Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 11 12 Dec 2009 4:08 pm
Reviewer: kayt (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Brilliantly written chapter. You really conveyed how out of it Harry was, and I loved Ron too.
    Ghost/guest? Maybe Lily - although she's probably too obvious a choice.

    Author's Response:

    Oh thank you ^-^  I’m so glad people are getting behind Ron in this too and that they don’t seem to think I’m mucking him up ^^

    And I find it hilarious that you’re the third person to guess Lily... You’ll see next chapter but you’ll probably also see the effects of your guess in the 14th (I think...) ^^  Thanks! (Oh, and you earnt 10 points but I don’t know where to put them so they’ll go in unsorted ‘til you let me know different ^^)

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 11 12 Dec 2009 2:03 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ghost star...his mother, perhaps? Send my points to Slytherin:)
    Thanks for a great chapter...love this story. Gosh, everyone around Harry is clueless aren't they? I mean, you'd think someone would notice the blood! I don't think poor Harry will last much longer. I hope Severus helps him soon.

    Author's Response:

    Ooh, nice guess, it’s given me an idea too ^-^ – you’ll see in a minute and I’ll put your points with Slytherin ^^

    Aww thank you!  I hope you continue to enjoy it too, hopefully you don’t mind the upcoming resolution to all the conflict... well, sort of... the resolution might be a little conflicting in itself ^^

    And Sev tries... poor love, he’s really the only perceptive one in the castle huh... but then everyone else is very busy right now... what with... umm... stuff... and all ^^

    Thanks! ^^ x

Title: Chapter 11 12 Dec 2009 11:32 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I was so happy to see you'd updated, and I can't wait for the next one!

    I'm so glad that Harry wasn't actively tortured here, but he's in really bad shape. I wish Ron had seen his back or at least had taken him to the hospital wing, but I can understand why he didn't as he doesn't know yet how badly hurt Harry is. Surely he and Hermione are getting suspicious though. Trelawney might not have noticed Harry's condition, but surely Ron has.
    I'm thinking it might be time for them to go to Pomfrey or McGonagall whether Harry likes it or not.

    At the very least, I hope Severus will soon realize what's going on with Harry and do something to help him. I can't stand to think of him with his poor back all torn up and those awful words.

    Great job!

    Author's Response:

    Aww thank you ^^ I’ve tried to keep the torture to a minimum lately and we only have one more of those hurdles to go too (then it’s mush all the way ^-^)

    And yeah they’re suspicious but I think if a friend was so adamant that they were alright no matter how awful they looked you’d have to be wary of doing anything for fear of being interfering... not that Ron and Hermione don’t decide to get interfering... hmm, I think I’ve just known enough people who don’t notice things unless they’re pointed out to them, I cant imagine anyone in RL being so perceptive ^-^

    And yes... umm... those awful words... hmm... well... I suppose you’ll see the result soon but the original inspiration for the whole fic was a picture I saw quite awhile ago on deviantArt, this photo of a stick thin girl who had written ‘ugly’ all over herself... gave me the idea... so... umm... I’ll make sure I give fair warning at the beginning of chapter 13 of the last of the awful parts because... well, it isn’t going to be pretty (but it will allow for Snape to save the day... kinda... you’ll see ^^)

    At least there’s some Snapey goodness coming up now though ^-^

    Thanks so much, hope you have a good week (and that Christmas prep is fun and not too hectic) x

Title: Chapter 11 12 Dec 2009 12:07 am
Reviewer: Min (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Please someone rescue Harry!!!

    Author's Response: Oh they will, bit longer, and you might like the next one ^^
Title: Chapter 11 11 Dec 2009 11:50 pm
Reviewer: xxslytheringirlxx (Anonymous) [Report This]
    awesommee storie update soone please i cant get enough!

    Author's Response:

    Aww thanks, fast update on the way ^^

Title: Chapter 11 11 Dec 2009 10:32 pm
Reviewer: EllaEleniel (Signed) [Report This]
    What a depressing chapter, but in a good way. *Gives Harry a huge hug while being careful not to hurt his back* I really felt for Harry in this chapter. The dark, depressing tone was just wonderful.

    Ron was great this chapter though he should've marched Harry straight to the Hospital Wing. I can see why he didn't since as his friend he wouldn't want to make Harry mad, but the boy needs some major help. Harry's starting to lose it, and I'm curious to see why he wasn't able to be woken up. I have a feeling it wasn't simply because he was really tired. *Glares at Umbridge*

    A double update? Well sorta. I'm so excited. I've had such a horrible day that this was just what I needed. I can't wait for the next chapter and I hope we get some more of Severus soon. If Ron is noticing the changes in Harry, I'm sure Sev has noticed something.

    Hmm as for the ghost star, I'm guessing it's Lily, but I could be totally wrong. She seems like it would be the right choice considering the circumstances of Harry being hurt and emotionally starting to crumble. If you haven't figured it out by now, lol, I'm sure it won't surprise you to hear the Sorting Hat would most likely have sorted me into Slytherin.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe, hmm, depressing in a good way... well, that’s not too bad but hopefully the next one will be both good and undepressing (undepressing? Indepressing... nondepressing... less depressifying ^-^)  I was going for that darkness in this one in particular so thank you ^^ - this is like his lowest point (at least metaphorically with the whole ‘left in the dark corner’ thing ^^)  *gives you harry plushy to squeeze until hurt!Harry’s back is better* ^^

    And I’m glad people don’t mind my Ron being in this so much... I do like a helpful Ron ^^ (available at all good department stores, maybe you’ve seen ‘em? ^^)  no, in this chapter it wasn’t Umbridge at all really, or not directly anyway – the stuff she’s already done is taking its toll (clearly)... and it is a little bit more than a case of exhaustion too... *glares at Umbridge with you* (I don’t think it’s working ^^) *throws rocks*... the solution to all.

    Oh more bad days?  *hands you muffin and points... or a muffin made of points?... hmm...* - hope today gets better and some more Sev should help ^-^ *starts typing* And you are very perceptive... as much as Sev, who has indeed noticed something, I hope you like the next chapter ^^

    Oh good idea!!!  You’ve just given me an interesting angle for something in two chapters time, thank you!!!! *showers you with muffins and stuff... don’t worry, good stuff ^^*  Unfortunately though only five points... for that... you have helped immensely though... hmm...

    And I would say you’re Slytherin in your intelligence and timing (cunning use of cliffys in AIE ^^) but Hufflepuff kindness and Ravenclaw intelligence with a Gryffindor’s bravery to explore a theme not many have... hmm... a Slyravindorpuff... oh that’s horrible... so very very horrible... Yeah, maybe Slytherin is better ^-^ (I’d be Raverin... or Slytherclaw... but with having to choose between them I just cant go past the fact that I read constantly and the idea of living so near a library/common room.  And the purple crest.  I like purple.  But then I prefer green.  Ahh, the decisions we must face ^^.

Title: Chapter 11 11 Dec 2009 10:25 pm
Reviewer: B00kw0rm92 (Signed) [Report This]
    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that should about cover it) This was just soooo sweet! Poor, poor, poor, Harry! He needs help ASAP! I can not wait for the next chapter!!!

    Author's Response:

    Wow thank you so much! *glomps you* that’s such a sweet review! ^^ I’m glad you appear to be liking it so far ^^ and I hope you like the next update... Snapey goodness ^^

Title: Chapter 11 11 Dec 2009 10:17 pm
Reviewer: J. (Anonymous) [Report This]
    F:LSKDJFLKSDJF LOOOOOOOOOOVED Ron in this. Absolutely loved him. But felt really bad for Harry and WTFFFFFF Umbitch, what is that cow doing. I really don't like what's going on (in terms of feeling bad for Harry, I really like your plot haha and what you're doing) I just really want someone to get Harry some help. What's going to happen when Sirius gets the letter? I really like how Ron is the compassionate one while Hermione is also... just sometimes she's the one who talks to Harry and notices he's sick and it makes a lot more sense the boy who sleeps in the same dorm as him and his best friend would notice too.

    Anyways, very excited for your second real update, very excited. I hope you had a good time at your get together even if you weren't expecting too.

    Author's Response:

    Aww I’m so glad!  I love that so many people seem to like my Ron ^-^

    Umbridge is... well, planning... but we wont see much of that fortunately, only Harry getting the help he needs (it seems a lot of people are going to like the next few chapters... well, I hope so ^^) – And we’ll see Sirius again soon but not next chapter... possibly the one after... my storylines seem to like writing themselves and some of them surprise me by writing themselves quite long but others I thought would take pages are done in a paragraph... very odd... I’m at their mercy ^^

    I’m ecstatic about you liking Ron though, that’s really made my day, thank you ^^ *showers you with muffins and a point or two ^^*

    And thank you so much for saying that too, I actually had a much better time than expected at the get together... thing... it was one of those things I really didn’t feel like doing but now I’m glad I did you know?  I’ll update all the sooner for it too ^^ Thanks so so much ^^

Title: Chapter 11 11 Dec 2009 9:50 pm
Reviewer: Wyrsa (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Marvellous chapter!
    Hey, you get scarier and scarier. Dear me, those lines at the end of previous chapter gave me cold breeze. You dug so deep hole of misery and pain... I'm truly scared for poor lad. This and last chapters made me hate Umridge to the point of explosion! Merlin how I'd like to see what she gets for this! Your Ron is brilliant, thank you for bits about him!
    Can't wait to see next parts! Go you! ))
    PS: About Ghost star - you did confuse me, but will it be Peeves?.. Though I thought about Moaning Mirtle too...

    Author's Response:

    Thank you! ^^ Hehe I don’t know whether to take it as a compliment or not that I’m getting scarier... I think I will, Thanks! ^^  and even though the hole Harry’s in is pretty deep, we have the joy of watching Snape lift Harry out of it ^^

    Oh, don’t explode! Hmm.... *Umbridge explodes* better? ^^  and I’m so glad you like the bits with Ron too; I do like fics that show the bond between the three friends so I’ve been trying to show that too... especially before I get all Snapey ^^

    Haha Thanks!!! (and go you for reviewing!!! Go you!!! ^^)

    (ahh, well, ‘til I update you wont know but I’m giving you seven points if that helps ^^ nice guessing, although you’ll have to let me know if you don’t want the points going to my unsorted muffins pile  ^^)

Title: Chapter 11 11 Dec 2009 9:31 pm
Reviewer: Leafwood (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh dear, I don't know how much more I can take of Harry suffering. I already want Snape to come barging to the rescue.

    And ugh! Ron! If you had only looked at his back!

    Author's Response:

    Hehe well we all know that when Snape barges he barges good... if you know what I mean ^-^ - he’ll make a very good knight in shining armour when he gets to it and next chapter promises more interaction ^^

    And yes I can understand your frustration with Ron but then... it is Ron ^^

    Thanks ^^

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