Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 12 13 Dec 2009 4:20 pm
Reviewer: dragonero (Signed) [Report This]
    Ah, the long awaited chapter, where snape plays a bigger role! Will he be able to help Harry before it´s too late? I hopa you will update soon!

    Author's Response:

    Yes, Snape is finally getting his act together (‘bout time ^^) – it only gets better from here ^^ - thanks!

Title: Chapter 12 13 Dec 2009 3:48 pm
Reviewer: Sleeping Soundly (Signed) [Report This]
    I remembered the potion! Was that responsible for muting Harry's anger briefly at lunch? Is that one of the aims of it? My other theory is that it's intended to stop him from getting help and treatment for the problems Umbridge is causing him ... When you mentioned the ghost in the last chapter, did you mean Moning Myrtle? Or was it something more subtle than that? Ooooh I love this story!!!! :D
    This chapter was amazing (I say that about all of them but I liked this one especially), but I just desperately, desperately, desperately (!!!) want something, anything, to prevent Harry from making it to that detention! I don't care who it is, or what - I'd rather he pass out than make it there ... but I know that my hopes will hold no sway in the next chapter which has probably already been planned out ... I was hardly daring to believe it when Snape was dragging him to the infirmary but just as I thought 'yes! it's actually going to happen!' Voldermort had to stick his flat, snake-like nose in. I don't think I've ever felt such a quick swing from hope to despair in a book before - you are one talented author!
    There's loads more I could write about (like your breath-taking insightings into the characters' minds and the beautiful descriptions) but they're present in every chapter so I won't go into detail, plus, my cat is plaintively telling me it's time to go to bed and give him a cuddle!
    Have a good christmas (this is given in advance in case I don't get to review before then) and take your time with the update - I won't add to the pressure I'm sure others are giving you in their desperation to read on!

    Author's Response:

    Yay!  Good for you!  And ten points for your guess too, well done ^^ And yeah, Moaning Myrtle was the ghost in the last chapter, hehe, don’t worry, I don’t think subtlety isn’t one of my fortes ^^
    Thank you ^^ *muffins for you* - I know I’ve been building tension and suspense to the point of idiocy (on my part, I think I’ve pissed off all my readers ^^) but it really is just about done... not the fic but the more awful parts with the least sev/harry ^^

    And all I can do is apologise profusely (sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry) because unfortunately the detention is necessary, but I’ve done my best to make it as quick and painless (to read) as possible if that helps at all?  And as much as the next bit has been planned out (in as much as I plan anything... which is a little slipshod... at best ^^) I get so many ideas and new directions from reviewers and everything helps, whether in the direction of the fic or helping me know where each reader is coming from so please don’t think what you say has no sway over it, it really does! *more muffins* ^^

    Aww *throws caution to the wind and hugs you* thank you!  I mean, sorry for making you swing from hope to despair so fast it sounds like it caused whiplash but chalking my evil streak up to being talented, that’s so sweet!!! And all of those kind things you said... *heaps more muffins and another five points* - I suppose I’m a sucker for flattery but what you said really just makes me want to dive headfirst into writing, thanks for being so very motivating!  And I hope I didn’t keep you from your (very cute sounding) kitty for too long (I think all cats have that plaintive thing down to an art form ^^)

     Thanks so much, I hope you had a great Christmas and that the new year is wonderful for you ^-^

Title: Chapter 12 13 Dec 2009 2:01 pm
Reviewer: EllaEleniel (Signed) [Report This]
    Ugh, why did Severus have to be summoned now. Harry was so close to getting the help he needed. Was he passing out there at the end? I think so, but I'm not completely sure. I wonder that even if Harry makes it to the Hospital Wing that he won't tell Pomfrey he needs more extensive scans.

    As for the potion I think it in a way hides the marks from view and doesn't allow the marks to heal correctly. Perhaps it also does something once it seeps into his skin internally since Harry is coughing up blood now. That's always a huge warning sign, and I have to hope he'll make it to the Hospital Wing in the next chapter and that Severus checks up on Harry, well in his own way to ensure Harry followed his instructions. I'm pretty sure there's also a mental component to the potion, or Umbridge's brainwashing is taking effect.

    You are so evil having Severus summoned away while Harry was so close to getting the help he needed. I just had to reiterate that. lol.

    Yay, you're going to have more writing time. =) I can't wait to read more, and yes, I know you're probably waiting for my next chapter, but I am seriously almost finished with my editing/revising my writing sample. I have a page and a half left for the current revision and the next ones shouldn't take nearly as long.

    Great job even if I think you're evil for teasing us like you have.

    Author's Response:

    I know!  Not only that but it’s been so long since I’ve updated that he’s been in the process of flooing for days!  Man must he be dizzy... it’s almost like it was planned that way.  Quick, let us hunt down this evil orchestrator... orchestratress?  Orchestratery-type-person which most definitely is not me ^-^.  Yes, I’ve recently had sugar... candy canes are good ^^

    Well, Harry sorta kinda almost passed out there but he’s good again now... that came out too blasé, I mean he’s still conscious which is about as ‘good’ as he’s gonna get for a few more hours (in the fic... that writing burst I had?  All gone *sobs* hopefully it passed on to you ^^)

    Ahh, he does have a great many symptoms but then, his back is weeping and raw which may have a little something to do with the way Harry took ‘care’ of it ^^  Nice ideas about the potion too, reviews are wonderful things aren’t they, everytime I get a wonderful idea the potion in my fic sort of mutates a little bit ^^ And Harry will end up in the hospital wing and Severus will ‘visit’ I suppose... I really must stop leaving people in suspense, it’s a bit mean ^^  And I really like the last bit of your ideas about the potion... brainwashing... hmm... ^^ -ten points btw ^^

    Hahaha I lose count of how many times you say I’m evil *laughs evilly* it’s a wonder you put up with me ^^  I did sort of do that just to torture anyone reading... because I’m mean... mwahaha ^^

    Really hope that the writing sample is working for you and flowing far better than it seemed to be for so long.  And my writing time I thought I had kinda vanished – prep for starting uni TT

    Thanks so much, and I’ll keep the ‘evil’ think in mind... ha... ha... ha ^^

Title: Chapter 12 13 Dec 2009 1:20 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    A calming potion soothes the spirit and it was given to him by none other than our mysterious potions master. Remember, my points go to Slytherin:)
    Thanks for the quick update...Harry needs help...it's killing me...I mean Harry!

    Author's Response:

    Ahh, calming potions may soothe the spirit (and Snape will be Harry’s calming potion ^-^) but will it cause more harm than good?  (dum dum dummmmm... not that that was a hint ^^)  Aww, don’t mean to kill you... or Harry... don’t worry, just hold out a little longer... you can do it! ^^  And it’s written down so all your points will go to your esteemed house my cunning green friend ^^ have fun and hope you like where this will go so very soon ^^

Title: Chapter 12 13 Dec 2009 12:35 pm
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    What a cliffie!!! I'm disappointed in Snape, however. He doesn't seem as smart as I thought he was. Does he really expect Harry to go to the infirmary as instructed? He has to know better!! What timing to get called away at such a critical moment.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe, yeah sorry about that... kinda ^^ (it does build suspense quite nicely ^^).  Aww, sorry about that too, I know Snape hasn’t been overly perceptive but he’s better than those around him and really, it’s just rotten timing in then end... it’s almost like it was planned that way... shock horror! ^^  - I think he was distracted enough that he did what he could (which wasn’t a lot because he was worried about oncoming wrath and a pain in the a...rm ^^).  He will be the one to... well, ‘find’ Harry out though ^^  Thanks for reading ^^

Title: Chapter 12 13 Dec 2009 11:45 am
Reviewer: thedeejay (Signed) [Report This]
    Amazing! Absolutely loving this story, and can't wait for your next update!
    Really well done!

    Author's Response:

    Wow, Thank you!  Hope you continue to enjoy it ^-^

Title: Chapter 12 13 Dec 2009 9:21 am
Reviewer: Cicci Green (Signed) [Report This]
    THANK you for updating! :D
    I like how the plot's speeding up, and this chapter was rather interesting. It might just be me, but it seems that the writing gets a little more 'confused' (not as detailed or clear) whenever Harry feels worse. I might be reading too much into it though.

    I like your Snape, I feel he is in character and acting the way Snape would. I'm a bit confused as to how many detentions Harry was supposed to have with Umbridge and Snape and not entirely sure about the timeline. Where are we in the school year and how much time has passed from the first chapter?

    Anyways, sorry for rambling. I love it and you do a great job!

    Author's Response:

    Hehe thank YOU for reading and reviewing ^-^, it is about time I got to the nicer parts isn’t it ^^ And I’m glad you did pick it up, I tried to make the writing reflect his state of mind and I think I’ve done it a few times over past chapters too.  I think the plots lends itself to that and it would be harder not to in the end.

    Hehe everytime someone says my Snape is still in character it lightens my heart, I’m always worried I’ll suddenly write something to the effect of ‘and then Sevvy danced into the Great Hall’ and not realise I’ve done it ^^ High strung characters make me nervous because you can’t just let the writing get away from you, you know? So thank you!!! *hands you muffin and a point or two* ^^

    And I do seem to have explored everything in so much detail (prattled on ^^) to the extent that you’re probably not the only one who doesn’t know the day in this fic anymore ^-^ - at the end of chapter 12 we’re on Wednesday night and both Snape and Umbridge gave him detentions for a week... that won’t be so important by next chapter because it all unravels then ^^ as for the school year, it’s before Christmas but long enough after getting back to school that Harry knows all about the blood quill... beyond that I suppose I just got lazy but I’ll have to fix that soon too ^-^

    And I love rambling (can you tell? ^-^) feel free to leave lots of rambling reviews in future, and thanks ^-^

Title: Chapter 12 13 Dec 2009 9:19 am
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank goodness for people noticing--it's about time! No matter how much Harry wants to get to detention, I'm not certain he's going to make it there this time around. I'm going to root for Draco potentially finding him in the dungeons and helping him to the infirmary. Surely if Draco of all people realized he needed help, Harry might think he really needed it because Draco helping him during a normal situation is totally unlikely. It would have to be a life and death thing, which it is now, for Draco to reach out a hand and help Harry. I hope it happens.

    Great chapter!


    Author's Response:

    I’d agree that it’s about time people took notice but I wrote it and that would make me look a little thick... nevertheless, it is about time huh ^^ and I wont say one way or the other, you’ll just have to read the next chapter to find out ^^

    Ah Draco, well he is a little unpredictable so we’ll see when it comes down to it if he decides to write himself in or not ^^  either way, I hope you like the next part, and thanks so much ^-^

Title: Chapter 12 13 Dec 2009 8:59 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Omg, poor Harry. He is not going to the infirmary, is he? Snape is going to be pissed.

    I hope that Umbridge's treatment of him comes out soon! Poor Harry can't handle much more. The bitch needs to pay.

    Great work, can't wait for more.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe, well I’m sure that would be his first reaction if he or Harry was in any shape for it but no, Sev won’t be overly pissed.  Not with Harry ^^ (mysterious?  Or am I just being irritating? ^^)

    And don’t worry, next chapter it all unravels... well, it starts to anyway ^^  Harry is unbelievably resilient isn’t he?  But he is starting to crack... and the bitch will pay ^^  I should puff her up and stuff her like a cane toad ^^

    Thanks so much, and hope you have a great Christmas ^^

Title: Chapter 11 12 Dec 2009 7:28 pm
Reviewer: Wrinkled_Fabric (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh. Oh, Ron. I feel like you just gave me a christmas present and a birthday present all rolled into one. Ron is my favourite character bar none. You've done him such a justice. He should have gone to get Harry really help already, but that's Ron. He's not perfect, and that's just wonderful.

    I call you mean and tell you I dislike your wicked ways, and you thank me? I have been going about the world the wrong way :P

    I feel very privileged to be mentioned, I keep smiling! Happy to help motivate though, seriously, you're awesome. A meanie, like I say, but very very awesome. That whole chapter a bundle of torture and art and perfection. There is comfort at the end of all this hurt right?? Please?

    Just so you know, I spend half my fanfic'ing days looking for fics full of 'all the angst and torture and mutilation'. I have admittedly high standards (that sounds better than picky) and now you've gone and shoved the bar even higher so everything else I read doesn't compare and now I'm struggling to find reading material. (I actually have to work at work! Who would have thought it *gasp* )

    I may possibly see how many of your readers I can get together so we can plot and execute a kidnap. Then we could tie you to a chair and demand you write. Yep, I think that'll be quite reasonable.

    (I like muffins, there's nothing wrong with a good smushy muffin. Ooh, better yet, I could do with a bowl of pasta, since I was reading this and I forgot about mine and the spaghetti stuck to the bottom of the pan. Al dente with parmigiano please :) )

    Wow, I talk too much.

    Can't wait for the next update (seriously, the kidnapping may come into effect if we have to wait too long... :) )


    Oh yeah, and I am going to suggest the ghost/guest is Lily? My points go all the way to Ravenclaw :)

    Author's Response:

    Oh, you just made me make ridiculous little squealing sounds of happiness over and over in the span of time it took to read your review, you are so sweet *tries to drown you in muffins as sweet as the things you say* ^-^

    I’m speechlessly ecstatic over your approval of Ron and very very glad I could do him justice, especially when you’re such a Ron-person ^^  I’m thrilled to know someone who likes canon!Ron likes mutilated!Harry’s-friend!Ron... ^-^

    Hehe you could probably call me quite a few things I would thank you for, mean and cruel aren’t very bad things to be called, especially when I seem to put Harry (and most readers) through so much; but to be told nice things about my writing immediately after is definitely something to thank you for!  (Thank you!!! ^^) – oh, and of course any sane person would say the same so you should totally try telling people they’re mean and cruel... and let me know how that goes... hehehe ^-^

    Made me smile to know being mentioned made you smile... I suppose that works out quite well too, all smiling in the end ^-^ And now I am grinning quite madly because I don’t think anyone’s ever said I’m awesome like that and I blame you for the silly noises not unlike muffled squeeing currently escaping me (for which I’m also getting odd looks from my mum for ^^)  I’ll continue to be a meanie (and hopefully ‘awesome’ so as not to ruin the rest of the fic too ^^)  And of course there’s comfort on the way!  Couldnt leave all the wonderful people saying I’m awesome and mean and imaginative and cruel without a lot of mushy goodness to make up for all the torture; what kind of person would that make me? ... hehe, no doubt cruel and mean and... well... cruelly mean... but not meanly cruel... that’s just too awful ^-^

    Oh, well I hope that this one is filling your quota of angst and torture and mutilation (if it isn’t with that last one then you’ll like chapter 13... it’s not going to be lucky for Harry... Umbridge will enjoy herself though... if that... um... helps...? ^^)  Hehe I know what you mean with the pickiness... ahem, high standards ^-^, I’ll give most things a shot but I tend to reread my favourites and I can be very... standardizing with those ^-^  I’m so happy I made your list with that though (although very sorry to have raised your bar... very horrible of me, unforgivable really *slaps back of hand* naughty lisa... but very flattering to hear ^-^ - and I know!  A work place is no place for work!  You should really stop that before it gets out of control ^^)

     I hope I can keep this good enough to keep you interested!  (we have some interesting times ahead, I’ve been setting it up for these few chapters especially so *hands you Harry plushy* hold tight ^-^)

    I’m not laughing.  I’m not.  You can’t prove I am.  *hides face* - stop proving it!  Well, tied to a chair may make it hard to write... what with the lack of hands... and all... But by all means go ahead with the kidnap thing, it would be so nice to meet you and so many other people who seem to like my writing (although I am a bit small so you wouldn’t need many ^^)... even if only to have them tie me to a chair and expect me to write with my hands behind my back (I’d suggest that voice control thingy on my laptop – believe me, I have no idea why I’m helping you succeed with my kidnapping by sorting technicalities, but hey, it’s what I do ^^ - but I do find it hard to dictate with stories... maybe I could just have my right arm free?  Please?  I won’t try anything... you can’t prove I would!

    ... can you?  Wow, that would be great wouldn’t it?  To be able to prove that sort of thing?  Yes, I’m high on egg nog (which is apparently made of egg and nog... I made the mistake of asking ^-^)... do you know what nog is by the way?  I have no idea... unsurprisingly ^^

    Oh, smushy muffins are the best.  Lots of smushy muffins on the way, though we’ll have mushy smushy muffins when my fic gets its Snape on... oh I can’t believe I wrote that ^^  Oh I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to cause burnt/sticky spaghetti... even inadvertently... I do so like spaghetti... especially just plain spaghetti on its own... it’s awful when it burns though... *hands you more, slightly undercooked*... oh, I like it undercooked - *hands you more, slightly overcooked* - just in case... *hands you more, juuuuust right*... because you can’t mess with classics... apparently... (which is obvious to all who like FANfiction XD) – oh, and *al dente with parmigiano* too, because you asked so nice ^-^

    And if you think you talk too much I don’t want to know how much you think I go on (and on and on) ^-^ (it is fun though ^^)

    Hope this wasn’t too long to wait... if it was coming a bit close... well, I suppose I’ll schedule kidnapping in sometime this week?  See you then (or not... balaclavas are very ‘in’ right now ^-^)

    And in all seriousness, thank you so much, it’s reviews like yours that make me think I could abandon all attempts of writing my own stories and spend the rest of my life writing fanfiction in the hopes of earning more of them; thank you so so much *drowns you in more muffins, cookies and points* - oh, and Ravenclaw?  Very very good choice... as if I hadn’t already thought we were similar... ^-^


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