Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 10 27 Nov 2009 4:11 pm
Reviewer: kayt (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I really like this story - a good idea and well written, but please, please, give Harry (and us ) a break! It may not be time for Snape to act on what he must surely suspect or for Harry to confide in anyone, but couldn't something distract the evil toad temporarily?

    Author's Response:

    Aww thanks ^^ and wow... umm... at the risk of displaying my utter and complete stupidity... I hadn’t thought of that.


    Whoops... well, I have shortened the amount of time it will take for someone to notice if it helps... the next time I update in fact... so even though Umbridge wont be distracted the reader will be ^^ (I’m horribly mean aren’t I? ^^)  hopefully you’ll like then next chapter though ^^

Title: Chapter 10 27 Nov 2009 3:14 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Hiya Lisa! Great chapter! I was so excited when I saw the alert... I mean doubly excited because I got two alerts and the second was for chapter 11! I thought you had uploaded two at once, but when I clicked onto chapter 11, all I got was a 'to be continued'. The disappointment was acute. *sigh*

    So, the female and magical version of the Marquis de Sade (though I truly hope her torture sessions are not sexual in nature)has certainly stepped up her program. She IS attempting to Legilimize Harry, but he is attempting to block her! Hence, more epitheleal etchings! I suppose it is only a good thing that he cannot really remember what happened in that torture chamber.

    And her plans are beginning to work. Harry is already running away, determined to avoid Ron at all costs. She is isolating him in his own mind, making him cut off his greatest source of comfort... his best friends! And the infection is already sinking its potentially lethal fangs into Harry, I am sure. Sure, his night terrors and nightmares would certainly upset his stomach, but so would a rapidly advancing infection. He could end up with septicaemia. The way he cleaned these latest wounds--wadding up and wetting his shirt, already soiled with old blood, in a dirty, disused sink no doubt teeming with bacteria.

    And just where are the staff patrolling the Hogwarts' corridors of a night when you need them? Harry was out well after curfew and Umbitch would not have given him a note, I am sure. Someone should have intercepted our hero and seen the blood and gore on his shirt, if he put it back on, and they would have seen his back in all it's gory glory, if he did not.

    I do not think Severus was at all out of character in this... he was still distant and uncaring, he still made Harry do manual labour when he could clearly see that he was still unwell. He would not be used to seeing a clearly cowed Harry and his brain is beginning to work in overdrive. What is going on with 'The Boy Who Lived to Make my Life Miserable'? As much as he detests Harry, he knows he has a job to do... helping to keep him safe.

    Does Harry have to collapse entirely before Severus, the uninterested head of Gryffindor, Pomfrey or any of the other teachers notice that there is a major problem? (DD, I suppose will remain in his ivory tower). Will Hermione and Ron be the ones to wake the adults up to how ill Harry really is? How away with the fairies he is?

    I can't wait to see what happens next, Lisa. Is Harry going to be on his death bed before Umbridge's torture sessions are uncovered? I cannot imagine that even Fudge would be able to outwardly condone his senior undersecretary's barbaric methods.


    Author's Response:

    Hi! ^^ I always look forward to your reviews now, not least because they’re HUGE ^^ *throws more muffins at... ahem, to you ^^... and cookies, just in case you’d prefer them* (yay!  No need for ice-cream now that the weather’s not so dreadful!  Is it still alright with you?  Hope so ^^)

    Oh, very sorry about the chapter 11 accident and any ensuing disappointment, I’ll make it up to you (you’ll see ^-^) epithelial etchings?  Nice use of wording (yay!  I learnt a new word! ^-^) and not entirely Marquis de Sade – definitely nothing sexual (yuck.  Just yuck.  Even I’m not that bad.  *Shudders*.  With Umbridge?!  Just... yuck.  I think somehow it would be better with a toad.  A cane toad.  Less toxic than Umbridge still.  Yuck.)  no, rest assured, nothing like that on the way.  Yuck.  (*sniggers* can you tell I’m a little grossed out by the idea?  I can be very subtle ^-^)

    I laughed at your use of the word program though... not entirely of the 12 step variety ^^.  But she still has a little... er... present left to give (force on) Harry.  Just the one, then I’ll stop ^^.  I’ve even cut out a day so that the fluff can start a bit sooner (instead of the extra five chapters I was gonna make it, the torture will now only be one or two... yay ^^)

    Poor Harry.  He’s hiding from me right now... convinced I put him through far too much TT.  Plenty of avoidance on his part coming up but he cant escape everyone (actually I’m writing a bit right now that sort of proves he cant avoid anyone... poor thing ^^) and I think he’d probably be isolating himself from his friends with or without Umbridge’s special methods but they certainly are making things worse.  and I think Harry could use a refresher in first aid considering the way he cleaned his back (but then I remember what some of the boys at my old school were like at that age and I think Harry’s actually being quiet thorough considering ^^) – infection was always going to be a part of this but septicaemia... hmm *jots down a note of that just in case* - you have no idea how invaluable you’ve been by the way *gives you many more muffins* thanks so much, you’ve given me a fresh perspective on so many ideas ^^ (one reason I adore fanfiction, it’s impossible to get this depth of understanding with original work because readers of that don’t know where the original idea was born from, with this it’s like we all have the same base understanding of the story, certainly makes things easier ^^)

    I know!  Hogwarts staff have such bad timing at the moment... I should really complain, but to who?  Dumblebum’s off doing god knows what, Snape playing potions in the basement... ahem, ‘dungeons’ (XD), McGonagall’s in the catnip again and Umbridge is cackling evilly over her little plan... not that we’d want her to find Harry in the toilets, but still, everyone’s just too busy these days.  Maybe they should all go to the beach for a break?  No, Umbridge wasn’t thoughtful enough to give Harry a note to be out after hours, but then she’s a very busy bitc- ... woman.  Oh.  Oh funny.  You may not like the way I get around that little hole I wrote myself into.  Harry’s bare back and ruined shirt.  Oh, please let me know what reaction you have to the way that sorts itself out for the night ‘cos I have a feeling you wont like the whole ‘so close yet so SO far’ thing ^^ (despite how incredibly good I am at writing them in over and over again ^^)

    Thanks so much!  You know, when I started writing sev/harry I didn’t anticipate just how hard sev could be to write so I’m glad he’s in character still... every chapter I hold my breath and wait for the first reviewers to say ‘what the hell’ ^^  unfortunately at the moment harry is still a job for sev but that will change (most likely when sev sees just how a bad a job he’s been doing at his... er... job ^^)

    I like your wording there, yes Dumblebum will stay in his ivory tower (oooh pretty ^^) for a bit, playing with his shiny toys and his pet chicken, Gonagall’s entirely too strict for her own good and it makes her blind as a bat and surprisingly the Great Bat himself wont be blind much longer... I haven’t eaten today yet and clearly the emptiness has shot to my brain, sorry ^^.  Even I’m surprised at how oblivious they are and I wrote them that way but when I go back and edit, you know I actually cant see a whole heap of difference to the way they act in the books?  It’s just in the nature of too many adults, especially when they have so many others charges and responsibilities to be going on with; unfortunately it’s just too easy to fall through the cracks in a school.  (They should really employ their own school counsellor huh... but then I suppose that’s what a head of house is for... hmm...)

    Thank you so much, your reviews always motivate me to write (and always because while I reply to you I get just as excited about where the story’s heading and want to see for myself ^^ thanks!!!)  and as for the second sentence of that last paragraph of yours... well, ten points to you for guessing something that I really hope you keep under your hat (if you wear one... they can be very fashionable you know... although Luna’s roaring lion one may be a little... uh... extravagant ^^) – your guesses should be regarded as spoilers, you’re so good at them (we must be on a very similar wavelength, or maybe it’s an aussie thing, you just seem to guess very very well ^^... you’re really in my head aren’t you... aha!  Knew it!  Sorry... I swear I’m gonna go eat something and grow a brain in a minute ^^)

    Fudge is yummy.  I like fudge.  I doubt the man is at all yummy (he certainly isn’t in the movies... ironically I think it’s something to do with the hat ^^) but he’s rather useless besides.  I wouldn’t expect much help from him... or disapproval... or much of anything really ^^  just like in the books (ooh, look at me going all canon ^^)

    Seriously, I’ll make more sense next time, promise ^^

    Thanks so much ^^, have fun and stay safe ‘kay?  Hopefully you’ll like my next update ^^

Title: Chapter 10 27 Nov 2009 3:11 am
Reviewer: Twinheart (Signed) [Report This]
    I don't mind cliffies...but I am growing concerned about how much longer Umbridge's torture sessions are going to continue undiscovered. The explanation of Pomfrey's inability to scan Harry for injuries due to the scar is a bit thin... but given Harry's obvious appearance I find it hard to understand why she didn't at least physically examine him. Untreated wounds as severe as Harry's lead to infection and blood-poisoning ....
    thousands of people die in hospitals every year from staph infections - and that's while under actual medical care! Even your Harry, though magical, is apparently susceptible to infection. Surely someone besides his friends can SEE how bad off Harry is?

    Snape's lethargic concern and inaction is also worrying. Given his background as an ex-Death Eater, I'm pretty sure Snape knows exactly what a torture victim looks and behaves like. I know in canon the Hogwarts teachers are often inattentive to Harry's problems but surely they aren't completely BLIND. Will this continue until Umbridge manages to kill Harry... and will anyone notice until it's too late? I'm not sure how much longer I can continue to read about this disturbing torture. I hope that Snape or someone wakes up very soon and comes to Harry's rescue. Will you please include a warning in your notes if you are planning a character death?

    Author's Response:

    Oh don’t worry!  Harry is most definitely not going to die (it would make the fluffy, mushy comfort part of this fic immensely hard and more than a little disturbing ^^).

    Ooh, I knew I was going to regret that.  I know the Poppy Problem is bad (the explanation about his scar interrupting diagnostic scans), I can only reason that I was distracted enough with the rest of the story that I didn’t write her views the way I should have.  You see, I sort of need an explanation for next chapter (possibly the one after) for why things have to be done in a bit more mugglish a way where harry’s health is concerned and I didn’t fully think through the fact that Poppy would have to be more... er... invasive, than she’s being.  I do have a way to rectify it a little but I do know what you mean about it being thin and I can only apologize for that bad spot of plot (and I really didn’t mean to rhyme then... it just happens ^^)  - not to mention, it sort of reminds me of school (having a nurse who doesn’t do her job well I mean) and I’m not saying all school nurses are bad, not in the least, but my experience was ridiculously... well, crap, so I tend to write that way sometimes without noticing TT.

    Very glad you don’t mind the cliffy (as it is I like the way it adds to the tension actually... although I know I hate them when others leave a fic there so I’ll try not to do that often ^^)  Harry’s friends can see how bad off he is but they don’t know why and from experience know that if they push he’ll just close up that much faster (it’s so frustrating but I’ve had friends who have done that and it’s just one of those impossible situations... I think it’s not such a stretch to think Harry would be the same, given his past and his age, it just seems reasonable).  And Poppy doesn’t know he has wounds at all, to her he just looks pale and tired.  I don’t make things easy for harry do I? TT 

    Oh, I love it when people read as deeply into my writing as you have, it’s so incredibly flattering and yet it’s like being looked in the face – I worry about how many imperfections you’ll find TT – Snape for his part is not noticing mostly because he likes to not notice Harry unless he has to and at the moment he’s inbetween not wanting to and knowing he has to (don’t worry, the scale will tip next chapter ^^)

     I am sorry this fic has been so disturbing thus far, I do tend to get caught up in the writing of a fic and not realising the depth I’ve explored it in... especially with parts that are usually better unexplored – really, this fic will be happier so very soon but if it helps to ignore the next few chapters you should, I never wanted to disturb anyone, just create enough of a base of bad stuff that Sev would feel the need and inclination to help fix it (along the way a fic was born ^^).  Ron notices some things next chapter if that helps?

    Hope you’re safe and happy and thanks for the wonderful review,  you’ve helped my writing tremendously ^^

Title: Chapter 10 27 Nov 2009 1:31 am
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    I was rather hoping that some resolution would begin happening for Harry by now. Snape acted a tiny bit concerned for Harry by giving him a potion, but certainly didn't go any easier on him or even seem to connect that fact that double detentions every night might be contributing to Harry's ill health.

    Enough tortue (begging - LOL) - it's not fun to read. Harry needs some help even though he won't ask for it.

    That said, I like your story and look forward to all updates.

    Author's Response:

    Sorry TT I know Harry will suffer for that little bit longer than he usually has to (he’s currently hiding in my wardrobe and refusing to come out until I find him help... I think he’s found narnia what with how long I’m taking ^^) – the next chapter is the beginning of the end of the horror though and in the fic it’s now Wednesday which is when everything comes out (and early Thursday morning... you’ll see what I mean ^^)  - and Snape will start taking more notice of Harry and the (freaking bleeding obvious) too ^^ (and a loud sigh of ‘finally’ goes up around the world ^^)

    Thanks so much ^^ I’ll make up for the torture, promise ^^

Title: Chapter 10 26 Nov 2009 8:38 pm
Reviewer: samantha (Anonymous) [Report This]
    God that was ace! this story is so well written, when harry saw what was on his back i felt a chill go down my spine so well done you! :p
    cant wait for the next chapter

    Author's Response:

    Hehe thank you!  I’ve never been told that anything I’ve written before *hands you a muffin... and a jumper ^^* - sorry about the chilled spine ^^ - hope you like the next one and thanks so much, it’s reassuring to know that not everyone who reads this leaves feeling depressed and disturbed... just... er... cold ^-^

    Have fun ^^

Title: Chapter 10 26 Nov 2009 7:53 pm
Reviewer: B00kw0rm92 (Signed) [Report This]
    Eeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not good, not good, not good!!!!! Poor Harry! Please, please upsate soon!

    Author's Response:

    Aww, you sound like Dobby in your distress *have a muffin and a pillowcase* - not good but soon it wont be bad either ^^  hold onto the hope ^^

    Hope you like the next update ^^

Title: Chapter 10 26 Nov 2009 6:56 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well, you should run away:)
    Just kidding, anyway, I'm glad Severus is becoming his usual perceptive self. 10 points to Slytherin for noting the obvious! Bad Umbridge, I think she should be punished (sooner rather than later) by turning her kittens on her.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe, oh, I’m gone ^^

    Lol, and I think he should be glad of those ten points too, slytherins are supposed to be perceptive aren’t they ^^ (unfortunately he has that huge blind spot called Harry ^^) ooh, I like that idea, ten points to you too, turning her kittens on her would be the kind of cute but horrifying end she deserves... maybe I should just get McGonagall to turn into a cat and eat the toad huh ^^

Title: Chapter 10 26 Nov 2009 11:37 am
Reviewer: Sleeping Soundly (Signed) [Report This]
    That was a cliffie! But it was a very good one - I may not always like them but that one was definitely needed for this chapter ...
    But I'm beginning to get seriously creeped out now - I know that I really don't want to know what Umbridge has done and why, but there's some part of me that has a morbidly fascinated desire to find out - it's like in a horror movie - when you know there's something horrible behind the door, but you're still desperate to open it and see it for yourself ...
    This story is very clever. I like it a lot!
    Plus, I like the points idea! My assumption this time is that the 'weeping words' on Harry's back have some connection to occlumency, which implies that Umbridge has been trying to glean information off Harry - or that she's maybe trying to impress her own beliefs on him through that medium ... too extravagant? :D Thank you so much for updating!

    Author's Response:

    Oh good, at least if I’m going to make you wait I’m doing it in an impressive kinda way ^^ (bet that doesn’t help all that much though huh) – and you’re right, it didn’t seem the kind of chapter that could end with ‘and then he went to sleep and everything sucked a bit’ (not that many chapters should end like that... of anything ^^) aww thank you so much!  Usually I don’t think I’d be so happy that it sounds like I’ve thoroughly creeped you out but you said it in such a lovely way I cant help feeling flattered ^^ - don’t worry, I’ll give fair warning when the door’s about to open ^^ ... *boo*... see... I can be scary... I CAN... *pokes out tongue* (see, I really don’t think you’ll be scared... unless that did scare you in which case Im sorry! *hands you muffin and pats you on the back* don’t be scared ^^)

    Thanks!  Although you should probably tell EllaEleniel that because I got the idea of points from her fic on ff.net, I absolutely loved the idea and couldn’t help wanting to try it too (I’ve just given so many muffins I needed a new idea... *gives you muffins*... see, I cant stop! ^^)

    And no, certainly not too extravagant at all!  Your idea’s a very good one and so very very close... but then, I’m not finished yet (don’t worry, not very much torture at all left but there will be the tiniest bit... with lots of warning of course... and a purpose... and then fluff! ^^) – I’ll add your points to the tally ^^ (and an extra one for leaving one of the nicest reviews I got for my scary chapter ^^)

    Thank you so much for reviewing ^^ Have fun and hope you like the next update(s) ^^

Title: Chapter 10 26 Nov 2009 10:21 am
Reviewer: mithrilandtj (Signed) [Report This]
    THAT BITCH!!! A quick death is too good for her!!
    I'm surprised Harry hasn't died of blood loss yet.
    When is Snape gonna get off his bat arse and DO SOMETHING!!!

    Author's Response:

    Haha, yep she is that huh ^^ Oh, a quick death would be merciful when Snape finds out (even when McGonagall finds out... no one will be impressed believe me... not that I think Umbridge is doing what she’s doing to impress them ^^)

    NO, not blood loss... though he can’t have a whole heap left I suppose (*checks on him as he hides in my wardrobe*... nope, he’s fine for another two chapters ^^)

    Hehehe, oh, Snape has a bat ass (*acts incredibly immature... imagine that! ^^*) – don’t worry, he’s getting there, he just likes taking his sweet time ^-^ - I think you’ll like the next few chapters though ^^ look out for the updates and have fun ^^

Title: Chapter 10 26 Nov 2009 7:55 am
Reviewer: Jennifer (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Holy Heck!!!! Intense!!! Speechless!!! Love it!!!! Can't wait for more!!!!

    Author's Response: Wow thanks so much!!!! ^^ reviews like this leave me grinning, thank you ^^ *throws muffins at- ... to you ^^* thanks!  Hope you like the next few ^^

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