Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 4 12 Nov 2009 4:17 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    I didn't find any errors distrated me from the story. I think I am too busy being depressed for Harry's circumstances. Snape and Umbridge probably have a club during meetings of which, they come up with more ways to torture the 'Boy Who Lived to Serve Their Sadistic Needs'.

    Draco... Hmm, I don't mind Draco being included as long as he isn't turned into A slytherin angel. He's a horror to rival Snape and he should remain so. Another oen who can torture Harry.

    You even have McGonagall being painful and only thinking of herself and the verbal bollocking Severus can serve up to her. She naturally seems to assume that Harry deserves these detentions, even though she knows it is Snape (whom she has always known hates Harry with a vengeance) and Umbridge (whose job it is to bring Harry and Dumbledore down). So, Harry has no allies on staff at all.

    Dumbledore may be keeping his distance from Harry, but he must know what is going on, and if he could not interfere with Umbridges plans, he could have spoken to Snape and told him to pull his head in. But of course, then the story wouldn't be what you have planned.

    I am so glad to see that you have Ron being so supportive. He is always overlooked to make Hermione the most helpful of Harry's friends. I have always found that very annoying, particularly in the movies. Poor old Rupert Grint is usually relegated to about the same billing as and has about the same amount of screen time as Tom Felton. Emma often gets more screen time than Dan. And haven't I gone off on a tangent? Sorry. I just wanted to say, 'go Ron'.


    Author's Response:

    Wow, such a huge review! Thank you! And I'm so glad the chapter was'nt full of errors, I overedit because of my fear of that so I'm glad it's at least working ^^ although Harry's depression is a good distraction from the writing itself huh ^^  Hehe, I do kind of suggest as much dont I? but then you have to keep in mind that no matter how awful Snape is, he is part of the order so overall he has the best interests of everyone at heart *coughbullshitcough* ^^

    Aww now who's cruel?! hehe, well Draco will be Draco, he's definitely no angel but at the same time, well there's more to him than mindless evil too.  But then, he still wont tell me for sure if he wants to be a part of this fic or not beyond flitting in and out occasionally... perhaps he has commitment issues? hehe ^^, imagine!  And he always seemed so loyal! *cough...* ^-^

    McGonagall.  Hmm.  Well, she is a bit distant I always thought, for a head of house I mean.  Not exactly 'in the fold' in terms of house society is she?  I think she isnt so much for these detentions as she is unaware of them for the most part.  And Harry can be very disobedient when he wants to be (in her mind at least).  Shame he didnt just let the hat put him in Slytherin.  For all his faults Sev's always been much more... observant.  As he'll prove here ^^.

    And Dumbledore, another interesting one - you sure know where to focus your questions, well done ^^, keeping me on my toes ^^ - be reassured, he would stop the detentions if he knew what was going on, he's not sadistic so much as keeping a 'safe' distance.  But then, you employ someone as a teacher of minors, you dont expect the employee to be mortally wounding them, no matter how toadlike they may be.  And with Snape, well we all know he does tell him that there's more to Harry than he thinks, but will Snape listen?  *hits Sev upside the head* too bloody stubborn TT

    I think with Ron and Hermione, well Hermione's always gonna be more demonstrative and affectionate physically 'cos she's a girl - not being a boy I may be wrong but I've always thought that girls are just far more huggy and stuff you know? - but that doesnt mean Ron doesnt care and when they live together and sleep in the same room and have done everynight for 5 years, well I just think the bond between them is going to be strong.  I dont think Ron's always given enough credit, he may not know all that Harry's been through or always understand why he acts the way he does but he is a good person, he's not about to ignore his best friend you know?  And I agree with you about the movies, but then that's politics in a way - there are so many more male characters than female, the ones they do have have to be played up as much as possible or we'd be off on a tangent about equality instead ^-^ (and what a fun tangent it is ^-^)  Go Ron indeed ^-^



Title: Chapter 3 12 Nov 2009 3:45 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    I always felt that Sirius'words in this scene in OOTP were unforgivable. It is the one time that I truly disliked Sirius. It was the last thing Harry needed to hear and in this story, he is much more insecure and full of self-loathing, so the words are even more devastating in their impact upon Harry.

    Glad you showed this scene, but poor Harry will be so much more susceptible now.

    Author's Response:

    Oh I know!  Sirius sure knows how to be horrible and I always felt that as awesome as JK is, she never explored the full psychological effects of such things which is unfortunate... but then I'm sure she didnt want to turn 7 adventure books into a 20 tome study of the human mind so there we go ^^

    Hehe, yeah, because that was really what I needed... a Harry that was more susceptible... oh, I am awful arent I?

Title: Chapter 2 12 Nov 2009 2:40 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    I wonder why it is that the more abused and miserable we can make Harry, we writers and our readers couldn't be happier. LOL.

    Snape is as foul as he can be, Harry is as miserable and I imagine when Umbridge appears again, she will be evil personified.

    Looking forward to seeing what happens, though I despair for Harry's sanity.

    Author's Response:

    Haha you're not wrong ^^ ficcers are terrible people... up until that bit in all good fics where Snape realises Harry's adorable and the fluff begins ^^ - to be fair though, Harry is very easy to abuse and make miserable, and with his tendency to secrecy and all, well, who can resist? ^^

    oooh, right on all three counts ^^, yup, foul snape, miserable harry and evil toads abound in this one, and your fears for harry's sanity arent misplaced either... should be a fun ride though ^^ hope you enjoy it ^^



Title: Chapter 1 12 Nov 2009 1:24 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Don't quite know what to say. Excellent writing, BTW, nothing to criticise there, but the subject matter is very depressing. even when he is being well behaved, he is going to be punished.

    As this is a Snape/Harry story, I hope the torture doesn't go on too long before there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Though I know you warned us that the ride will be rocky.


    Author's Response:

    Thank you! Hmm, depressing is probably being kind but yeah Harry's not gonna be having fun for a bit.

    Oh, there's always light at the end of the tunnel!  It's just, um, a bit small right now...

    Hehehe rocky, another wonderfully misleading word... yes, the ride will be rocky, a bit.  (and this week is a tad warm too ^^)

    Thanks for continuing to read despite it though, hope you wont be too... umm, traumatised, by the end ^-^

Title: Chapter 8 10 Nov 2009 10:34 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I've really loved the last two chapters, especially how concerned and protective Ron and Hermione are. You know, I think we're all anticipating Umbridge being found out and getting her come-uppance (hopefully something painful and humiliating) and thinking that Severus and perhaps Dumbledore might be the ones to go after her...but after this chapter I could also imagine Ron and Hermione wanting to exact justice for Harry's sake, too.

    I'm glad that Severus has realized that Harry is ill and sent to Madame Pomfrey...I hope she realizes how hurt and wounded Harry is; she strikes me as being the type that not much gets by her, so I'm hopeful. And it was a nice little teensy step for Severus; he doesn't like Harry yet, but he does see that he receives care, even though Sev is as snide as always while doing it, lol!

    I'm really looking forward to the next chapter! Hmm, got anything chocolate?

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!  I do love protective friends, I have one or two and thought it only fair Harry did too, he definitely needs them and if you risk your lives together year after year I presume going through a school year together would seem fairly simple by comparison ^-^ definitely nothing Ron or Hermione would shy away from anyway.  Hehe yeah, I think it’s only fair Umbridge’s uppance comes from every direction possible ^-^  She definitely deserves something as imaginative as her own methods ^-^

    Mmm, Poppy is very perceptive, but then also very busy.  A kind woman (well, my Poppy is at least, I do like introducing caring characters don’t I? That bad? ^-^) and motherly but a little... well, you’ll see I suppose.  She will stumble on something though.  I’ll try to update the next few chapters quickly just because the waiting between them may get a little unbearable if I don’t ^-^

    And he wouldn’t be Snape if he wasn’t snide! ^^ at least until he discovers a reason to stop being like that *wink wink* ^^ - snidey snarky Snapey, I can’t wait for... I think it’s chapter ten, ‘til then, I hope the tension doesn’t make anyone explode or anything ^^

    Oh, very remiss of me, *showers you with chocolate muffins, chocolate chips and double chocolate mudcake with hot chocolate*  More?

Title: Chapter 8 10 Nov 2009 10:08 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Will someone finally figure out what's going on with Harry? It's killing me!
    He's so lost and Snape is so clueless...dang it, he's a spy, notice something Severus! (Can I have my blueberry now? But I want hot chocolate...it's fall here and getting cold).

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!!!  Oh, I’m sorry, have a muffin *gives you a life-saving muffin* hold on just a little longer, I’m sorry I drag out the drama so, bad habit ^-^ If it helps, anyone who knows me knows that I tend to wait until the last second and make it as... uh, visually powerful as I can ^^ you’ll see ^^

    And what a wonderful description, he’s a very lost boy right now... and Snape is remarkably clueless for a spy, but then he is in canon for quite a few years so perhaps it’s not such a surprise (he will be slightly smarter in this though, he just likes to stubbornly take his time *glares at sev* ^^)

    Oh, my apologies *gives you muffins filled to bursting with blueberries and a super huge mug of hot chocolate* - you can have all the hot chocolate I have, it’s too hot here to want any, I’d give you are heatwave if I could (and don’t hesitate to send your cold weather here ^^, remind me why I’m living in Australia again?... oh right, born here... damn ^^)

    Have fun and warm up (kick some autumn leaves for me ^^) x

Title: Chapter 8 10 Nov 2009 7:23 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    OOh, I hope that he does go see Pomfrey and gets some help. I guess hat this is Snape's way of doing that.

    Great chappie. I can't wait for the next chapter. I hope that Snape eventually softens up and helps Harry with the toad lady.

    Author's Response:

    Oh don’t think I’m through just yet ^-^ - Snape will have a much larger part in proceedings than ordering Harry about... well, sort of ^^

    Thanks so much, there is much more h/ccc to come, I’ve barely begun ^-^

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 8 10 Nov 2009 3:45 pm
Reviewer: mithrilandtj (Signed) [Report This]
    Curious to find out what Poppy says about Harry's injuries. Will she know what caused them or will she ask Snape about it?

    Author's Response:

    Ah, well we’ll just have to wait and see won’t we ^-^ Poppy does have a tendency to shed light on things though... even if she doesn’t realise it at the time ^-^

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 8 10 Nov 2009 2:48 pm
Reviewer: B00kw0rm92 (Signed) [Report This]
    This story is soooooooooo good!!! Poor, poor, poor Harry! I can't wait for the next chapter!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you soooooo much! ^-^ that’s really sweet, and Harry’s gonna get a bit poorer yet... if that made any sense ^^

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 8 10 Nov 2009 11:32 am
Reviewer: Sleeping Soundly (Signed) [Report This]
    Spring?! I wish spring would hurry up for us - it's bitingly cold where I am and there's giant clouds on the horizan that simply scream 'rain'!
    Anyhow - that was brilliant. I'm quite happy to wait out this lull because I know that the development of character that will be made during it will make the storm that much better! Thanks for updating!

    Author's Response:

    Oh you lucky lucky thing, please send some our way!  Two weeks of 39 degrees, I’m melting TT

    Thanks so much ^^ and hopefully the storm will be quite epic when it comes... not long now ^-^

    Have fun (and keep warm... I cant believe I’m saying that ^-^ it’s just so hot TT) x

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