters. If you're fast you can update before school starts again so you won't be too busy:-)

    Author's Response:

    unfortunately organising uni is taking awhile and is scary enough to have paralysed me with... well not fear but intense nervousness ^^ - and hey, if I get my updates under control again I can update regularly for when you’re at school to keep you entertained despite the hard work ^^

    Sorry for taking so very (VERY) long ^^

Title: Chapter 12 03 Jan 2010 2:57 pm
Reviewer: bookslug (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This is driving me insane - please update!
    I love it!

    Author's Response: sorry for the insanity but I’m glad you’re liking it so far, it’ll be updated soon! ^^
Title: Chapter 12 31 Dec 2009 3:18 pm
Reviewer: heartstar (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh I can't wait well yes I can but I do not want to please update when you can and I hope you have a wonderfull new years eve and new year. I'm confused about the point thing can you explain?

    Author's Response:

    with the point system, I got the idea from EllaEleniel; basically whatever house you’re in gets points when you review or answer questions or whatever and I add a tally at the end of each chapter – sort of extra motivation to review and give me some idea of what readers are thinking of the story and where they’re coming from.  Speaking of which, which house would you like your points to go to in?  You could be the reason they win! ^^

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