Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 11 11 Dec 2009 9:25 pm
Reviewer: autumnamberleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    good job! I hope Snape interacts with Harry again soon. :-D

    Author's Response: Don’t worry he will very very soon ^^ and thanks!
Title: Chapter 10 11 Dec 2009 2:36 pm
Reviewer: Chandramas (Signed) [Report This]
    I don't want to seem too pushy but... What about an update? I really need it! No pressure, of course... well no... maybe some pressure, but just a small, gentle one.

    Pretty please? é__è

    Chiara, who's fighing against a fever.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe... hmmm, I might be able to oblige ^-^  And thanks for the small, gentle pressure... I need nudges occasionally ^^

    and your please is very pretty ^^

    *pets Chiara* aww, feel better... will this help?

    Thank you by the way ^^

Title: Chapter 10 10 Dec 2009 11:18 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I really like this story. Will you be able to update soon?

    Author's Response:

    Hehe... yeah... umm, pretty soon... ^-^

    Thanks so much, hope you continue to enjoy ^^

Title: Chapter 10 30 Nov 2009 5:53 pm
Reviewer: severitusfan4ever (Signed) [Report This]
    ARGGHHH IT IS TOO A CLIFFY! UPDATE NOW! :) great chapter! I don't know if I've reviewed for your story yet (esp. since I haven't been getting any of those muffins!) but it's very well written and interesting! Nah, sev ain't OOC, but I can't wait to see his reaction to this mess (methinks projectiles aimed at umbridge shall be involved :)

    Author's Response:

    Hehehe... whoops ^^  Well, it kind of has to be written out properly first (or I could whisper the much condensed version in your ear ^^) - you'll probably like my updates in that case too... I'm not entirely sure if you have or not but thank you for reviewing now ^^ (I love causing people pain through cliffies *evil laugh* ^^)

    Ahh, Umbridge aimed projectiles, that's a new one I think... I have had someone suggest I turn her own kittens on her too... maybe they could be the projectiles? *meooooow- thud*... aww... I'm cruel (who woulda thought hey ^^)

    And no one makes a mess like I do ^-^ (I'll just swan off now and let Sev clean it up ^-^)

    Thanks, and I hope you like the next few ^^

Title: Chapter 10 30 Nov 2009 3:27 am
Reviewer: rayne_stardust (Anonymous) [Report This]
    The toad needs to die. Preferably by Severus' hands.

    Author's Response:

    Hmm, but how?  It seems to be the question floating around right now (floating... floating... floating toad?  Ooh, toad floating belly up in a bucket of dirty water... yeah, I’m going nowhere with this ^^ - I’ve built on such an evil character already that there doesn’t seem to be a fate bad enough for Umbridge... what do you reckon, any ideas?)

Title: Chapter 10 29 Nov 2009 8:00 pm
Reviewer: Wrinkled_Fabric (Signed) [Report This]
    I really, really want to hate you. You're mean and horrible and mean.

    I'm new (actually completely and utterly new to harry potter at all, I think I lived in a cave for a while back there) and yours happened to be the first story I accidently stumbled across, and now I'm hooked. Completely, irrevocably hooked. I want to hate you for it, but I kinda just want to buy you heartfelt gifts :D

    This is just pure genius, you write like a pro. Snape's glimmer of concern in this chap was just perfect, realistic in a way that he wasn't 'caring', he was just doing what he had vowed. Perfect, but I still just really want him to punch Umbridge. And Dursleys. And even Sirius.

    I love Ron and Hermione too, they are wonderful.

    I look forward to the next update :D

    Author's Response:

    Wow, your review was just so gorgeous and it made me smile for ages, which is interesting considering the fact that you call me mean and horrible and mean... and horrible?  Perhaps just a pinch of horrible in a pool of mean... I can live with that ^^ hmm, if you want to hate me... *takes back muffins*... no, that’s just cruel *gives back muffins*... well, that was rather superfluous now wasn’t it? ^^

    Welcome to the HP world – don’t worry, I know a ton of people who are still living in the non-HP bubble (my aunty picked up the first book and threw it down ten minutes later because she didn’t know what a muggle was... but then she doesn’t like libraries because she can never find any books in them... I wish I could say I was joking ^^) – and as for this being the first story you came across... I am so very, sincerely sorry ^-^, all the angst and torture and mutilation must have been a bit... umm... well, no wonder you think I’m mean ^^.  I’m thrilled that you’re hooked (in a ‘sorry I got you hooked on my twisted imaginings’ sort of way ^^), I’ll make up for all the hurt with a lot of comfort very soon if it makes you feel any better ^^ (and reviews like yours are the best kind of heartfelt gift I can think of, aside from muffins *hands you muffin*... see ^^ - so thankyou *glomp* - oh, and I have a glomping problem when someone does or says things that are so nice I feel all gooey inside... *hands you another muffin* ^^)

    And I am soo(oooo) glad you liked Snape in this chapter, I was hugely worried I was buggering him up... not in the way that sounded like but in a writey kinda way... (hehe yes, and I write like a pro apparently ^-^) – he may not punch any of them... he may take a wand to them but I doubt he’d risk contaminating any part of his precious potion-making hands on the noses of Umbridge, Sirius or the Dursleys... well maybe Sirius, but he hardly needed any more provocation to do that ^^

    Thank you so much for the wonderful things you said, I’m really glad you are enjoying this (despite it’s not-so-unslimy storyline right now... I have no idea what slime has to do with it but it sounds about right given that Umbridge is a main character right now ^^) – I hope as this fic starts looking up I don’t lose your interest, I’d be fascinated to hear what you think of it as it goes on given your relatively new eyes for HP – hope you find some happier fics in the meantime ^^

    Have fun and stay safe ‘kay ^^

Title: Chapter 10 29 Nov 2009 2:50 pm
Reviewer: J. (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Author's Response: Hehe, and apparently on the edge of your keyboard ^^ Hold on!!! ^^ (I’ll try to update quickly so you don’t fall off ^^)
Title: Chapter 10 28 Nov 2009 10:38 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    :( I hope someone finds out soon--this fic bothers me in a way that no other fic has before. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. I guess it's just the thought of abuse going unnoticed for a long time; the fact that this stuff really happens in some areas and possibly to kids at the school where I teach, just makes this seem real to me. I need someone to find out about it soon.


    Author's Response:

    Oh, your review... I find it so easy to write angst and inner turmoil and stuff – the stuff that no one notices except the one going through it – that I focus too much on the writing and not enough on the people who read it; I don’t mean to make anyone discomfited by the story, it’s supposed to be a nice(ish) one too, and should be once Snape finds out, but I suppose I just get distracted by the writing of it you know?  I know what you mean, there’s too many cases of this type of thing (though perhaps not with blood quills ^^) happening and no one ever knowing, working in a school you must see it too often (hell, once is too often) and when kids suffer and it stays inside... I know what you mean entirely.  Hopefully bringing events forward by a day will help somewhat (you actually really helped my plot, I was going to have things come to a head on the Thursday/ Friday but now it should be in the next chapter, at the latest chapter 12.  Hope it helps.  I’m still struck speechless by the fact that, what to me was a little fic I wanted to upload on P&S has effected people enough to be... well, effected... if that makes sense ^^ Thank you ^-^

Title: Chapter 10 28 Nov 2009 3:26 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OMG poor harry when will snape do something other than potions..... Please update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Thanks Giving BTW

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^ Hope you had a happy thanksgiving too, and next chapter (at latest, the one after) ^^ (Snape will insist on playing with potions though won’t he? ^^)
Title: Chapter 10 27 Nov 2009 4:34 pm
Reviewer: Emma (Anonymous) [Report This]
    If Snape doesn't do something in the next chapter, I shall have to find him and toss him down the stairs! He'd better start putting the clues together and figure it out! Harry will need some heavy duty comforting after all of this. Other than that, excellent story. Well done.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe, hmm, but that will make it somewhat difficult for him to help Harry, what with being thrown down the stairs and all ^^  lol, I love that ‘heavy duty comforting’ – yes, the cuddles, chocolates and fluffy pillows will take hard work but Snape will just have to suck it up ^^

    Thanks, hope you like the next chapter or two... some heavy duty comforting is on the way... although I won’t rush it (“and suddenly Snape realised he was being an idiot, swept harry up and cuddled him as he sobbed”... perhaps not ^-^)

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