Reviews For Antonomasia
Author's Response: sorry I didn’t get in that final hoorah but hopefully we’ll get a few more holiday hoorahs if that helps ^^
Author's Response: oh thank you! Happy holidays to you too, I hope you have fun and that the New Year brings only wonderful things ^-^
Author's Response: Thank you! I hope it all continues to be realistic ^-^
And poor Harry... he really needs to see a doctor... poor kid... Cannot wait for you to update! :D Author's Response: Aww, sorry! If I could have had the whole fic up for you to read in one long (likely VERY tiring) go I would have... unfortunately there’s the whole ‘writing’ part of the process too... I’ll be as quick as I can and keep you in as little suspense as possible ^^ - and couldn’t we all get used to a more caring sharing kind of Snape... okay, perhaps that’s too mushy, but an appropriately concerned adult teacher Snape is always lovely and that’s just until he realises how huggable Harry really is ^^ I think Harry could probably use a lobotomy or a good obliaviate after Umbridge (don’t worry, I wouldn’t do that – that would be an awful end to a fic wouldn’t it?! After all the angst and torture, ‘and then he was obliviated and forgot it all, and Snape went back to being a git. the end’ *shudders*... oh the horrors of horrible plots ^-^) As for the update, keep your eyes on that there horizon... it won’t appear there or anything but isn’t it pretty? ^^ Thanks for reading so much, I’ll have to have lots of fluff ready to reward you ^^
;-) Author's Response: Oh I’m so very glad you like my Ron! *ron and harry hugs for you!* - I do find them cute as friends and as much as they’re guys and probably wouldn’t be as demonstrative as girls of the same age, it stands to reason that when they’re sleeping beside each other for most of the year and one of them is in such horrible shape the other would be genuinely worried and would show it. Very glad you’re enjoying it ^^
::shudder:: Very awesome job. I'm enjoying this very much. Author's Response: Hehe, I can definitely see the end of this chapter with the foreboding music! Thanks for providing the soundtrack to it ^^ - Very happy it was imagined so easily but I hope it didn’t make you cry or puke or shudder too much... I think I was responsible for a few disgusting body processes in readers after uploading this one ^^ - and I’m not sniggering at all, you so can’t prove that I am ^-^ Very very happy you’re enjoying this ^-^
I wonder though if some of Harry's illness is coming from maybe his back getting infected? Or maybe that nasty potion Umbridge had him drink. I forgot about that. Evil woman. Gonna go read ch. 10! Author's Response: I’m so glad you like my Pomfrey! I had so many people saying she was useless because she didn’t notice his hurts but really, can we blame her for not instantly stripping him down to his skin to inspect him? And I was going for mothering but stern, thanks so much, you’ve made me so very smiley ^^ And nice bit of pondering there too... Umbridge is evil and any potion forced down your throat by her is not going to be the best thing for you (I could always end up making it a vitamin supplement though... you never know do you? ^^)
I gotta sleep now, but I'll finish the rest tomorrow! :D Author's Response: Yeah... imagine that... his back, getting infected... that would be awful wouldn’t it... But it’s not like I’d ever be mean to Harry... ^^
Looking forward to see what happens next! Author's Response: Hehehe, and you aren’t the only one either, so many people saying ‘poor harry’... makes me wonder if maybe perhaps I might be possibly being a bit mean to him? Hmm... and the shirt-sticking-to-his-back thing... well, he may be tough but my harry doesn’t appear to have an awful lot of common sense ^^ But then writers do tend to have things in common with their protagonists ^^
A Snape plushie... now that I would like... Author's Response: I think you said it perfectly then, he’s far too tough for his own good. Silly Harry *hugs him anyway* - I doubt anyone could have taken that... Harry should be a superhero ^^ I think the Snape plushies were necessary... you know, for people’s mental health ^^ |
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